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Schools with Many Measurements

Schools with Many Measurements

The table below tracks the approximate number of measurements submitted by each GLOBE school with at least 500 data submissions. These schools are then separated into numerical categories depending on the school's overall measurement submission count. Keep in mind that there is no time frame specified for the data measurements in this table, as it accounts for all the measurements a school has submitted since it joined the program. Keep in mind that the methodology used to account for automated measurements is the same one that's used to handle GLOBE Honor Rolls calculations. 

Learn more about how the GLOBE Honor Roll is calculated


Data Count Range Number of Schools

Updated: Feb. 17, 2025



school Approximate Number of Measurements
16th Secondary Scool At Qassim900
1st Lyceum of Haidari700
3.zakladni skola800
4J Schools500
94. Mittelschule500
Abdallah Ibn El Hussain For Girls800
Abingdon Elementary School500
A.B. McDonald Elementary School800
Academy Of the Holy Names900
Acalanes High School900
Achimota School600
Adam Wodziczka Complex of Schools in Mosina500
Agial Junior High School700
Aikin Elementary, New Caney500
Ajyal Elementary School700
AL aqeeq international School for boys at ALmedina700
Albayrone Elementary School500
Alcolu Elementary School700
Aldgate Primary School900
alesteglal secondary school600
Alhareth bin Malek School700
Alhasan albasry basic school700
Al Hekma Elementary School800
Al Hidd Girls Secondary School800
Al-Husain School for Girls900
Alkesaye Secondary School at Al-Khobar500
Allentown High School700
Alley Pond Environmental Center600
Allgood Elementary School600
Al Majd Junior High School700
Alma Middle School700
Al Mustakbal Junior High School700
Al Nahda Junior High School800
Al-Quds Secondary School at Riyadh700
Al Razi High School800
Al-razi junior high school600
Al Rish Secondary Girls School at Muhayil Assir800
AL Saad Middle School700
Al Sawahreh Prep Girls'School500
Al Suqa Intermediate School at Abha500
Alta Sierra Intermediate School600
Amal kfar yona700
American Cooperative School of La Paz600
American Union Elementary School600
Ames Middle School600
Amit Dvir Junior High School700
Amman Academy800
Andover Elementary School900
Antelope Valley Schools600
Anthony Wayne High School500
Antioch High School600
Anttolan Ala-Aste700
Apple Grove Elementary School700
Ardtornish Primary School700
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts600
Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center900
Arlington Middle School500
Armadale Primary School500
Aronahteen Lukio700
Arwa Bint Kuraiz intermediate Girls School at Al-Baha900
Asbury School (USALEUR8)800
Ashimori Junior High School500
Astoria High School600
Astrid Lindgren Primary School in Dabrowa900
Athens Academy600
Auburn Land Lab700
Aurea E. Quiles900
Austria Citizen Science800
Avery Elementary-Junior High School600
Aviston Elementary School600
Avondale Elementary School900
Badger Road Elementary School500
Baguinet Centre (GNGN3IYT)700
Bahrain Citizen Science800
Ballance School900
Ban Don School500
Ban Ka Lhim School800
Ban Kamala (Ratchprachanuklok 36)900
Banmodtanoy school900
Banpotwittaya school600
Ban Thum Kob900
Baptist High School500
Barkley Bridge Elementary School600
Bathurst High School500
Bawku Secondary School900
Baxter County Alternative School800
Bayswater School800
Bay-Waveland Middle School500
BB Comer Memorial Elementary School700
Beaufort Academy700
Beechwood Public School500
Beekmantown Senior High School600
Belle Rose SSS600
Belmont Elementary School800
Benalla 31 Primary School800
Bennington Grade School800
Bentley Elementary School800
Ben Zvi Elementary School600
Berenda Elementary School700
Berufskolleg fuer Gestaltung und Technik900
Beverley Manor Middle School700
B.F. Liddell Middle School500
Bigfork High School700
Bin Othimeen Secondary School at Onaizah500
Birchwood School600
Bishop Denis J. O'Connell High School500
Bishop Union High School600
Bjorksatraskolan 6-9900
Blaine Elementary School900
Blayney High School800
Blue Creek Elementary600
Blue Mountain Union School500
Blue Ridge School900
Boaz Middle School900
Bob Courtway Middle School500
Boerde-Gymnasium Wanzleben500
Bolivia Citizen Science500
Booneville Middle School500
Boonsboro Elementary School800
Bowling Green State University GLOBE v-School600
Box Elder Public School800
BRGORG 22700
Briarcliff Middle School800
Bristol Grade School700
Broadway High School800
Broken Hill High School600
Bryant Middle School800
Bshamoun Public High School600
BTC Govt. Model Girls Senior Secondary School Nurpur500
Buddy Taylor Middle School800
Builta Elementary School700
Bulgaria Citizen Science700
Bullsbrook District High School600
Bunbury Catholic College600
Burton Geo-World Magnet700
Butte Creek Elementary School900
Byron Bay High School800
Cabot Junior High600
Calamus-Wheatland High School500
Calhoun Street Elementary School500
California University Of Pennsylvania500
Calvary Christian School500
Campbellsburg Elementary School700
Camp Discovery600
Cannon School/Cabarrus Academy500
Cantaleum Zürich AG900
Canutillo High School700
Canyon Weather500
Caprivi Senior Secondary School800
Cardinal Gibbons High School500
Carey Junior High School500
Cartersville Elementary School900
Caseville Public School500
Casey-Westfield Junior High School500
Castleknock College600
Cavite National Science High School600
Caxton College800
CCEE Toamasina600
Cedar Grove Middle School500
CEG1 Dassa700
CEG Nikki800
CEIP La Pasada700
CEIP Taibique800
CEM Syer III500
Centennial High School500
Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies500
Central Middle School (USIAUPJN)800
Central Primary School800
Central School500
Chaffee Zoological Gardens500
Challis Middle School500
Chamberlain Middle School500
Chambersburg Area Senior High School500
Charles F. Patton Middle School900
Charleston High School700
Chase County Elementary School800
Chernihiv Regional Young Naturalists Station800
Cherry Hill High School West500
Chesterfield Elementary School800
Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School700
Chippewa Junior High School900
Christ Church CofE VA School600
Church of England Girls' Grammar School500
Churchville Middle School600
City Honors School800
City Of Knowledge School600
CJD Christophorusschule Berchtesgaden500
Clanton Elementary School600
Clayton High/Middle School700
Clifton Elementary School500
Clonard College700
Coal Creek Elementary900
Cobb School600
CO de Vouvry900
Coffman Middle School900
Co/ Hermann Gmeiner School600
Colegio Albert Einstein600
Colegio de la Asuncion900
Colegio Lincoln International Academy800
Colegio Madres Dominicas600
Colégio Militar do Recife700
Colegio Presbiteriano Pablo Casasus700
Colegio San Miguel Arcángel800
Coleman Junior High School500
Colfax Elementary School800
Collège André LAHAYE600
College Bissikrima800
College Charles III700
Collège de Barétous500
Collège de Saint Etienne de Cuines600
Collège des Terreaux700
Collège Jules FERRY500
College/Lycee De Tougue500
College Sannou600
Collierville Middle School600
Colorado Rocky Mountain School700
Columbia High/Middle School500
Complex of Schools in Bratkowice500
Complex of Schools no 1 in Otwock900
Complex of Schools No 2 Hetmana St. Czarnieckiego in Włoszczowa600
Complex of Schools No 2 in Rumia500
Comprehensive High School of Arts and Sciences500
Conemaugh Valley Jr./Sr. High School900
Congin Elementary School600
Connally High School500
Conrad Weiser Middle School (GLIDPYZA)900
Conville Primary School600
Corner Elementary School800
Cornerstone School (USNH44O5)500
Cory Elementary School700
Covenant Day School700
Cowan Community Junior/Senior High School500
CP Molino de Viento900
CP Ramon y Cajal500
Cross Creek Charter Academy600
Cuba High School800
Cummings Elementary500
Curry Rivel Primary School700
Cyprus Citizen Science800
Czech Republic Citizen Science800
Czech Republic GLOBE v-School600
Daejeon Baeul Elementary School600
Daejeon Tanbang Middle School700
Dallas Environmental Science Academy500
David Lipscomb Elementary600
Davidson Elementary School800
David Wooster Middle School800
Davis Senior High School500
Dayanand Bal Mandir500
Del Oro High School800
Delsea Middle School700
Denali Elementary School800
Dendron Secondary School500
Denmark Citizen Science900
Denton High School700
Desmet Public School District #20700
Dirranbandi P 10 Campus700
Discovery High School900
Dominican Republic Citizen Science800
Don-Bosco-Gymnasium Essen800
Dongsuwon Middle School600
Dorothy Pullen Elementary500
Dover District High School500
Drinkwater Elementary School500
Driver Primary School500
Dr. Jose N. Gandara600
Dr Pedro Albizu Campos800
Dr. Rafael L. Sicardo Community School800
Dryden Junior-Senior High School500
Dumas High School900
Dunbar Magnet Middle School800
Eagle Creek Elementary School800
East Elementary School600
East Naples Middle School600
East School900
Eastwood Middle School (USOHQA8J)500
Eclipse Data Collectors800
Ecole Saint-Charles600
Ecole Sainte Marie800
EEM N° 439 "Dr. Melitón Francisco Hierro"600
Ehud Manor Elementary School (ILILQ9FU)900
Eichold-Mertz Elementary500
Eid ungdomsskole (12-16)800
Eilaboun Junior High School800
El Centro Elementary School700
Elementary School in Lyna500
Elementary School No 12 in Elbląg500
Elementary School No 19 in Elbląg500
Elementary school No. 67 im. kpt. ż. w. T. Ziółkowskiego500
Elizabeth City Middle School600
Elk Grove High700
Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve GLOBE v-School600
Elkins Middle School (USWVXDPA)500
Ellison Public School700
Ell - Saline MS/SR High School800
Elly-Heuss-Knapp Schule900
Elm City Middle700
Elmwood Elementary School600
Elmwood Jr./Sr. High School700
El Salvador Citizen Science800
Eltham High School500
Elva Lynch Elementary School800
Elverum videregaende skole500
Enka Middle School500
Environmental And Adventure School500
EPS Yverdon Pestalozzi500
Erie High School500
Eroni Alef Ashkelon High School600
Esc. Manuel Ruiz Gandia800
Escola Municipal Ceará500
Esc. Sec. Dna. Núm. 267 "Teodoro Flores"600
Esc. Superior Manuel Ramos Hernandez600
Escuela de Biología Marina y Laboratorista500
Escuela de Educación Secundaria Orientada N°241 "John F. Kennedy"700
Escuela de los Amigos de Monteverde600
Escuela Intermedia Luis Mu?oz Marin600
Escuela Juan Cancio Ortiz500
Escuela No. 309500
Escuela S.U. Ana Dalila Burgos Ortiz800
Escuela University Gardens600
Escuela Zoilo Ferrero500
Espinosa Kuilan900
Etelanummen ylaaste600
Euclid High School700
Eufaula High School700
Eugenio Maria De Hostos500
Eureka Springs Middle School700
Evans Academy IPS 11900
Evansdale Elementary School900
Evergreen Charter School800
Excellent High School600
Faculty of Science and Techology. Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University800
Fairplay M.S.600
Farley Elementary School500
Farm Cove Intermediate500
Farmingville Elementary School700
Farrer Middle School600
Fayetteville Christian School800
Fayetteville High School700
Federal Government College Ilorin600
Federal Government Girls College, Calabar500
Federal Hocking Middle School500
Ferry Elementary School500
Field Elementary School900
Fifth Secondary Scool At Yanbu500
Findlay High School600
Florence Nightingale Elementary School500
Floyd Bennett Ecology Village (Gateway National Recreation Area)800
Fogelsville Elementary School900
Fonda - Fultonville Central Elementary School800
Foothill Middle School500
Foshay Learning Center700
