2017 International Virtual Science Symposium
2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
The 2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium is now complete. We encourage you to view the 147 student projects submitted from all six GLOBE regions. We would also like to say thank you to all the judges who helped score the projects. To see individual results, click on the name of the report and then the school page to see which virtual badges were awarded. Individual results were emailed to each entrant.
Information about the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium will be shared as it becomes available. Check back at globe.gov/science-symposium for updates.
Drawing Results 
Each eligible project (a project that received a 4-star Student Research Badge and two additional badges) was entered into a drawing to receive a stipend to help offset the costs of attending the GLOBE 2017 Annual Meeting in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. The drawing took place on 15 May 2017 and a recording can be viewed here.
Two teams from the U.S. and two from schools outside the U.S. were selected. The projects and schools are:
Student Project: “Why Doesn’t Grass Grow on our Playground?”
Teacher: Marcy Burns
School: Main Street Intermediate School
Location: Norwalk, Ohio
Student Project: “How Do the Species of Macroinvertebrates in the Boulder Creek Compare with the Water Chemistry of the Stream?”
Teacher: Bill Meyers
School: Alexander Dawson School
Location: Lafayette, Colorado
Student Project: “Global Warming and His Actions in Maximal and Minimal Temperature Variations on the Continent”
Teacher: Michel Pedurand
School: Lycée Bernard PALISSY
Location: AGEN Aquitaine, France
Student Project: “Checking the Validity and the Quality of Wells’ Water in Jabel Al-Mukkaber Area”
Teacher: Nour Bakri
School: Al Faruk Elementary School Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Congratulations! We look forward to seeing you in New Haven, Connecticut this summer.
The GLOBE Program is pleased to announce the 2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium for students around the world. With GLOBE, students learn the practices of science through hands-on investigations in their own communities, sparking their curiosity and interest in science. This often leads to inquiries that help solve real-world problems and further understanding of our global environment. Now it's time for your students to show the world what they've learned!
Notice the name change? Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to see why!
Keep checking back to this page to see more news and instructions!
The 2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium takes place online, and K-16 students from a GLOBE school in any GLOBE country may participate. GLOBE students use the GLOBE data they entered into the database and should collaborate with scientists, including STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) professionals who are part of the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN). This is a great opportunity for students to practice the skills they've learned through their involvement in The GLOBE Program and apply them to address real-world problems. It can be hard work, but the excitement that comes with discovery and new insights makes it worthwhile.
Every project that is submitted will be hosted on the Student Research Reports section and students will receive virtual badges to reward them for their work. There is no limit to the number of entries per student or per school and there is no limit to the number of students per project.
View past projects in the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair.
Webinar announcement:
"2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium Informational Webinar"
Dr. Julie Malmberg of the GLOBE Implementation Office and Matt Silberglitt of WestEd hosted an informational webinar on 19 October 2016. The webinar covered the instructions, badges, rubrics, and guidelines for the science symposium.
Uploading Reports
Student reports are accepted from 03 January 2017 until 03 April 2017. Click on the "Upload Your Research Report" button above to add your report. Make sure to select "International Virtual Science Symposium" as the type of report and to select up to three optional badges.
- Rubric comment period 01 August 2016 - 31 August 2016
- Informational Webinar 19 October 2016, 10:00 am MT/12:00 pm ET
- Rubrics posted 04 November 2016
- K-4 (Lower Primary) Webinar (recording) 07 December 2016, 10:00 am MT/12:00 pm ET
- Badges Informational Webinar (recording) - 18 January 2017, 11:00 am MT/1:00 pm ET
- Reports accepted for submission from 03 Jan 2017 to 03 April 2017
- Reports and presentations due by 03 April 2017
- Informational Webinar for Judges - 20 April 2017, 10:00 am MT/12:00 pm ET
- Judging and comment period 23 - 29 April 2017
- Scores and badges announced via a live drawing on 15 May 2017, 9:00 am MT/11:00 am ET/3:00 pm UTC