19th GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting and 3rd Student Research Exhibition
The city of Los Angeles was home to 225 members of the GLOBE Community from 19-24 July as the location of the 19th GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting and the 3rd Student Research Exhibition. While much of California baked in the hot summer sun during the worst drought in California's recorded history, GLOBE students, teachers, partners, and scientists kept themselves refreshed with conversations and presentations about citizen science, new data apps, regional events and collaborations, and cool ways they've been celebrating GLOBE's 20th Anniversary.
First to arrive were the sponsors and members of the GLOBE Working Groups who help guide GLOBE development in Education, Evaluation, Science, and Technology. They met prior to the official beginning of the meeting on Sunday, 19 July, for a day-long session on a variety of programmatic topics. On Monday, they reported on progress made after their first year in operation. Afternoon sessions presented a wide range of options to choose from, including "What's New on the Website" and "What's Coming, Highlighting the Strengths of Different Languages and Cultures in GLOBE," "Online GLOBE Professional Development Models and GLOBE", and "NGSS and Common Core." A full description of all presentations, as well as actual program presentations, can be found here.
The meeting has evolved over the last several years to include students and teachers: this year 29 U.S. and 29 international students attended. After presenting the research they had been engaged in during the school year, students from the United States, Peru, Taiwan, Croatia, and Thailand elected to take part in the GLOBE Learning Experience at Wrigley Marine Research Center on Catalina Island. They were instructed by an energetic cohort of Los Angeles GLOBE teachers and Wrigley staff in a full agenda of marine science activities during the two days on the island. Immersed in the chilly water in wet suits or kayaking on the surface of the bay, the students used GLOBE data collection protocols to monitor tide pools and collect and analyze ocean water. They also performed fish counts inside the marine protected area. On land, they collected and analyzed soil samples. In the evenings, they headed out to the mud flats to search for fiddler crabs, all this while quickly becoming friends. They had a fantastic time in a pristine environment far from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. The adults back in Los Angeles were able to observe the students on their first afternoon on the island, through a live interactive online hookup.
The 4.5-day-long event took place at the Hilton Universal City Hotel in North Hollywood. GIO staff had re-created the Hollywood Walk of Fame to honor outstanding schools, countries, and individuals attending the event. GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) Director Dr. Tony Murphy maintained the Hollywood theme by showing historic videos that helped launch the Program in 1995. Participants engaged in field studies in Hydrosphere using inquiry as well as the SMAP protocol and its connection to satellite missions and campaigns. The entire week was filled with presentations and breakout sessions, which can be found in the Detailed Program. The final dinner on Thursday evening was a special event for which participants turned out in their traditional/best dress. Photos from various sources are being collected and will soon be available on the GLOBE website. (Check back here for news that will be posted as soon as that is accomplished.)
GIO wishes to thank our host in Los Angeles, GLOBE Partner Mr. Henry Ortiz, and his team for their outstanding efforts to make this meeting a success. Appreciation also to our Sponsors: Ming Ying Wei (NASA), Jill Karsten (NSF), and Supporters John McLaughlin (NOAA) and Farhan Aktar of the U.S. State Department. To all our sponsors, supporters, and to the many wonderful people who journeyed to Los Angeles to join us in this 20th Anniversary Year celebration, we wish to say thank you and see you next year!
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office