Francis Case Elementary School800
Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School900
Francisco Ramos700
Francis Howell Middle School700
Francis Howell North High School900
Franklin Knight Lane High School500
Frank V Bergman Elementary School900
Fred C. Wescott Junior High School900
Frederick Douglass Elementary School700
Frenchtown Elementary And Junior High Schools700
Friedrich-Schleiermann-Gymnasium Niesky800
Frostwood Elementary School900
F.S. Ervin Elementary School600
Ft. Towson Public Schools900
Galtier Math, Science And Technology Magnet School800
Garrison Elementary School500
Garysburg Elementary School800
G.B.H.S. Mbengwi500
GBHS Nkambe600
GEL Gouvon700
Gentry Middle School900
Georgetown High School500
Gesamtschule Bergheim600
Gesamtschule Schüpberg800
Ghana National College600
Giessen High School800
Gimle skule600
Gimnazija dr. Mate Ujevića, Imotski600
Gimnazija in srednja šola Rudolfa Maistra Kamnik500
Gimnazium in Nawojowa700
Gimnazium ks. J. Twardowskiego in Stary Cykarzew500
Gimnazium M. Kopernika in Sierpc900
Gimnazium No 1 in Kalisz500
Gimnazjum St. Kard. Wyszynskiego in Zielonka900
Gledhill Magnet Elementary School500
Glendale Elementary School (USMN95JC)500
Glen Eden Intermediate600
Glenn Elementary School800
Glenside Weldon Elementary School900
Glenwood Middle School900
GLOBE Implementation Office Citizen Science500
GLOBE Switzerland Association500
God's Half-acre600
Goejeong High School700
Golden Plains Elementary School800
Golden Valley High School600
Goodrich Middle School500
Gordon Brown Outdoor Centre600
Gould School600
Gozo College, Rabat Primary School700
Gozo College Xewkija Primary School600
Grace Baptist Academy500
Grand County High School600
Grand Valley State University - Annis Water Resources Institute600
Grangeville Elementary/Middle School700
Grass Valley Elementary School900
Greenbelt Environmental Education Center500
Green Field Public School500
Green Township Elementary School / M.S.D. Of Martinsville800
Greenwood Elementary School700
Greybull Public Schools500
Griggs Road Elementary School500
Grove City Area Schools500
Grue ungdomsskole500
GUE Mariano Melgar Valdivieso - Arequipa600
Guided Independent Study600
Gunston Day School900
Gus Garcia Middle School900
Gwangju Dongshin Middle School500
Gymnasium Erftstadt Lechenich700
Gymnasium Franziskaneum900
Gymnasium Koenigshufen900
Gymnasium Meckelfeld600
Gymnazium a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky Zlin800
Gymnazium Zabreh600
Hada Junior High School700
Hakalahden Ylaaste600
Hall Primary600
Halvorsen-Tunner Elementary/Middle School600
Hamilton Grammar500
Hanceville High School900
Hanno Dai-ichi Junior High School500
Harbor Math/Science Gifted Magnet500
Hardy Oak Elementary School500
Harishonim Elementary School500
Harold C. Johnson Middle School500
Harold McCormick Elementary School600
Harry Hoag Elementary School500
Harvey L. Lewis Middle600
Hawken School500
Hawkins Middle School800
Hawkins STEMM Academy500
Hawthorne Academy700
Hay War Memorial High600
H. B. Brunner Elementary School600
Heath High School600
Heidedal Primary School500
Helen Parkhurst500
Hellgate District 4700
Henry W. Longfellow700
Heritage Elementary School600
Hermantown Middle School600
Herminio W Santaella500
Hiawatha High School600
Hibernia Primary School600
Highland High School (USIDQ9BH)500
Highland-Turner Elementary School700
High School No. 2 in Dębica500
Hillcrest Elementary School (USID57SD)900
Hjalmar Lundbohmsskolan700
Hodgkings Elementary School600
Hoffman Boston Elementary School600
Holley Elementary School500
Homer Davis Elementary School800
Hoover Elementary School800
Hoover Elementary School (USCASR32)700
Hoover Elementary School (USIAGE97)700
Hope Christian School (USALMETB)600
Horace Greeley High School900
Horizon Middle School (USINXL3W)600
Hornnes vidareg?ande skule (16-19)900
Hudson Middle School (USOHQE8U)900
Hudsonville High School600
Hurdsfield Elementary600
Hyvinkaan Sveitsin Lukio600
IAS Education Programs500
I.E. Jesús Maestro, Miramar, Moche - La Libertad800
I.E. Juan Manuel Salguero Pizarro, Junin800
I.E. N° 164 El Amauta, San Juan de Lurigancho - Lima700
I.E. N°40517 Capitan Evaristo Amezquita, Arequipa900
I.E. San José de Cluny, Surquillo - Lima600
I.E. Santa Angela, Lima600
IES. Antonio Tovar600
IES Arquitecto Pedro Gumiel500
IES Bahía de Babel700
IES Brianda de Mendoza700
IES Carpetania500
IES Doctoral700
IES Eras de Renueva500
IES Galileo Galilei500
IES Iturralde600
IES Juan de Mairena800
IES La Besana800
IES Maestro Matías Bravo600
IES Monegros Gaspar Lax500
IES Montes Obarenes500
IES Pérez Galdós500
IES Poeta Tomás Morales Castellano800
IES San Juan de la Rambla700
I.E.S. Técnico Industrial Ecológico Mariano Melgar de Unocolla, Puno500
IES Tegueste900
IES Teguise900
IES Vega del Piron900
IES Villaverde700
II Liceum M.Konopnickiej in Katowice700
Ilguciems Secondary School700
Ilwaco Junior/Senior High School600
Immaculate Heart Of Mary High School600
Incheon Choeun High School500
Independence School700
Indian Hills Middle School600
Indian River High School700
Institución Educativa Carlos Vieco Ortiz600
Institute for Earth Observations GLOBE v-School700
Instituto Adventista del Uruguay800
Instituto Santísima Trinidad500
Inter-Lakes Elementary School500
Inter-Lakes High School600
Intermediate B Tira School500
International School of The Hague500
Ironwood School600
Irvinestown Primary School500
Isaac Bildersee 68500
Isiwara Elementary School600
IS Pascal- Mazzolari900
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Belluzzi700
Ivy High School700
Jaber Al-Ali600
Jackman Road Elementary500
Jacob Smith Elementary School500
Jefferson Elementary School800
Jefferson Elementary School (USNCLB1A)500
Jefferson Elementary School (USPAA7B6)800
JeJu Science High School700
Jenks High School600
Jerdacuttup Primary700
Jerome High School600
Jesse Wharton Elementary School700
Jessieville High School500
Jessieville Middle School800
JFK Elementary School500
J-I High School900
John Bowne High School500
John F. Kennedy High School (USNYQ8JN)800
John Ford Middle School900
John Jay High School500
John Marshall Middle School (USINLBV9)700
Johnson Junior High School800
Johnson Middle School800
Jordan Citizen Science900
Jordan High School (USCAITNT)500
Jordan Small School900
J.P Vincent Elementary School800
Juan Rios Serpa500
Junior A High School Al Hadika600
Junior High School Attached to the Faculty of Education, Kumamot800
Kagoshima Fishery High School500
Kalenykivska Secondary School900
Kalispel Language Survival School700
Kamsi Hasselt700
Kantonsschule Zuercher Unterland900
Karmiel Agriculture Farm500
Kennett High School900
Kent Denver School700
Kenya Citizen Science800
Kg/ Tholangamuwa CC500
Khalda bent Alaswad700
Khoroshivska Secondary School600
Kiipun ala-aste900
kim hae bunsung high school800
King Abdullah The Second School for Excellence AlTafila600
King Abdullah The Second School for Excellence Ma'an900
King Abdullah The Second School for Excellence Mafraq700
Kingscliff High School500
Kingsway Christian College700
Kirkeparken Videreg?ende Skole900
Kiyokawa Junior High School600
Klaipėdos technologijų mokymo centras600
Klasična gimnazija fra Marijana Lanosovića s pravom javnosti Slavonski Brod900
Knik Charter School600
Kohlberg Elementary School500
Konalan ala-aste600
Kontiolahden lukio800
Kovalivskyi Educational Complex600
Koyuk Malemute School500
Kuuman ala-aste900
Kuwait Citizen Science600
Kyongnan Science High School500
Laguna College - High School Department700
Lahore American900
Lake High School (GLIDMRO6)500
Lake Holcombe School500
Lake Mills Middle School900
Lake Region Union High School700
Lakeview High School700
Lakeview Middle School500
Lakewood Elementary School500
Lakewood High School900
Lakewood Middle School600
Laniteio Lykeio A800
Lapin yliopiston harjoittelukoulu500
Laqyah Middle and Secondary School At Jazan700
Lassiter Home School600
Latvia GLOBE v-School600
Lava Elementary School600
Lawrence Brook Elementary School500
Lee H. Kellogg School600
Le Flore High School500
Leonard J. TYL Middle School500
Lewis And Clark Elementary School600
Liceo Hernando de Magallanes900
Liceo No. 1 (GLIDRGKJ)500
Liceul Teoretic V.Anistiadi500
Lilja School900
Limerick Elementary School500
Lime Street Elementary School600
Lincoln School (USKSR93H)700
Lisbon Elementary School500
Liudvinavo Kazio Borutos gimnazija600
Ljusdals Gymnasieskola700
L?ken ungdomsskole700
Lone Oak Elementary School600
Lucindale Area School700
Lucy Academy Preparatory School900
Luis Munoz Marin600
Luitpold-Gymnasium Muenchen800
LUVA ELIAV Elementary School500
lycee Ahmadou Ndack Seck600
Lycée Alboury Ndiaye800
Lycée Bernard PALISSY600
Lycee Bilingue de Sangmelima700
Lycée de la mer800
Lycee Vatomandry900
Lykeio Paliometochou700
Lyme School500
Madie Ives Elementary School500
Madira Pasic School600
Mahatma Gandhi International School500
Malka Secondary School for Boys700
Malvik videreg?ende skole900
Manchester Township Elementary School500
Manhattan High School600
Manuel Boy Gali600
Marie Reed Community Learning Center700
Marina Village Middle School600
Marlow Elementary School800
Marple Newtown Senior High School800
Martin L. Olson School800
Marvelwood School900
Mary Hurd School500
Maryland GLOBE v-School800
Mascenic Regional High School700
MAT FKB Ozel Gelisim Lisesi600
Mauriceville School600
Mayfield Middle School (USOHACZV)500
McCombs Middle School800
McDowell Elementary School700
McKissick Elementary School700
McMillan Elementary School700
McNeil Canyon Elementary500
Meadow View Elementary School600
Medina Christian Academy600
Mercer Middle School600
Merikadun Ylaaste600
Mevoot Hanegev600
Miami Edison Middle School800
Michigan GLOBE v-School500
Michigan School For The Deaf600
Middleburg High School600
Middletown Springs Elementary School500
Mihail Lakatnik Primary School900
Milford Middle School500
Mill Creek Middle School500
Mill Street Elementary School500
Minchumina Community School600
Miraleste Intermediate School800
Mitchell Senior High500
Mohican School In The Out-of-Doors, Inc.800
Monroe Middle School (USORBE9O)600
Montecito Union School600
Montevallo Elementary School700
Montfort College, Secondary Section800
Montgomery High School600
Moosewood Farm Home School500
Mosinee Middle School500
Mosquito Lake School800
Mountain Shadows Middle School700
Mountain View Adventist School500
MR / Deniyaya Central College900
MS 67700
Mt. Hope School800
Mt. Magazine St. Park600
Muangkhong School500
Murphey Candler Elementary School900
Mynderse Academy800
Myropil Lyceum500
Myrtle Beach Middle School600
Myrtle Grove Christian School800
Nadaburg Elementary School600
Nagatadai Elementary school800
Najran Secondary School at Najran800
Naksaeng High school500
Nansemond-Suffolk Academy500
Nashua Senior High School600
National Cathedral School600
National Hualien Girls' Senior High School500
National Orthodox School500
Ndewura Jakpa Secondary/Technical School900
N.E.Miles Jewish Day School500
Neot Peres500
Neshaminy Middle School600
Newberry High School900
New Hope Elementary School600
New Hope School900
Newman Catholic High School800
Newtown High School900
Newtown Middle School700
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation500
Nishimeya Junior High School800
Nkonya Secondary School500
Nogatahigashi elementary school600
Nolde Forest800
North Albany Middle800
North Augusta Middle School800
North Carolina School Of Science And Math700
North Davie Middle800
Northeast High School800
Northeast High School (USMOM7QE)600
