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Alaska Phenological Study

Student(s):Karly Sena and Ian Stormont
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Tim Lundt
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Air Temperature, Precipitation, Clouds, Green-Up / Green-Down
Date Submitted:05/02/2013
Screen capture from presentation
In this Alaska Phenology study an answer to the questions "Can moisture content of Alaska Paper Birch (Betula neoalaskana) buds be used to predict when buds will burst? Does weather and temperature dictate budburst?" is sought. Buds are collected and weighed immediately after collection and after forty eight hours of being in a drying oven. The weight of the wet and dried buds allows for a calculation of moisture content. Using a weather station, access to temperature and cloud and cover readings weather is monitored. Using these variables of moisture content and weather and temperature a prediction is made on the budburst date (budburst being defined as the emergence of tiny leaves from buds on 3 locations on the tree).


Very interesting project. What other variables do you think might be important? For example, sunshine to warm the actual buds themselves seems like it might be a factor.
Like Lin suggested, very interesting project. What motivated you to research this relationship? Were you surprised with anything you found during your experiment?
Karly and Ian - Nice work! I know you are out of school now, but do you know when budburst did occur?