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Domed Stadiums: A Comparative Study

Student(s):Davontre Cohen
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Steven Frantz
Report Type(s):
Date Submitted:05/03/2013
This project is titled " DOMED STADIUMS: COMPARATIVE STUDY" and the project is about why doesn't N.F.L. domed stadiums have a black top. The reason why this project can help is to save money cause of heating and cooling. This project was very difficult first it was hard to come up with a title. Then it was hard find material to build the domed stadiums. After that the problem was to get a way to take temperatures. An infrared thermometer was used to take the surface temperatures. Then in middle of taking the data on day three one of the domes had fallen over so it had to rebuild again. Finally, type up the results and it should work all out.


Hi Davontre.
My students enjoyed your project.
What college will you play football for?
Will you retest your domes in a different season?
Hey Davontre,
I really liked your project! It seemed like a fun expiriment, but your results made me think a little bit harder.
Do you think that this applies to houses as well? The reason i am asking this is because i've noticed that places like Bermuda and Greece have white, flat roofs and places like Akron, Ohio have various darker and steeper roofs.
Also, do you think that the shape of the dome would be a good expirimental variable that you or someone who was continuing this expiriment would be interested in testing?
Thanks for your time.
Interesting project!

What led you to choose color of the dome as your variable of interest?

If you were to do this study again, what would you do differently? Are there any other variables you would test?
Hi Davontre.
My name is Joe. If the dome was in warmer climate, what color of dome would you use? Black would be really hot. Would yellow be a better color?
What position do you play?
We enjoyed your project.

What a creative idea for an experiment.

I'm a bit confused about some of the details. What was the control? Why didn't you include the control in the plot of results for 8th period?

In your graph of 4th period results, black is the coldest and white the warmest. Is that correct?

On day 1, 8th period, the temperatures measured for black vary from 1.8ºC to 10.1ºC; what do you think caused such a wide range of values? This set shows a wider range than all the others.
Davontre - I love that you took something you love (football) and investigated it! I think this leads to the best kinds of projects.

My question is more focused on future research - what other kinds of studies could you do related to football?

I look forward to reading your answer! Nice work!