Northern Illinois University (GLID79UP)500
North Hagerstown High School500
Northland College900
North Park High School700
Nsein Secondary School700
Oak Hill Elementary School800
Oakhurst Elementary School (USTXITUF)700
Oberstufenzentrum Alterswilen600
Ocotillo Elementary School900
Ofek Ramla600
Ohya jr-hi-school600
Oksvoll skole500
O'Leary Junior High School600
Omose Elementary School900
OOU,,Hristijan Todorovski Karposh700
OOU Mirce Acev- Skopje500
OOU Petar Pop Arsov800
Orchard Mesa Middle School700
Oregon Trail Junior High School800
Ore skole800
Orleans Elementary School800
Orrville High School600
Osamah bin Zayed School500
Osashima Primary school700
Osborne Elementary School700
Osceola Middle School500
OŠ Davorin Trstenjak Čađavica700
OS Dobrise Cesarica500
OŠ dr Mate Demarina700
OS Fran Frankovic,Rijeka800
Oš Ivo Lola Ribar, Labin500
OS Koprivnicki bregi600
OS Matija Gubec (HRHR5763)500
OSMU Nikola Stejn500
Osnovna škola August Harambašić Donji Miholjac600
Osnovna škola Središće700
OS Sesvetska Sopnica600
OS Skurinje Rijeka500
Osudoku Senior Sec/Tech Secondary600
OS Viktora Kovacica600
Ouray School700
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School900
OU "Stiv Naumov"-Bitola600
Pablo Roybal Elementary School600
Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History800
Paint Branch High School600
Pakistan Citizen Science700
Palangos Baltijos Basic school800
Palmer High School800
Palmetto Elementary School600
Pan American International School600
Panevezio 5 gymnasium500
Paparimu School500
Papillion-LaVista High School900
PASCAL English School600
Patria Latorre Ramirez500
Patterson Elementary School (USIDQS9K)500
Paul J. Solis Elementary School600
Payne Elementary School500
Penn Cambria Middle School600
Perchas Rosario600
Perrysburg High School700
Philippine Science High School-Central Luzon Campus600
Philippines GLOBE v-School700
Phoenix Magnet Elementary School500
Pieksamaen Ylaaste800
Pine Strawberry School700
Pine Street School500
Pingree School500
Pinkston Middle School700
Pittsburg Intermediate School700
Place Middle School500
Planetarium of Medellín - Colombia GLOBE v-School700
Pleasantdale Elementary School700
Pleasant Hill Elementary School500
PO/ Ananda Balika National School600
Pocomoke High School700
Poinciana High School500
Police D.A.V. Public School800
Port Charlotte Middle School700
Port Said Language School600
Portsmouth Middle School (USRIG6AD)500
Portville Central700
Powell Middle School500
Presidio High School800
Primarschule Bifang600
Primarschule Boppartshof500
Prometna skola700
P.S. 104500
P.S. 226600
P.S. 87X700
pushpadana girls college600
Pyeongtaek Saebit elementary school800
Pyeongtaek Sujae Elementary School600
Queen City High School500
Rafer Johnson Junior High School500
Raghadan Intermediate School at Al-Bahah900
Raja Shri Shivaraya Pratishthan Madhyamik Vidyalaya600
R.A. Mitchell Elementary School600
Ratsgymnasium Osnabrueck500
Realschule Pries500
Realschule Werder700
Red Bird Elementary School800
Regional Learning Center900
Rensselaer Park Elementary School700
Republic of Korea Citizen Science900
R/ Eratna Maha Vidyalaya600
Reynolds Grade School900
Richard Bard Elementary School500
Riggins Elementary School900
Ririe Elementary School800
Riverdale Middle School700
River Oaks Elementary - Houston I.S.D.600
River's Edge Elementary School600
Riverside Elementary School900
Robert H. Jamison Computech Center600
Robinson Middle School500
Rochester School900
Rock Creek Valley Elementary School800
Rogers Heritage High School (USARPSZA)500
Romema nigunim600
Roosevelt School (USMACJR4)900
Roqyyah Bint Al Rasool Secondary School600
Rosedale Middle School500
Rowland Hall500
Rowville Secondary College - Eastern Campus700
Ruamrudee International School600
Ruhtinan Koulu700
Russellville High School600
Saban National high School600
Sabula Elementary School700
SAC at Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies500
Sacred Heart Elementary School700
Saddle Brook High School500
Safety Harbor Elementary School600
'Saint Gertrude High School'900
Saint Mary Middle School500
Saint Rose Catholic School800
Sakolrajwittayanukul School500
Samkom skole700
Sandilands Primary School800
Sand Lake Elementary School800
San Lorenzo Valley High School900
Sarasota School Of Arts And Sciences700
Sauk Rapids - Rice Senior High School800
Scheffel Gymnasium Lahr900
Schloss Schule Salem900
School #1048600
School #19 Ecology and Dialextolog500
School Of Environmental Education500
School of Environmental Studies700
School Of International Studies At Meadowbrook500
School Of The Osage Junior High School600
Schule Buochs700
Schulhaus Reiden Mitte600
Schwarzkoff Elementary School700
SCSU GLOBE School500
Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences500
Secondary School #3600
Secondary School Andre de Gouveia500
Sekundarschule Bözberg700
Serbia, The Republic of Citizen Science800
Sergeant Bluff-Luton Middle School500
Serrano Middle School800
Shades Cahaba Elementary School700
Shaffer Elementary School500
Sharples Educational Center900
Shasta Elementary School500
Shazar Elementary School900
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdul wahab Secondary School at Mahayil Assir600
Shelter Rock Elementary School600
Shenandoah Middle School800
Sherifa AlAwadhi highschool 800
Shobonier School600
Shortland Wetlands Enviornmental Education Centre500
Shree Sankat Mochan D. R. Secondary School500
Sierra Vista Middle School800
SIES Lazaro Carreter700
Singing River Elementary School500
Sistersville Elementary School500
Skinner Elementary School700
Skyridge Elementary School900
Slovenia Citizen Science500
Soda Creek Elementary School500
Sope Creek School700
Sorensen Elementary School500
South Broward High School600
South Carolina School For The Deaf And Blind900
Southeastern Oklahoma State University (USOK5KSV)600
Southeast Webster Elementary School500
Southern Middle School800
Southern Oaks Middle School900
South Lake Middle School500
South Park High School (USPA8JEF)800
South Shore Charter School600
Southside Primary900
South Umpqua School District500
Southwest Junior High School900
Souya Junior High500
Spencer Community High School500
Spencer Community Middle School600
Spring City Elementary School800
Springfield Gardens High School500
Spring Garden School700
Spring Lake Middle600
Spring Valley School800
Staatliches Max-Planck-Gymnasium600
St. Agnes Academic High School500
Stamford High School800
Stamford University Bangladesh700
St. Anthony Of Padua School600
Stapleton Elementary School500
STAR Library Network GLOBE v-School500
Starpoint Intermediate600
St. Augustine School800
STEAM Program Guatemala/USAC-GALILEO-UGTO900
Stellar Charter School600
Stemley Road Elementary School500
Stephenson Middle School500
Stepping Stone/Looking Glass500
St. Eriks Gymnasium500
Stewart County High School500
St. John's Academy600
St. Joseph Institute For The Deaf900
St. Josephs College600
St. Martin East School900
St. Mary School600
St.Marys School800
St. Matthew Lutheran900
Stockbridge Central School900
St. Patrick Catholic School700
St. Peter's Elementary School700
St. Peter's High School600
St. Peter's School700
Strawberry Park Elementary School600
Stredni vinarska skola Valtice600
Stree Phathalung500
Stroud Water Research Center (USPAVNR7)800
Sudama Junior Eco Club500
SUManuel Ruiz Gandia700
Summerville High School600
Summit Charter School900
Sunapee Central Elementary School500
Sunapee Middle/High School900
Sunbright School700
Sunday Creek Environmental Education Centre600
Sunderland Elementary School500
Sunnyside Elementary School (USWATVLA)900
Support institution "F.P. Boridko Yaresky secondary school of grades I-III"800
Suriname GHFS500
Switzer Elementary School500
Tabasalu Gymnasium500
Tabor College, locatie Oscar Romero500
Taft Middle School (USOHX3LT)600
Tahquamenon Area Schools500
Takanosu Junior High School900
Takata High school600
Takshanuk Watershed Council600
Talley Middle School600
Tandem Friends School800
Tarbyah Namoutheagea Girls School at Riyadh700
Tartu Veeriku Kool800
Tavelli Elementary School800
T.C. Knapp700
Team Phoenix (Five Keys Schools and Programs)700
Teaticket Elementary School600
TED Istanbul800
Teikyo Junior High School600
Tenaya Middle School700
Tennessee High School500
Terre Rouge SSS700
Terry A. Taylor Elementary School800
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge900
Texas School For The Deaf/South Campus500
Thaksin University, Phattalung800
The 15th Intermediate Girls School at Al-Hufof700
The 15th Intermediate Girls School at Tabuk800
The 19th Intermediate Girls School at Buraydah600
The 2nd Intermediate Girls School at Al-Ula600
The 2nd Secondary Girls School at Yanbu900
The 5th Secondary Girls School at Onaizah700
The 6th Intermediate Girls School at Taif500
The 6th Secondary Girls School at Al-Zulfi800
The 6th Secondary Girls School at Arar800
The Allen Memorial Home600
The British School of Cotonou800
The Country Day School700
The Graham School800
The Herzlia Hebrew Gymnasium500
The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (GLIDY2HZ)800
The Langley School700
The Met Sacramento800
The Nueva School600
The School For Environmental Studies700
The SFS Center for Wetland Studies, Mexico A.C800
The White Lake School500
Third secondary600
Thomastown Attendance Center800
T.H. Rogers School500
Tiilikankaan koulu600
Tishomingo County High School500
Tishrey Elementary School800
Tkibuli Municipality Gelati Public School800
Torquay Primary School700
Townhill Primary School600
Townsend Public School500
Traku Vytauto Didziojo gimnazija700
Troy Elementary School500
Troy Howard Middle School500
T.R. Simmons Elementary School700
Tucker Elementary School600
Tuscaloosa Academy600
Twin Creeks Middle School600
ubon ratchathani rajabhat university500
Ujiyamada high school700
Unidad Educacional Instituto Sarmiento800
Universidad Nacional Agraría La Molina, Lima600
University Basic School, Legon500
University High School (USWVH423)500
University Of Northern Colorado Lab School500
University of Toledo GLOBE v-School800
USC-Aiken, Ruth Patrick Science Education Center700
USD 210, Hugoton Elementary School800
Utashinai Junior High School600
Vågsbygd videregående skole500
Valle Crucis Elementary School800
Valley Springs Middle School700
Valley View Elementary School (USCA62SI)600
Veda Vyasa D.A.V. Public School800
Victoria Avenue School500
Vienna High School700
Viljandi Paalalinna School500
Vinalhaven High School800
Vineyards Elementary School600
Vinson Middle School600
Viola Elementary School700
Vishwakarma Vidyalaya900
Volksschule Bleienbach800
Wade Hampton High School800
Wagner Ranch School700
Waitahuna School600
Waldorf School of Baltimore600
Walker Elementary School900
Walsh Intermediate School500
Wanneroo Senior High School900
W. A. Porter Elementary School500
Warnsdorfer Elementary School700
Warsaw Bilingual School600
Washburn High School900
Washington Elementary School (USMN3ZQB)600
Washington Middle School500
Wat Dermchao600
Weatherly Heights Elementary School600
Weeks Bay Reserve500
Weitzman Elementary School700
Wenchi Secondary School800
West Bloomfield High School600
West Brookfield Elementary School900
West Elementary School (USAL4HQU)900
West Elementary School (USTNAEM1)500
Westfield School800
West Haven High School500
Westminster Woods Environmental Education Program700
Westport River Watershed Alliance800
WestSide School900
Westtown School700
Whatcom Day Academy600
White Knoll Middle School500
Wildflower Elementary School800
Wildwood School900
William Nelson School800
