GLOBE Teacher Survey - Content

2015-2016 GLOBE Teacher Survey Results

The GLOBE Evaluation Working Group conducted a survey that was sent to GLOBE teachers. The results from this survey, along with the results from the Annual Partner Survey, provide the GLOBE Program with information as to how to better support teachers.

Background: The survey was first sent in 2015, to the GLOBE Regional Coordination Offices and GLOBE teachers directly. It was re-sent again in 2016, with a total of 339 responses collected.

Purpose: To find out how the program actually works in schools, from teachers that use GLOBE in their classrooms.


Click to access report

Report includes:
• the status of GLOBE in schools: successes, barriers, and challenges;
• valuable aspects of the program;
• fit of the program in the curriculum—incorporation in the instruction process;
• evaluation tools used;
• outcomes teachers want to be able to document;
• outcomes that teachers have seen from implementing GLOBE;
• types of support needed to better implement GLOBE;
• types of support needed to better assess the effectiveness of GLOBE; and
• demographic data about the teachers.

We want to hear from you!

The Evaluation Working Group would like to hear from you. Please email with the following:

  • existing student assessment and program evaluation tools that can be shared with other members of the GLOBE community; and
  • existing data that partners have from studies on program effectiveness, including both short-term results (for example, student gains in learning, interests, motivation, and social-emotional development, or teacher outcomes) and longitudinal studies (for example, related to improved graduation rates, entry to post-secondary education, and career-related outcomes).