Williamstown Elementary School600
Willis Lane Elementary900
Willow Avenue Middle School600
Wilson Elementary School (USALQ29Q)700
Wilson K-8 School600
Wingate Elementary School900
Wiprecht-Gymnasium Groitzsch800
Wiscasset Middle School800
Wolsey House Primary School900
Wonju High School900
Woodfin Elementary School600
Woodmore Elementary School900
Woodside Elementary School500
Woodville CE Primary School900
Wurzburg American High School500
Wynne High School500
Wyomissing Area Jr./Sr. High School700
Xin Wu Senior High School600
Yangdo middle school800
Yitsak Navon800
Yucca Elementary School600
Yurivska Secondary School500
Zakladni skola a DDM700
Zhoravsky secondary school800
ZS a MS Hradec Kralove500
ZS a MS Kridlovicka600
ZS Frantiskovy Lazne500
ZS Turany okres Kladno600
ZS Vrdy800
ZS Zdice500
Zwin College900

Updated: Feb. 17, 2025


school Approximate Number of Measurements
180 Intermediate School At Riyadh1,000
1st Gymnasium of Preveza2,800
2nd Gymnasium of Agia Paraskevi2,400
6th Gymnasium of Volos2,500
7th Lyceum of Larissa2,700
94th Secondary School At Riyadh2,200
Abi AL Atahiah Secondary School at Almadinah1,900
Abington Junior High School1,200
A. De Shalit B1,300
Ala-Malmin Peruskoulu2,400
Alanjal Intermediate Girls School At Alhufof1,500
Alaska Gateway Correspondence1,100
Albany Public School Number 161,300
Al-Bayroni Elementary School2,800
Albia High School1,200
Albirwani Elementary School at Yanbu2,800
Al-Bukhari Al Shamela2,100
Alexander Hamilton High Schools Complex1,400
Al Faruk Elementary School1,000
Alhawary Mohammad Al-Azdy1,300
Al-Hudithah Intermediate and Secondary School at Al Qurayyat1,000
Ali bin Abi Talib Secondary School at Jeddah1,500
Aljazeera Intermediate School at Taif2,600
Al Jazeera Secondary School at Sakaka1,700
AL Khashaa Educational Complex at sabia1,300
Alkhwarezmi basic school1,000
Al-Kifah Intermediate School at Al-Ahsa2,300
Allen School2,000
Al Madaen School at Riyadh1,200
Al-Madenah Al-Monawarah School at Dammam2,200
Almanhal School At Riadh1,200
Al Muabila Alshamaliah basic school1,300
Al naser basic school1,300
Al Qairwan Secondary School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah2,000
Al-Rawda Secondary School at Jazan2,000
Al-Rowad Intermediate School at Buraydah1,100
AL Salam Elementary School1,700
Alsheefa bint awf basic school1,100
Altahliah Intermediate School at Yanbu1,200
Al-Tahlya Intermediate and Secondary Girls School at Yanbu2,200
Althabti basic school2,100
Al-Thagher Secondary School at Jeddah2,200
Althawra AlArabyah Alkubra-Military Culture2,500
Alto Elementary School2,000
Altraif basic school2,100
Alytaus "Sakalėlio" pradinė mokykla1,200
Al Zahraa Elementary School1,100
Alzahra Pasic School1,100
Amboy Middle School1,300
American College of Greece2,400
American Community School2,200
Ammar Bin Yasir basic school1,100
Amos McDannel Elementary School2,900
Andalusia Elementary School1,700
Anderson Elementary School1,400
Anne T. Case Elementary School1,400
Antilles High School1,200
Anvil City Science Academy2,100
Aoi Junior High1,500
Arab High School1,100
Archbishop Howard School1,100
Ardrossan Area School1,100
Arlington Traditional School1,100
Asdee National School2,500
Asemapellon Koulu1,300
Ashura Secondary School at Riyadh1,200
Assumption Elementary School2,500
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary1,300
Astley Community High School2,300
Asuncion Christian Academy1,800
Atria Regency Assisted Living1,600
Attached Junior High School, Okayama University1,000
Attached Junior High School, Shiga University1,200
Attached Oizumi Junior High School, Tokyo Gakugei University1,500
Attour Junior High School For Girls2,100
A. Upitis Skriveri Secondary School1,100
Austin Area Elementary School2,300
Australia GLOBE v-School2,800
Bader Secondary School at Tabuk1,700
Bal Kumari Girls School1,200
Ballymena Primary2,700
Ban Bang Ben1,200
Ban Dan1,100
Barclay Friends School1,200
Barnaskoli Vestmannaeyja1,500
Barnette Elementary School1,600
Barta'a Junior High School1,300
Batasan Hills National High School2,400
Beaumont Middle School1,400
Beaver Dam Elementary School1,600
Beaver Island Community School1,900
Beaver Valley Elementary School1,200
Belgium Citizen Science2,700
Belmont State School1,000
Belton Junior High School2,000
Benicia High School1,100
Benjamin Russell High School1,200
Ben Lomond School2,100
BerksNature - The Nature Place GLOBE v-School1,500
Bethlehem Elementary School1,300
Biggersville High School1,600
Bioreserve Education Program, Trustees Of Reservation1,200
Biotehniška šola Maribor1,900
Birštono gimnazija1,100
Bishop Herman Secondary School2,700
Bjishong Central School1,300
Blaise Pascal College2,800
Boa Amponsem Secondary School1,700
Booneville High School2,300
Boulder City Wetlands1,200
Boulevard Elementary School1,000
Bremen Academy1,000
BRG Zell am See1,300
Briarwood Christian School1,000
Brigada Ecologica Sancarlina1,600
Brockett Elementary School2,400
Bronx River Alliance (USNYN3KN)2,800
Brooks Elementary School1,400
Buchanan Middle School1,000
Budai Középiskola Kossuth Lajos Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola1,100
Budai Középiskola Táncsics Mihály Gimnázium1,100
Buena High School1,000
Bukata Junior High School1,400
Burbank Middle School2,000
Butterfield Elementary School2,800
Cabrini High School2,000
Calahan Street School1,200
Calera Elementary School1,100
Cameroon International School, Bastos1,500
Cape Eleuthera Island School1,700
Cape Fear Academy1,000
Cape Fear Middle School1,200
Cape View Elementary School1,000
Capron Elementary School1,800
Carew Peel Forest School1,800
Carmen Silva High School2,600
Castaheany Educate Together National School1,700
Cataldo Catholic School1,300
CBETA 691,900
C.D. Hylton High School1,800
Cedars Cultural School1,200
CEG1 Cove1,000
CEG 2 Parakou (Zongo)1,400
CEG2 Savalou1,400
CEG Akpakpa Centre1,700
CEG Akpro- Missérété2,800
CEG Aplahoue2,500
CEG Bellefoungou2,900
CEG Come2,600
CEG Dantokpa1,900
CEG Gbegamey1,900
CEG Grand-Popo1,800
CEG Houéyogbé1,000
CEG Seme Podji2,600
CEIP Infanta Elena1,400
CEM 211,100
CEM de Puerto Limon-Eugenio Espejo1,600
Center For Academic Success1,800
Central Catholic High School2,200
Central Elementary School (USAL22MS)1,100
Centre for Environment Education2,300
Centro Educacional Valle Hermoso1,500
Centro Educativo Integral1,400
CEO Antigua1,300
CEPA Plus Ultra2,600
Challand Middle School2,400
Challenger Elementary School (USALJUXG)1,100
Chaminade High School1,100
Channel View School For Research2,400
Chapman Middle School1,600
Charles Town Middle School1,900
Charlotte Christian School1,000
Cherry Hill High School East2,200
Cherry Trees School2,200
Chief Kamiakin School1,500
Children's Meeting House Montessori School1,200
Chile Citizen Science2,400
Chittick Elementary School1,100
Christa McAuliffe Planetarium1,500
Chumphae suksa school1,000
Chungbuk Science High School2,300
Clarfield Elementary School1,400
Clarkston High School1,700
Clay High School1,700
Clear View Elementary School2,000
Clearwater Valley Elementary School1,000
Cleveland Heights Elementary School / New Berlin Public Scho1,200
Cleveland Heights High School1,500
Cloverleaf High School1,100
Coatesville Area Intermediate High School1,100
Co/ Devi Balika Vidyalaya2,100
Co/ D.S. Senanayake College1,400
Colegio Cruz del Sur2,400
Colegio de Ciencias2,600
Colegio de Estudios Cientificos y Tecnologicos,Cuautitlan Izcall1,300
Colegio Espiritu Santo de Guayaquil1,400
Colegio Inmaculada PP. Escolapios1,700
Colegio Internacional1,400
Colegio Internacional SEK Equador1,200
Colegio Montessori de Cartagena1,900
Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Arnedo1,600
Colegio San Marcos (ARAR8OW8)1,900
Colegiul National Mircea cel Batran2,000
Collège André LAHAYE1,100
College de Bintimodia1,000
College de Yomou Centre1,100
Collège Georges Brassens1,100
college Niandankoro1,400
College Park Elementary School1,500
College Thyndel1,300
Colombia GLOBE v-School1,300
Colorado STEM Academy1,300
Combee Elementary School1,300
Complex of Schools F. Dury in Chmielów2,600
Complex of Schools in Jerzykowo1,400
Complex of Schools in Tykocin1,600
Complex of Schools K Adamieckiego in Sanok1,000
Complex of Schools No. 3 in Klobuck, 3th Secondary School of K. Kosinski in Klobuck2,900
CONALEP Plantel Gustavo Baz2,500
CONALEP Plantel Tijuana II2,700
Corcoran High School2,800
Cornell Elementary School1,800
Co/ Royal College2,500
Corpus Christi School1,700
Corsica Middle School2,000
Costa Rica Citizen Science2,200
Couva Government Secondary School1,400
CP Silvano Cirujano1,100
Creal Springs School1,200
CREDES Patzcuaro2,800
C S GBETO1,400
CSG De Lage Waard1,200
Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Gimnázium2,600
Cumberland Road Elementary School1,400
Cusanus Gymnasium Erkelenz2,900
Cuvu College1,400
Da Dun Elementary School2,200
Dai-ni Junior High School2,600
Dalen Vidaregåande Skule1,600
Danville School2,100
Davidson Academy1,300
Davis Elementary School1,900
Deerfield Valley Elementary School1,800
Deerwood Elementary School2,300
DeLong Middle School1,000
DENC Kamelia1,100
Denison High School1,300
Denison Montessori School1,000
Detroit Lakes Middle School2,800
Dingemoen skule1,900
D.L.D.A.V. Model School1,200
Douglas Middle School1,000
Doukas School1,000
Dove Science Academy1,500
Downingtown Middle School1,500
Drukgyel CS1,400
Dr. v. Morgenstern Schulen I1,300
Dr. von Morgenstern Schulen II1,300
DSU "Orce Nikolov"1,300
Dueitt Middle School1,900
Dunbar School1,100
Dunstan Middle School1,000
Duran Jr. High School South1,500
Dutchess Academy Of Environmental Studies1,900
D.W. Daniel High School2,700
Eastgate Elementary School1,000
East Prairie High School1,600
East Side Elementary School1,900
Ebinport Elementary1,700
Ecole Normale Instituteurs(ENI)2,700
Ecole primaire Develier1,300
Ecole primaire Intercommunale Evionnaz, Collonges, Dorénaz1,200
Ecoles communales de Martigny1,400
Edward A. MacDowell Montessori School1,200
EEM Nº 328 Gral. José de San Martín2,600
Eengedjo Senior Secondary School1,200
Ehime Prefectural Niihama Technical High School2,400
Eilabon Junior High School1,900
Ekalaka Elementary1,500
El Buen Aire1,000
Elementary C Der Hana2,600
Elementary School in Morawin1,100
Elizabeth Cashwell Elementary School2,200
Ellis High School2,800
Eminence High School1,000
Emmaus High School1,500
Emmet Belknap Middle School2,100
Empangeni High School1,400
ENATEF (Ecole National d'Eaux et Forets)1,900
Eniaio Lykeio Kykkou B2,200
Enka High School1,500
Ennis High School1,100
EPP Alfakoara1,600
EPP Assagbine Baka2,200
EPP Birni Centre/A1,400
EPP Chabicouma/A2,700
EPP Hlodo1,100
EPP Kotoubarou1,400
EPP Les Cocotiers1,000
EPP Nanzounme2,300
EPP Sike Nord/A1,400
EPP Thio/B2,500
Erich Kaestner Realschule Stutensee2,000
Esc. Nueva Superior Moca1,800
Escola Minas Gerais1,400
Esc. Sec. Diurna Num. 107 "Xochimilco"2,500
Esc. Sec. Diurna num. 1 "Cesar A. Ruiz" T.V.2,200
Esc. Sec. Dna. Núm. 238 "Ramón Beteta"2,700
Esc. Sec. Téc. Núm. 104 "Martín López Rito"2,200
Esc. Sec. Tec. Num. 341,900
Esc. Sec. Téc. Núm. 73 "Carlos Vallejo Marquez"2,300
Esc. Sec. Téc. Núm. 95 "Cuitláhuac"1,900
Escuela Americana1,800
Escuela Barinas Elemental1,100
Escuela de Comercio Nª 30,2,500
Escuela de Educación Técnico Profesional N° 449 "Pago de los Arroyos"2,000
Escuela Francisco Zayas Santana2,100
Escuela Josefita Monserrate De Selles1,800
Escuela Jose S. Alegria1,300
Escuela No. 88 Alfredo B. Nobel1,800
Escuela Ponce High1,000
Escuela Rural Mixta1,000
Escuela Sec. Técnica Núm. 791,300
Escuela Secundaria Diurna num. 2231,000
Escuela Superior Francisco Morales2,200
Escuela Superior Vocacional Republica De Costa Rica1,100
Eugenio Le Compte Benítez1,400
Europaschule Bornheim1,100
Evangélikus Mezõgazd-i, Keresk-i, Inf-i Szakképző Iskola és Koll1,100
Everett Area Elementary School1,500
Experimental lower and upper secondary school1,900
F.-A.-Brockhaus Gymnasium Leipzig1,400
Fahan School2,400
Fairfield Elementary School2,400
Fair Haven Grade School2,600
Fair Street Elementary School1,300
Farasan Elementary Scool At1,600
Fatima Alzahraa-Military Culture1,500
Faulkton Area School District2,900
Federico Degetau1,900
First Secondary School at Abo-Areash1,000
Fjolbrautaskoli Sudurnesja1,400
Flandreau Middle School1,500
Florence E. Smith School of Science, Math and Technology1,500
Florence Rideout Elementary School1,400
Fort Frye High School2,300
Fort Riley Middle School1,000
Fowler Middle School1,200
Franke Park School1,000
Franziskus-Schule Bornheim2,000
Freedom Middle School (USCAY8GS)2,700
Freie Waldorfschule St. Georgen1,800
Friendship Junior High School2,700
Frost Valley Environmental Education Center1,000
Ft. Hays State University2,100
Ft. Worth Country Day School2,000
Fuji Junior High School1,000
Fukaya Junior High School1,300
Fukui University Junior High School1,800
Fundación Escuelas San Juan2,200
Fundacion Xochitla, A.C.1,400
Fusokita Junior High School1,300
Gallatin R V High School2,400
Garden Road Elementary School1,700
Garnet Valley Middle School2,000
Gateway National Recreation Area NPNH Education Center1,000
G.B.H.S Limbe1,900
George C. Marshall High School1,200
Gesamtschule Barmen1,800
Ghana Secondary School1,000
Gill St. Bernard's School2,000
Gimnasio Kitiou2,200
Gimnazija Bjelovar1,100
Gimnazija dr. Mate Ujevića, Imotski2,700
Gimnazija Titusa Brezovackog2,200
Gimnazjum No 17 in Białystok2,000
Gimnazjum No 1 Polskich Olimpijczyków in Twardogóra2,000
Gimnazjum St. Staszica in Panki2,700
Gisborne Boys High School1,600
Gj?klep ungdomsskole (13-16)1,100
Glenside Elementary1,300
GLOBE Help Desk (Data Reporting)1,300
Glynn Middle School1,100
Goddard Middle School2,500
Gokstad skole1,200
Golden Grove Primary School2,400
Gordon A.D.1,800
GOSHOURA Junior High School1,100
Government Bilingual High School Bonaberi1,500
Govt HSS Mouda1,800
Gozo College, Middle School1,100
GPM Satellite Mission1,400
Grace Christian Day School1,000
Grace Junior High School1,000
Grady Rasco Middle School1,100
Grafton High School2,600
Granada High School1,700
Grandview Elementary School1,100
G. Ray Bodley High School2,600
Great Smoky Mountains Institute At Tremont2,400
Greece Citizen Science1,700
Green Meadow School1,100
Grigsby Academy1,300
Grundschule Wiefelstede1,100
GS Mettlach Orscholz2,200
Guatemala Citizen Science1,200
Guilford Central School1,400
Gulf Education Complex at Buraydah2,700
Gymnasium Dresden-Cotta2,800
Gymnasium Eickel1,000
Gymnasium Farmsen2,400
Gymnasium Muristalden1,100
Gymnasium of Nea Alikarnassos2,100
Gymnasium of Polis2,900
Gymnasium of Strimoniko, Serres2,300
Gymnasium Rahlstedt1,100
Gymnasium Solea1,100
Gymnasium St. Antonius Appenzell1,900
Gymnazium Chodovicka1,900
Hachiman Technical High School2,800
Hafrsfjord Skole1,400
Hafsah bint sirin basic school2,500
Hagelstamska hogstadiet2,200
Haines School1,400
Hambrick Elementary School2,200
Hamersville Elementary School1,500
Hamilton North Primary School1,900
Happy Valley Elementary School2,700
Happy Valley High School1,300
Harbor Beach Community School1,600
Harlan Rowe Middle School1,200
Harrison Public Schools1,500
Harutomi Junior High School1,300
Hauptschule m. OS Baddeckenstedt1,700
Haupt- und Realschule Meiendorf1,100
Hava Hakleit1,700
Haw Creek Elementary School1,300
Hayward Elementary School1,000
Heinrich Boell Gymnasium2,100
Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulu2,600
Hemsedal barne og ungdomsskole1,000
Henderson Middle School1,400
Henderson Valley Primary School1,000
Heritage Christian School (USWIXWPW)1,600
Heritage Middle School1,200
Hermantown Elementary School1,300
Herzog-Heinrich-Hauptschule Neumarkt - Sankt Veit1,600
Hickory County R-I School2,700
Hidden Creek Elementary School2,300
Hidinge skola1,400
Higashihirose Elementary School1,300
Highlands Elementary School (USILBFPA)1,200
High Meadows School And Camp1,800
HighSchool Of Princess Noura University At Riyadh1,400
Hillsdale Elementary School (USPAK4BN)2,200
Hirakawa Junior High School2,600
Hiroshima Prefectural Gionkita High School1,100
Hiroshima Prefectural Sera Senior High School2,200
Hmod bin ahmed albusaidi basic school1,700
Hodgkins Middle School1,100
Hoegskulen I Telemark1,500
Hokes Bluff High School1,600
Hokkaido Rankoshi High School1,200
Hokuryo Junior High School1,000
Holgate Middle School1,300
Holy Trinity School1,400
Honain School at Hail2,300
Hope High School1,400
Horning Middle School2,900
Houston Academy2,400
Houston Elementary School1,500
Howth Primary School (Scoil Mhuire)2,500
Hubert Olson Elementary School1,900
Hungary Citizen Science2,100
Hunterdon Central Regional High School1,000
Hunters Creek Middle School1,100
Huntington Elementary School1,900
Huron Valley Lutheran High School2,300
Hyunhwa Elementary School1,600
Ibn Aqeel Secondary School at Riyadh1,500
Ibn Khaldoon Secondary School at Yanbu2,300
Ibn - Rushd1,100
Ibri basic School2,100
Idaho School For The Deaf And The Blind2,500
Ida Middle School1,300
Idylwild Elementary School1,400
I.E. Mariscal Orbegoso, Arequipa1,200
I.E. N° 11506 Tablazos, Lambayeque1,400
I.E. N° 34233 Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Pasco1,600
I.E. N° 40534 Juan Manuel Guillén Benavides, Toro - La Unión, Arequipa1,500
IES Abyla2,700
IES Albéniz1,000
IES Alcorisa1,800
IES Alonso de Ercilla1,000
IES Alonso Quijano1,000
IES Alpedrete1,600
IES Ana Ozores1,200
IES Antonio Gala1,000
IES Barrio de Loranca1,800
IES Bioclimatico2,400
IES Campo de San Alberto2,400
IES Carpe Diem1,700
IES Cinco Villas1,300
IES Ciudad de Luna2,700
IES Claudio Prieto1,500
IES El Escorial1,300
IES Emilio Jimeno1,300
IES Europa2,200
IES Federica Montseny1,300
IES Francisco de Goya1,300
IES Giner de los Rios1,100
IES Gregorio Maranon1,300
IES Güimar1,400
IES Ignacio Ellacuría1,600
IES Inventor Cosme Garcia1,500
IES Isabel de Perillán y Quiros1,800
IES Joaquin Rodrigo2,600
IES La Dehesilla2,900
IES La Guancha2,500
IES Los Navalmorales2,200
IES Los Tarahales1,600
IES María Guerrero1,200
IES Maria Zambrano1,800
IES Marques de Santillana2,900
IES Matarraña2,200
IES Molina de Aragón2,700
IES Pedro Álvarez Sotomayor1,700
IES Puzol2,300
IES Ria del Carmen2,500
IES Ribera del Bullaque2,600
IES S. Agustin de Guadalix2,500
IES San Isidro2,600
IES Satafi1,900
IES Tomás Mingot1,700
IES Universidad Laboral1,800
IES Valle del Oja1,000
IES Valverde de Lucerna1,500
IES Virgen de Vico2,400
IES Virrey Morcillo1,100
Ignatius Park College1,100
II Liceum M. Kopernika in Lowicz1,700
Ikeda Primary School2,400
Iksal 'c' Primary School1,900
Imam Khalf School Intermediate at Uqlat Asuqur1,900
Imperial Beach Elementary School1,300
Inchon Science High School1,800
Independence Middle School2,200
Indira Ideal Sr. Sec. School1,100
Indwe Secondary School2,000
Ines Maria Mendoza1,300
Institución Educativa Rural El Hatillo1,500
Instituto del Mar Capitan Williams2,400
Instituto Nuestra Senora de la Misericordia2,500
Instituto San Juan Bautista De La Salle2,000
International Appalachian Academy1,300
Ionidios Model School Pireus1,900
Iowa Park Junior High School2,400
Ireland Citizen Science1,400
Ironi Alef Modiin1,600
Irony Aleph High School1,100
Israel Citizen Science1,100
Istituto Professionale di Stato per l' Agricoltura el Ambiente1,400
Istituto Professionale per i Servizi Sociali Galilei1,700
Istituto Superiore Fermi Mantova1,700
Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale Duca degli Abruzzi1,100
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Mattei1,000
Izard Consolidated Elementary School1,000
Jackson Middle School (USSCI6BN)1,800
Jackson P. Burley Middle School2,300
Jack T. Farrar Elementary School1,100
James B. Eads School1,100
James B. Rue Elementary School1,800
Jang Young Sil Science High School1,300
Jan Jonker Afrikaner High School2,500
Japan Citizen Science1,700
Jarrow Montessori1,100
Jeddah Science Innovation Club1,700
Jeffers Hill Elementary School1,300
J.K.Gourdin Elementary School1,000
Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Leipzig2,300
John Carroll School1,700
John F. Kennedy Elementary School1,500
John - Lennon - Oberschule1,000
John Marshall High School (USWVU59F)1,500
John McGlashan College1,300
Jokioisten Keskustan ala-aste1,700
Joliot-Curie-Gymnasium Roebel2,900
Jonas Salk Middle School1,800
Jose Campeche2,700
Joseph D. Sharp Elementary School1,500
Josvainiu vidurine mokykla1,600
Jubilee School for Gifted Students1,400
Jungil High School2,100
Junior A High School , ARABBE1,900
Junior High School at Otsuka, Univ. of Tsukuba1,500
Jyoto High school1,400
KA1 Oostende Centrum1,100
Kabojja Secondary School1,700
Kaikoura High School1,600
Kaitahigashi elemenntaryschool1,300
Kalevankankaan ylaaste2,000
Kamo Junior High School2,200
Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Senior High School1,200
Kanazawa University Junior High School1,600
Kangwon Science High School1,400
Kanton Secondary1,200
Kantonsschule Olten1,400
KaoHsiung Girls Senior High school2,100
Kaponga School1,300
Karachi American School2,100
Kärdla School1,400
Karns Intermediate School1,000
K.A. Schaarbeek-Evere1,300
Kashiwarahigashi Senior High School of Osaka Prefecture1,500
Kasumi High School2,800
Katherine D. Burke School1,400
Katolicka klasicna gimnazija s pravom javnosti1,100
Kecoughtan High School1,600
K.E.E.P. Ocean Campus1,000
Keila Vene Gymnaasium1,200
Kempeleen Ylaaste1,300
Kennedy Elementary School1,600
Ketolanperan koulu1,200
K.E.Y.S. Learning Center1,500
Kfupm High School At- Dhahran1,300
KG/Mw/ Nagaragiri Vidyalaya1,100
Khalid ibn alwalid basic school2,400
Kimball Elementary School2,700
King Abdulaziz Secondary School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah1,200
King Abdulaziz Secondary School at Shaqra1,100
King Abdullah The Second School for Excellence Irbid2,200
King Abdullah The Second School For Excellence Zarqa1,700
King Saud Secondary School at Arar1,000
Kingston High School1,100
Kirkevoll skole (6-13)1,200
Kishoge Community College1,200
Kita Junior High School2,700
Knights Elementary School1,500
Knox Trail Junior High2,100
Koebel Elementary School1,600
Koeru High School2,700
Kokemaen ylaaste1,100
Konawaena High School1,800
Koninklijk Atheneum Merksem1,400
Korkalovaaran ya ja lukio2,300
Koryu Junior High School1,400
Kozan Junior High School1,300
Krachi Secondary School1,400
Krobo Girls Secondary School1,300
Ktatuinbouw School1,000
Ku/ Mahasen National School1,600
Kuokkalan koulu1,000
Kyonggi Science High School1,800
Kyrene De Los Lagos Elementary School1,400
Lady Joanna Thornhill Primary School1,900
La Escuela Basica de Sankajahuira1,200
Lake Gininderra College1,300
Lake Park Elementary School1,600
Lakeside High School (USARKSPV)1,100
Lake Windward Elementary School2,000
Lakewood Catholic Academy1,200
Lane Community College2,500
Lansiharjun Koulu1,000
Las Animas Middle School1,200
Latrobe High School1,600
Lauka Põhikool1,500
La Unidad Campesira Agropecuaria de Tiahuanacu1,100
Laurel School2,200
Layla Secondary School at Al-Aflaj1,100
Lead Hill Public School1,600
Learning Proyecto Integral1,000
Lecompton Elementary School2,600
Leggett Valley School1,300
Lena ungdomsskole2,600
Leppalan ala-aste1,500
Lessing Gymnasium1,900
Lessing Gymnasium (DEDEHHUR)1,300
Lessingschule Kamenz1,100
Lester School1,600
Levanger videreg?ende skole1,300
Lewis Center For Educational Research2,700
Liceo de Alta Exigencia Paulo Freire Quellón1,700
Liceo de Paraiso1,100
Liceo de Tarrazu1,200
Liceo Internacional1,200
Liceo San Rafael1,900
Liceo Scientifico Fanti1,500
Lievestoureen lukio2,400
Limbažu Valsts ģimnāzija2,500
Lincoln Elementary School (USALCKRW)1,100
Lincoln Elementary School (USCAJK5Q)2,800
Lincoln Elementary School (USCAOGWG)2,400
Lincoln Elementary School (USPA46AI)1,600
Lincoln High School1,900
Linworth Alternative School2,200
Little Flower School1,200
Lo-Inyo Elementary School1,000
Lomita Math/Science Magnet1,800
Lorenzo Coballes Gandia2,500
Louhiojan koulu2,300
Louisville Elementary1,000
Louisville High School1,500
Louisville Nature Center2,600
Lovington Grade School1,400
Lowell Elementary School1,000
Luderitz Secondary School1,200
Luis Muñoz Rivera1,700
Lutsk Palace of Student Youth2,200
Lycee 3 Avril / Morifindian Diabate1,300
Lycée Andohalo1,200
Lycee Andre Resapa1,300
Lycee Arivonimamo2,200
Lycee de Brickaville1,300
Lycee de Mananjary2,400
Lycee El Hadj Lamina Kalissa2,200
Lycee General Leclerc2,700
Lycee Ifanadiana2,600
Lycée Jeaques RABEMANANJARA1,900
Lycee Mixte Nos B1,200
Lycee Pole Morondava2,600
Lycee Zafy Albert2,600
Lyceum of Agios Stefanos1,200
Lyceum of Polis1,000
Lykeio Aradippou2,700
Macintyre High School1,200
Madagascar GLOBE v-School1,700
Madera High School2,300
Madison Park Primary School1,800
Madison Plains High School1,500
Maffra Secondary College1,700
Makif Het1,000
Makino-Higashi Elementary School1,700
Makkah Al-Mukaramah School at Dammam2,500
Malone Middle School1,200
Manarat Intermediate School at Madinah AL-Monawarah1,000
Manatee High School1,000
Manchester Gate School2,100
Manhasset Middle School1,700
Mantoulides School1,700
Manuel Monserrate2,300
Marana High School1,300
Marina Del Rey Middle School1,200
Mary Irene Day Elementary School2,300
Masan Yongma High School1,200
Massena Central School District2,800
Matije Petra Katančića2,700
Mayurapada National School1,500
McDavid-Jones Elementary School2,100
McGehee Elementary School2,800
McHenry Middle School2,100
McKinley Elementary School1,000
McLaren Vale Primary School1,100
Medina Valley Middle School2,300
Meek High School1,000
Memorial Middle School (USNDEHFD)1,400
Mendelovo Gymnazium1,900
Menlo-Atherton High School2,000
Miao-Li Senior High School1,400
Michael J. Petrides School PS 801,900
Middletown High School1,100
Mie Prefectural Environmental Education And Information Center1,500
Milford Elementary School1,000
Milford Jr. High1,400
Minamidaito Junior High School2,000
Minami Junior High School1,400
Minamiyawata erementary school1,300
Mingdao High School2,300
Mississippi School For The Deaf1,000
Missouri School For The Deaf2,300
Mitaka Elementary School1,000
Mitchell High School (USCO4319)1,000
Miyatanishi Junior High School1,100
Moamar Bin Rashed Intermediate School at Riyadh2,300
Monett Middle School1,900
Monmouth Middle School1,900
Monroe High School1,300
Mont-Cenis-Gesamtschule Herne1,200
Montgomery Bell Academy1,600
Montville High School1,100
Moraitis School2,200
Morning Star Drive1,800
Morris Elementary School1,600
Mosby skole (6-10 and 13-16)1,700
Mossneuk Primary2,000
Mountain Christian Academy1,200
Mountain View Elementary School1,300
Mountain View Middle School2,000
Mountain View School1,900
Mount Kilcoy State1,800
Mount Maria Junior School1,700
Mt Roskill Intermediate1,500
Mt Vernon Middle School1,000
Mugihigashi Elementary School2,300
Muhammed bin Masood AlBusaidi2,300
Multisectoral Lyceum of Patra1,300
Munhall Elementary School2,800
Murayama Agricultural Highschool2,100
Murray Middle School2,000
Musashino Junior High School2,900
Myyrmaen koulu1,800
Nagasaki University Junior High School1,100
Nancy Creek Traditional Preparatory Theme School1,000
Nanzan Girls' Junior High School1,800
Napapiirin ylaaste2,000
Narva Keelte Lütseum1,600
Narva Kesklinna Gümnaasium2,200
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center GLOBE v-School1,200
NASA IV&V ERC Virtual-School1,600
NASA Langley Research Center GLOBE v-School2,500
National Ecology and Nature Center2,200
Navarre Elementary School (USOHQ4L6)1,000
Nehru Nodal Ucha Bidyapitha2,500
Nellenburg Gymnasium2,000
Nelson College1,300
Neshaminy High School2,100
Neues Friedlaender Gymnasium1,300
Newbury Elementary School1,100
New Horizons Governors School For Science And Technology1,600
New Lebanon CSD2,900
Nigeria Citizen Science1,400
Niles McKinley High School1,200
Nkroful Agricultural Secondary School1,500
Norfork High School2,100
North Hollywood High School1,200
North Huron Elementary School1,600
North Kingstown High School1,200
Northland High School1,000
North Rock Creek Elementary School2,800
Northwood Junior High School2,800
Northwood Ridge Observatory1,400
Norton Elementary School2,900
Norton Primary School2,900
Norwood School2,800
Notogawaminami elementary school1,800
Novato High School1,300
Nyack Middle School1,200
Nykarleby hogstadieskola1,900
Oaklawn Primary School1,000
Oak Mountain State Park2,500
Oak Ridge School1,800
Oberstufe Gässeli Widnau2,900
Oberstufe Wartau1,800
Octorara Area High School1,800
Old Town High School1,000
Olive Elementary School1,100
Olive J. Dodge Elementary School2,200
Omama Bint Abi Alaas Intermediate Girls School at Al- Bahah1,000
Onaizah Secondary School at Onaizah1,700
Openbaar Lyceum Zeist1,000
Opoku Ware School1,200
OS Andrije Palmovica Rasinja1,600
OS Antuna Augustincica1,900
OS Antun Gustav Matoš, Vinkovci1,800
OS Antun Nemcic Gostovinski2,500
OS Djuro Ester1,500
OS Dr. Branimira Markovica1,300
OŠ dr Mate Demarina2,100
Oshino Junior High1,900
OS I. Gundulica2,800
OS Ivana Gorana Kovacica (HRHRD8PG)2,300
OS Ivana Nepomika Jemersica1,000
OS Kamesnica1,200
OS Lucko1,400
OS Mursko Sredisce1,600
Osnovna škola Jurja Dobrile Rovinj2,900
Osnovna škola Nikole Andrića1,700
Osnovna škola Prelog2,300
Osnovna škola Turanj1,200
Osnovna škola Vladimir Nazor Budinščina1,100
Osnovna škola Zrinskih Nuštar1,500
OS Podmurvice1,900
OS Popovaca2,000
OS Sesvetska Sela2,800
OS Slavka Kolara1,500
OS Sveti Djurdj2,000
Otavan opisto1,400
OU Dame Gruev- Bitola2,800
OU "Goce Delcev"1,900
OU "Kiril and Metodij"2,200
Our Lady Of Angels Convent1,100
Owen Middle School2,100
Ozel Eyuboglu Lisesi2,800
Ozel Inanc Lisesi2,000
Ozel Kultur Koleji1,100
Pakenham Hills Primary School1,100
Palm City Elementary School2,200
Palos Verdes Intermediate School2,200
Papalote Museo del Nino2,300
Papayom pittayakom school1,000
Paradise/Machado Schools1,400
Paraguay Citizen Science1,600
Paris High School1,400
Paris Middle School2,600
Park View Elementary School1,400
Parque Nacional "Barranca del Cupatitzio"2,900
Parrott Academy1,500
Parrott Middle School2,000
Pattison Elementary School (USWIDWE6)1,300
Paul W. Bell Middle School1,000
P.B.K. High School1,800
Peebles High School1,500
Peggy Carnahan Elementary School1,000
Pelrithang Higher Secondary School1,100
Perkins Local Schools2,000
Phakmaiwittayanukul school1,100
Phetwittayakhan School1,600
Philippine Science High School - CALABARZON Region Campus1,500
Piermont Village School1,300
Piisparristin Koulu2,100
Pinecrest Elementary School2,100
Pine Crest School (USFLQTPH)1,000
Pinelands Regional High School1,300
Pine Ridge Middle School1,600
Pine Shadows Elementary School1,300
Pinewood Elementary School2,900
Plainview - Rover High School2,000
Plassen skole (6-13)1,100
Plateau Valley School1,100
Pleasant Avenue Elementary School1,500
Plymouth Community Intermediate School1,100
Poestenkill Elementary School1,700
Pope John Secondary School1,000
Port Huron Northern High School1,200
Portugal Citizen Science1,800
Port Vincent Primary School1,500
Presbyterian Ladies College1,000
Primarschule Hinterforst1,900
Primarschule Ringenzeichen1,100
Primarschule Uesslingen1,100
Primary School No. 2 in Pruszcz Gdanski2,100
Prince Abdulelah Bin Abdulaziz Secondary School at Buraydah2,100
Prince Faisal the First School for Boys1,400
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahad Educational Complex at Dammam1,500
Prince Mohammed Bin Naser Intermediate School at Jazan1,300
Prince of Songkla University (Pattani)1,500
Prince Saud Bin Naif Educational Complex at Dammam2,100
Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Mukdahan2,600
Prirodoslovno-grafička škola Zadar1,800
Prospect Hill Elementary School1,500
P.S. 45R1,100
PS 48X1,100
Pudas School1,000
Punahou School2,300
Pusan Science High School1,700
Radburn School1,000
Ramat Aviv Gimmel2,300
Ramay Junior High School2,100
Ramon De Jesus Sierra1,600
Randolph Clay High School1,600
Randolph High School2,300
Raya Bint Al-Hussein Secondary School for Girls1,100
Realschule am Judenstein1,100
Realschule Busswil1,000
Reedy Creek Elementary School1,600
Reema basic school1,800
Relay Elementary School2,700
Renkouzi Elementary school1,200
Reservoir District Secondary College1,500
Revere Middle School (USOHWP6L)1,000
Rhame Public School1,300
Rhodes Elementary School1,000
Richmond Elementary School (USVTNQS5)1,300
Ringve vgs1,200
Ristiinan Ylaaste Ja Lukio2,400
Ristikallion koulu1,000
Riverdale Country School1,300
River Oaks Elementary School1,600
River Road Middle School1,700
River Valley High School1,200
Rivne Young Naturalists Station2,000
Riyadh Secondary School at Al-Zulfi2,600
Robertsdale High School2,700
Rockbridge Elementary School2,200
Rockhill Elementary School1,200
Rock Quarry Elementary School2,100
Rocky Mountain High School1,900
Roger B. Chaffee Elementary School1,000
Roi-et Wittayalai1,100
Roosevelt Elementary1,100
Roosevelt School1,900
Rostov School 951,200
Rostraver Elementary School1,500
Roswell Kent Middle School2,600
Rotorua Intermediate1,700
Royal College Curepipe1,200
Royle Elementary School1,000
R/Sri Rahula Maha Vidyalaya1,200
Rush National School2,400
Russia Citizen Science1,900
Sadadeen Primary School1,200
Sadot Elementary School1,200
Safia bint Abdulmutallab Al-Nessiah Girls School at Hail1,900
Saguaro Elementary School2,900
Salah A-Din Elementary Bedouin School1,400
Salem Middle School1,700
Salinkallion lukio1,000
Salt Pioneer Centre1,300
Samad Basic School1,700
San Domenico Middle School2,700
San Jose Episcopal Day School1,200
Saudi Arabia GLOBE v-School1,100
Savonlinnan normaalikoulu1,200
Saxe Gotha Elementary School1,500
Schule Marienau1,000
Schule Rebacker1,900
Schul-Umwelt-Zentrum Mitte1,200
Scotland High School1,700
Scottsdale High School1,500
Sea Road School2,100
Sea View/West Shores High School1,000
Secondary School #2221,700
Secondary School Francisco Franco2,900
Secretaría Ejecutiva Regional Arequipa-Moquegua-Tacna1,000
Sefwi-Wiawso Secondary School2,200
Sejiri Elementary School1,000
Sekondi College1,100
Sekundarschule Frenkendorf1,200
Sekundarschule Uzwil2,500
Selyshche Lyceum1,700
Semillero de Investigacion en Ciencias Espaciales, S.I.C.E1,400
Sevastopol Center of Ecology and Nature1,300
Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Boys Secondary School2,700
Shaker Road School2,100
Shazar Intermediate School1,600
Shepparton High School2,200
Sherman Oaks Center1,200
Sherwood Elementary School2,800
Shikigaoka Junior High2,900
Shimogamo Junior High1,100
Shiocton School District2,600
Shiqaiq Intermediate Girls School at Sabya1,200
Siekkilan koulu1,400
Sierra Foothill High School1,300
Simsbury High School1,600
Skaistgiris Gymnasium2,400
Skola za medicinske sestre Vinogradska1,300
Slinger Middle School1,300
Smolensk School Num. 332,100
Sociedad Antioquena de Astronomia - Udea1,200
Sola videreg?ende skole (16-19)2,000
Somogyi TISZK Drava Volgye Kozepiskola1,100
Somogyi TISZK Nagyváthy János Középiskola és Szakiskola2,000
Sonoma County Office Of Education2,100
Soo Township Elementary School2,300
Sophia P. Kingston Elementary School1,000
SOU "Naum Naumovski-Borche"1,800
South Africa Citizen Science2,300
Southeast Arkansas Community Education Center1,700
Southeast Warren Intermediate School1,400
Southern Nash Middle School1,300
South Lakewood Elementary School2,300
South Land Park Montessori School1,100
South Wasco County High School1,400
Spanish Bay Academy1,300
Sportgymnasium Schwerin1,700
Sportovni gymnazium1,200
Springfield Elementary School1,400
Springport School2,100
Spring Shadows Elementary School1,100
SPS Usti nad Labem2,000
Srednja skola Buzet1,600
Srednja Skola Dragutina Strazimira1,700
Srednja škola Jastrebarsko2,800
Srednja strukovna škola Kralja Zvonimira Knin1,700
Sri Lanka Citizen Science1,300
Sri Lanka GLOBE v-School2,400
SRU Middle School1,000
Staatliche Regelschule Bettenhausen2,100
St. Andrews School1,300
STARK County Educational Service Center1,000
Star Of The Sea School2,800
St. Augustine Girls High School1,900
St. Croix Central High School2,000
St. Edward School2,100
Steeple Run School2,900
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Middle School1,200
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School1,900
St. Helen School2,400
St John's Hill School1,200
St. John's Prep School1,300
St. Mary's Middle School1,000
St Mary's School, Nairobi1,800
St.Mary's Sem.Seconadry School1,400
Stokke ungdomsskole (13-16)1,200
St. Patrick's School (USNCU639)2,000
St. Peter's High School2,500
St. Peter's Unity Secondary School1,500
Stredni prumyslova skola polytechnicka - COP1,100
Stredni zdravotnicka skola2,900
Stredni zemedelska skola a Gymnazium Stare Mesto1,800
St. Scholastica Catholic School2,700
Stuckey Elementary1,800
Sturgis Elementary School1,700
Sutter Union High School1,500
Szent Orsolya Romai Katolikus Alt. Iskola, Gimn. es Kollegium1,500
Taegu Science High School2,600
Tahfeed Al Quran Complex Girls School at Yanbu1,700
Taichung Municipal Taichung Girls' Senior High School2,200
Talcott Mountain Academy For Science, Math&Tech1,800
Tampereen normaalikoulu1,000
Tennant Creek High School2,400
Texarkana College1,700
Texas State University1,400
Thailand GLOBE v-School1,600
Than Károly Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola2,200
The 17th Secondary Girls School at Hail1,400
The19 Secondary School At jeddah2,600
The 21st Secondary Girls School at Hafer Al-Batin1,200
The 27th Intermediate Girls School at Hafer Al-Batin1,800
The 28th Secondary Girls School at Buraydah1,800
The 2nd Secondary Girls School at Al-Jouf2,800
The33 Secondary School At jeddah1,500
The 48th Secondary Girls School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah2,100
The 4th Intermediate Girls School at Al-Mubarraz2,000
The 4th Secondary Girls School at Al-Jouf1,100
The 5th Secondary Girls School at Arar1,200
The 77th Intermediate Girls School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah1,400
The Affiliated High School of National Chung Hsing University2,000
The Affiliated Senior High school of NCU2,700
The Center of Youth1,100
The Downtown Elementary School1,100
The Evergreen School2,000
The Logan School For Creative Learning1,500
The Northfields Technology College1,600
Theodor Mommsen Gymnasium2,900
Thorildsplans Gymnasium1,800
Thornleigh ETNS2,300
Thurman G. Smith School2,000
Tjodalyng ungdomsskole (13-16)1,200
Tokaji Ferenc Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Kollégium1,900
Toledo Zoo and Aquarium1,000
Toma's Rivera Elementary School1,500
Tonosho Junior High School1,800
Torangin ylaaste2,000
Triam Udom Suksa School1,100
Trinity Bay State High School1,000
Tripoli Elementary School2,500
Trones skole1,000
Tryon Middle School2,000
Tsangpo PS2,200
Tsirguliina Keskkool1,100
Tsitsiboga Primary School1,300
Turkey Citizen Science2,100
Turlock High School1,200
Turun normaalikoulu1,100
Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School2,800
Tzvi Shapira1,500
UCAR Center for Science Education GLOBE v-School1,000
Uhud Secondary School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah1,700
Ukraine Citizen Science2,000
Ulm Public Schools1,500
Um alhakam bint alzubair pasic school1,800
Um hany basic school2,100
Umm Al Moumineen Juwayriah Intermediate Girls School at Taif2,000
Umm Al-Qura Secondary School at Jubail1,200
Umm Klthoom bint Uqba1,800
Um thar alghfari basic school1,500
Unidad Educativa Emile Jaques-Dalcroze1,100
Universidad Nacional del Comahue2,900
Universidad Tecnologica de Leon1,000
Universidad Vasco de Quiroga1,000
University of Alaska Fairbanks GLOBE v-School2,400
University Of Alaska Fairbanks - IARC1,600
University Of Alaska Fairbanks (USAKSWHS)1,100
University of Ilorin1,100
University Of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez Campus2,100
University of South Florida GLOBE v-School1,600
University of Tsukuba Senior High School1,400
University Practice Secondary School2,600
Uruguay GLOBE v-School2,500
Utenos Adolfo Sapokos gimnazija2,400
Utsjoen saamelaislukio1,000
Uzvara Secondary School1,300
Valley City Junior High School1,600
Valley High School1,100
Valley High School (USUTVUXS)1,000
Valley View Elementary School1,300
Valpariso Elementary School2,600
Vansbro utbildningscenter1,900
Ventura County Juvenile Court / Colston Youth Center1,300
Verdugo Hills High School1,200
Verkmenntaskolinn a Akureyri2,600
Vidya Pratishthan's English Medium School1,200
VII. Gimnazija1,000
Viljandi Jakobsoni Kool1,600
Vilniaus Solomo Aleichemo ORT gymnasium2,400
Vincentia High School1,300
Vinjar skule2,900
Vuosaaren Ylaasteen Koulu1,400
Walhalla Middle School1,400
Walnut Ridge Middle School1,700
Walter G. Nord Junior High1,400
Walt Whitman High School1,300
Wapsie Valley Jr. High School1,600
Wasco Elementary School2,300
WA Secondary School1,400
Washburn Elementary School1,500
Washington Elementary School1,300
Washington Elementary School (USILOXYT)1,800
Washington (Richland School District)1,800
Wasilla High School1,500
Watauga High School1,500
Watershed Charter School2,300
Waupaca Learning Center1,100
WCLT Middle School1,200
Webster Elementary School2,400
Wegienka Elementary School1,300
Welford on Avon Primary School1,300
Westall Secondary College2,600
West Chester B. Reed Henderson High School2,200
West Elementary School (USTN5PRL)1,800
West End Elementary School1,000
Westfield Washington Schools1,500
West Forsyth High School1,400
West Hollow Middle School1,000
West Suburban Christian Academy2,800
West Valley High School1,900
W.G. Mallett School1,200
Wheatland High School1,500
Whitefish High School1,300
Whitefish Township Community Schools1,400
Wild Rose Elementary School1,700
William C. Munn School1,800
William DeLuca, Jr. Elementary School1,000
William D. Slider Middle School2,500
William J. Thornton Elementary School1,100
Wing Public School2,000
Withrow Elementary School1,100
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School2,100
World Community Education Center1,400
WP/Jaya/Pannipitiya Dharmapala1,700
WP/Minu/ Aluthepola Walagamba Maha Vidyalaya1,400
WX5ELP El Paso Skywarn1,300
XIII Liceum in Bydgoszcz1,900
XIX Liceum Powstancow Warszawy2,900
Xrobb l-Ghagin1,100
Yachdav Elementary School1,200
Yankeetown School1,000
Yarovysche Secondary School1,000
Yin-Pei Junior high school1,000
Young Elementary School1,600
Zakladni skola Hranice, okres Cheb1,100
Zakladni skola Lysice2,000
Zakladni skola Mecholupy1,900
Zakladni skola T.G.Masaryka2,100
Zelyonoborskaya School Gymnasium2,400
Zhytomyr Secondary School #191,300
Zoological Society Of Milwaukee Co.1,200
ZS Albrechtice2,100
ZS a MS Domamil1,800
ZS a MS Kamenice, okres Jihlava1,700
ZS a MS Malesov2,200
ZS G.A. Lindnera2,400
ZŠ Hálkova Humpolec1,200
ZS Jilovska2,800
ZS Kolin IV Prokopa Velikeho2,800
ZS Moravska1,300
ZS Pod Marjankou1,800
ZS Rehorova1,000
ZS Stankova, Pardubice2,300
ZŠ Velké Němčice1,300
Zuyderzee Lyceum2,100


school Approximate Number of Measurements
1st Gymnasium of Preveza4,000
2nd Arsakeio-Tositseio lyceum Ekalis3,400
2nd Gymnasium of Agia Paraskevi3,400
6th Gymnasium of Volos3,700
7th Lyceum of Larissa3,900
94th Secondary School At Riyadh4,900
Abi AL Atahiah Secondary School at Almadinah3,600
Ala-Malmin Peruskoulu3,400
Albirwani Elementary School at Yanbu4,300
Al-Bukhari Al Shamela3,400
Al Faruk Elementary School3,000
‏Ali bin Abi Talib Secondary School at Jeddah3,400
Aljazeera Intermediate School at Taif4,300
Al Qairwan Secondary School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah3,100
Al-Rawda Secondary School at Jazan3,200
AL Salam Elementary School3,700
Al Shaikh Salim Bin Hamoud AlSiyabi basic school4,200
Alsultan Saied School3,000
Al-Tahlya Intermediate and Secondary Girls School at Yanbu3,400
Althabti basic school3,200
Al-Thagher Secondary School at Jeddah3,400
Althawra AlArabyah Alkubra-Military Culture3,400
Altraif basic school3,100
American College of Greece3,600
American Community School3,400
Amos McDannel Elementary School4,400
Anvil City Science Academy3,200
Arran Outdoor Education Resource3,300
Assumption Elementary School3,600
Attour Junior High School For Girls4,500
Austin Area Elementary School3,100
Australia GLOBE v-School4,900
Ballymena Primary4,000
Beatrice High School3,100
Belgium Citizen Science4,000
Ben Lomond School3,000
Bishop Herman Secondary School4,700
Blaise Pascal College4,500
Bolea Home School4,400
Booneville High School3,400
Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre4,400
Brockett Elementary School3,600
Bukata Junior High School4,500
Burnt Chimney Elementary School4,500
Butterfield Elementary School4,200
Carmen Silva High School4,200
CBETA 693,000
CEG 2 Parakou (Zongo)3,200
CEG Agatogbo, Mono4,800
CEG Akpro- Missérété4,100
CEG Aplahoue3,600
CEG Come3,700
CEG Seme Podji4,200
Central Catholic High School3,400
Centre for Environment Education3,500
CEPA Plus Ultra4,100
Challand Middle School3,300
Charlotte Christian School3,700
Cherry Hill High School East3,100
Chile Citizen Science3,200
Christa McAuliffe Planetarium3,700
Chungbuk Science High School3,300
Co/ Devi Balika Vidyalaya3,300
Colegio Cruz del Sur3,700
Colegio de Ciencias4,500
Complex of Schools J. Kilinskiego in Sosnowiec4,100
Complex of Schools No. 3 in Klobuck, 3th Secondary School of K. Kosinski in Klobuck3,500
Complex of Schools No 5 in Zabrze4,700
CONALEP Plantel Gustavo Baz3,600
CONALEP Plantel Tijuana II4,500
Corcoran High School3,900
Corsica Middle School3,100
CREDES Patzcuaro4,700
Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Gimnázium4,100
Cusanus Gymnasium Erkelenz3,700
Cut Bank Middle School4,600
Da Dun Elementary School4,000
Dai-ni Junior High School3,900
Deerwood Elementary School3,500
Detroit Lakes Middle School3,900
D.W. Daniel High School3,800
East High School3,400
EEM Nº 328 Gral. José de San Martín4,400
Ehime Prefectural Niihama Technical High School4,100
Elizabeth Cashwell Elementary School3,000
Elk City School4,600
Ellis High School3,300
Emmet Belknap Middle School3,000
ENATEF (Ecole National d'Eaux et Forets)3,100
Eniaio Lykeio Kykkou B4,900
EPP Assagbine Baka3,200
EPP Chabicouma/A3,900
EP P Kodowari4,300
EPP Nanzounme3,400
EPP Thio/B3,400
EPP Zakpo/A4,500
Esc. Sec. Diurna Num. 107 "Xochimilco"4,100
Esc. Sec. Diurna num. 1 "Cesar A. Ruiz" T.V.3,300
Esc. Sec. Dna. Núm. 238 "Ramón Beteta"4,100
Esc. Sec. Téc. Núm. 104 "Martín López Rito"3,600
Esc. Sec. Tec. Num. 343,100
Esc. Sec. Téc. Núm. 73 "Carlos Vallejo Marquez"3,800
Esc. Sec. Téc. Núm. 95 "Cuitláhuac"3,000
Escuela de Comercio Nª 30,3,800
Escuela Francisco Zayas Santana3,000
Escuela Josefita Monserrate De Selles3,000
Escuela Superior De La Comunidad Luis Munoz Marin4,700
Escuela Superior Francisco Morales3,000
Experimental lower and upper secondary school3,200
Fahan School3,400
Fairfield Elementary School3,500
Fair Haven Grade School3,200
Farasan Elementary Scool At3,100
Federico Degetau3,000
Five Hawks Elementary School4,800
Fort Frye High School3,600
Fowler Elementary School4,900
Fox Ridge Elementary School4,400
Franklin Elementary School4,300
Franziskus-Schule Bornheim3,000
Freedom Middle School (USCAY8GS)4,000
Friedrich Rueckert Gymnasium Ebern4,600
Friendship Junior High School4,200
Ft. Worth Country Day School3,500
Fundación Escuelas San Juan3,500
Galing PS (GLIDWMSM)3,300
Gallatin R V High School3,300
Garnet Valley Middle School3,000
Gemeinschaftshauptschule Krahenhoehe4,100
Germany GLOBE v-School3,300
Gimnasio Kitiou4,600
Gimnazija Titusa Brezovackog3,500
Gimnazjum No 17 in Białystok3,300
Gimnazjum No 1 Polskich Olimpijczyków in Twardogóra3,200
Gimnazjum St. Staszica in Panki4,300
Glen Innes West Public School4,700
Goddard Middle School4,600
Golden Grove Primary School4,000
Government Secondary School Bambalang4,400
Grafton High School3,400
G. Ray Bodley High School3,600
Great Smoky Mountains Institute At Tremont3,600
Griffith Elementary School4,300
GS Mettlach Orscholz3,300
Gulf Education Complex at Buraydah4,300
Gymnase de Beaulieu4,400
Gymnasium Dresden-Cotta3,900
Gymnasium Farmsen3,800
Gymnasium of Gavros4,600
Gymnasium of Nea Alikarnassos3,000
Gymnasium of Polis4,700
Gymnasium of Strimoniko, Serres3,300
Gymnazium Chodovicka3,000
Hachiman Technical High School3,000
Hagelstamska hogstadiet3,200
Hambrick Elementary School3,000
Hansung-Science High School4,200
Happy Valley Elementary School3,600
Harambee Community Cultures/Environmental Science Elementary School4,400
Heinrich Boell Gymnasium3,100
Henniker Community School4,200
Hickory County R-I School4,100
Hidden Creek Elementary School3,200
HighSchool Of Princess Noura University At Riyadh3,500
Hillsdale Elementary School (USPAK4BN)3,200
Hirakawa Junior High School3,800
Hiroshima Prefectural Sera Senior High School3,100
Honain School at Hail3,800
Horning Middle School4,200
Houston Academy3,500
Ibn Khaldoon Secondary School at Yanbu3,800
Ibri basic School3,400
Idaho School For The Deaf And The Blind3,600
IES Abyla4,400
IES Alarnes4,800
IES Bioclimatico4,200
IES Campo de San Alberto4,000
IES Ciudad de Luna4,500
IES Europa3,400
IES Francisco Giner de los Rios3,400
IES Isabel de Perillán y Quiros3,000
IES Joan Oro4,900
IES Joaquin Rodrigo4,200
IES La Dehesilla4,500
IES La Guancha4,200
IES Los Navalmorales3,400
IES Maria Zambrano3,000
IES Marques de Santillana4,500
IES Molina de Aragón4,100
IES Monte Castelo4,300
IES Puzol3,900
IES Ramón J. Sender4,900
IES Ria del Carmen3,500
IES Ribera del Bullaque4,500
IES S. Agustin de Guadalix4,100
IES San Isidro4,200
IES Satafi3,100
IES Virgen de Vico3,900
II Liceum M. Kopernika in Lowicz3,000
Ikeda Primary School4,300
Imam Khalf School Intermediate at Uqlat Asuqur3,300
Independence Middle School3,500
Indwe Secondary School3,400
Instituto del Mar Capitan Williams4,000
Instituto Nuestra Senora de la Misericordia3,700
Instituto San Juan Bautista De La Salle3,100
International School of Port of Spain4,300
Iowa Park Junior High School3,400
Ironi Alef Modiin3,100
Istituto Superiore Fermi Mantova3,000
Jackson P. Burley Middle School3,100
Jan Jonker Afrikaner High School3,500
Jericho Elementary School4,600
Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Leipzig3,200
John Burroughs Elementary School4,500
Jokioisten Ylaaste4,600
Joliot-Curie-Gymnasium Roebel3,900
Jose Campeche4,100
Jungil High School4,600
Junior A High School , ARABBE3,200
Kamo Junior High School3,200
KaoHsiung Girls Senior High school3,800
Karachi American School3,100
Karak Pioneer Centre4,800
Kasumi High School3,100
Kenya GLOBE v-School3,300
Khalid ibn alwalid basic school4,100
Kimball Elementary School4,100
King Abdullah The Second School for Excellence Irbid3,500
King Saud Secondary School at Dumat Al-Jandal4,500
Kinkaid School4,400
Kita Junior High School3,600
Klaipėdos moksleivių saviraiškos centras, Smiltelės g. 223,000
Knox Trail Junior High3,200
Koeru High School4,000
Korkalovaaran ya ja lukio3,100
Kuwait GLOBE v-School4,900
Laurel School3,200
Lecompton Elementary School3,700
Lena ungdomsskole3,600
Lewis Center For Educational Research4,500
Liceo de Alta Exigencia Paulo Freire Quellón3,000
Lievestoureen lukio3,700
Limbažu Valsts ģimnāzija4,100
Lincoln Elementary School (USCAJK5Q)4,000
Lincoln Elementary School (USCAOGWG)3,300
Linworth Alternative School3,200
Lorenzo Coballes Gandia3,800
Louhiojan koulu3,000
Louisville Nature Center4,000
Loxley Elementary School3,200
Lutsk Palace of Student Youth3,800
Lycee Arivonimamo3,600
Lycee de Mananjary3,200
Lycee El Hadj Lamina Kalissa3,400
Lycee General Leclerc4,100
Lycée Jeaques RABEMANANJARA3,200
Lycee Militaire de Jeunes Filles4,500
Lycee Pole Morondava3,900
lycee Thilmakha4,900
Lycee TOFFA 1er4,500
Lycee Zafy Albert4,000
Madagascar GLOBE v-School3,400
Madera High School3,600
Makkah Al-Mukaramah School at Dammam4,200
Manchester Gate School3,000
Manchester Township High School4,300
Manuel Monserrate3,400
Mary Irene Day Elementary School3,700
Mary Putnam Henck Middle School4,500
Massena Central School District4,600
Mastricola Middle School4,600
Mat-Su Career And Technical High School4,500
McDavid-Jones Elementary School3,300
McGehee Elementary School3,900
McHenry Middle School3,100
Medina Valley Middle School3,700
Miltonbank Primary School4,600
Mingdao High School3,500
Missouri School For The Deaf3,400
Moamar Bin Rashed Intermediate School at Riyadh4,200
Monroe High School (USMIGE4E)4,000
Moraitis School3,100
Mossneuk Primary3,200
Mountain View School (GLIDPXRW)4,300
Mount Gallant Elementary School4,800
Mugihigashi Elementary School4,100
Muhammed bin Masood AlBusaidi3,400
Munhall Elementary School4,200
Murayama Agricultural Highschool3,100
Murray Middle School3,000
Musashino Junior High School4,200
Narva Kesklinna Gümnaasium3,700
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center GLOBE v-School3,600
NASA Langley Research Center GLOBE v-School3,000
National Ecology and Nature Center3,800
Navrongo Secondary School4,500
Nehru Nodal Ucha Bidyapitha4,700
Nellenburg Gymnasium3,400
Neshaminy High School3,100
New Lebanon CSD4,700
New Norfolk High School4,700
Northmoor Elementary School4,800
North Rock Creek Elementary School4,200
Northwood Junior High School4,200
Norton Elementary School4,300
Norton Primary School4,600
Norway Citizen Science4,100
Norwood School4,400
Notogawaminami elementary school3,200
N?tter?y vgs4,500
Nyack Middle School3,000
Oak Glen High School4,300
Ochiai junior High School4,800
Oita Junior Eco Club4,800
Olive J. Dodge Elementary School3,500
OS Antuna Augustincica3,100
OS Antun Gustav Matoš, Vinkovci3,400
OS Antun Nemcic Gostovinski3,900
OS I. Gundulica4,300
OS Ivana Gorana Kovacica (HRHRD8PG)3,500
OS Ivanke Trohar (HRHRICJB)4,900
OS Lucko4,600
Osnovna škola Prelog4,100
Osnovna škola Turanj3,100
OS Podmurvice3,100
OSU "Aco Ruskovski"4,300
OU "Kiril and Metodij"3,700
Owen Middle School3,100
Ozel Darussafaka Lisesi4,600
Ozel Eyuboglu Lisesi3,900
Palm City Elementary School3,400
Palos Verdes Intermediate School3,100
Papalote Museo del Nino3,300
Paris Middle School3,900
Park View Elementary School3,500
Parque Nacional "Barranca del Cupatitzio"4,400
Pashley Elementary School4,600
Perkins Local Schools3,000
Perry Central Elementary School4,100
Peru Citizen Science4,800
Piisparristin Koulu3,100
Pinecrest Elementary School3,200
Pinewood Elementary School4,200
Plainview - Rover High School3,000
Pompano Beach High School3,000
Potomac School4,700
Primary School No. 1 in Sochaczew4,300
Primary School No. 2 in Pruszcz Gdanski3,800
Prince Abdulelah Bin Abdulaziz Secondary School at Buraydah3,800
Prince Saud Bin Naif Educational Complex at Dammam3,000
Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Mukdahan4,400
Punahou School3,400
Ramat Aviv Gimmel3,600
Ramay Junior High School3,100
Randolph High School3,000
Relay Elementary School3,700
Ristiinan Ylaaste Ja Lukio3,600
Rivne Young Naturalists Station4,200
Robertsdale High School3,300
Rockbridge Elementary School3,500
Rock Quarry Elementary School3,200
Rocky Mountain High School3,200
Roswell Kent Middle School3,400
Rujiena Secondary School4,600
Safia bint Abdulmutallab Al-Nessiah Girls School at Hail3,000
Saguaro Elementary School4,600
Saint Andrew Catholic School4,100
Salah A-Din Elementary Bedouin School4,300
Salem Consolidated Grade School4,700
Samad Basic School3,000
San Domenico Middle School3,800
School and Kindergarden Complex K.Makuszyńskiego in Kalej4,300
Sea Road School3,000
Secondary School Francisco Franco3,700
Sefwi-Wiawso Secondary School3,300
Sekundarschule Stacherholz4,500
Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Boys Secondary School4,500
Shaker Road School3,100
Shepparton High School3,200
Sherwood Elementary School3,900
Shikigaoka Junior High4,300
Shiocton School District3,600
Shiqaiq Intermediate Girls School at Sabya4,900
Skaistgiris Gymnasium3,900
Smolensk School Num. 333,000
Snow Elementary School4,900
Sola videreg?ende skole (16-19)3,300
Sonoma County Office Of Education3,100
Soo Township Elementary School3,400
SOU "Naum Naumovski-Borche"3,300
South Lakewood Elementary School3,100
Spring Ford Middle School - 8th Grade Center4,500
SPS Usti nad Labem3,200
Srednja škola Jastrebarsko4,700
Staatliche Regelschule Bettenhausen3,000
Star Of The Sea School3,900
St. Croix Central High School3,100
St. Edward School3,000
Steeple Run School4,600
Steinbeck Elementary School4,900
St. Helen School3,400
Stinson Elementary School4,500
St. Joseph Thiphawan School4,500
St. Luke's College-Haras Santa María4,700
St.Michael School3,500
St. Patrick's School (USNCU639)3,300
St. Peter's4,800
St. Peter's Unity Secondary School3,500
Stredni prumyslova skola sdelovaci techniky4,800
Stredni zdravotnicka skola4,200
St. Scholastica Catholic School3,200
Sunridge Middle School4,800
Taegu Science High School3,700
Taft Elementary School (USORWIQG)4,300
Taichung Municipal Taichung Girls' Senior High School4,300
Taiwan Partnership Citizen Science3,600
TED Ankara College Foundation4,200
Tennant Creek High School3,400
The 27th Intermediate Girls School at Hafer Al-Batin3,200
The 28th Secondary Girls School at Buraydah3,400
The 48th Secondary Girls School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah3,500
The 4th Intermediate Girls School at Al-Mubarraz4,100
The Affiliated High School of National Chung Hsing University4,000
The Affiliated Senior High school of NCU4,900
Theodor Mommsen Gymnasium4,900
Toledo Zoo and Aquarium3,100
Tonosho Junior High School3,200
Toyoma Junior High School4,700
Triam Udom Suksa School3,300
Trinity School4,400
Tripoli Elementary School3,700
Tsangpo PS4,000
Tuscola High School4,800
Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School4,400
Uhud Secondary School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah3,000
Um alhakam bint alzubair pasic school3,000
Um hany basic school3,400
Umm Al Moumineen Juwayriah Intermediate Girls School at Taif3,500
Umm Klthoom bint Uqba3,000
Universidad Nacional del Comahue3,100
University of Alaska Fairbanks GLOBE v-School3,600
University Of Idaho4,400
University Of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez Campus3,000
University Practice Secondary School3,800
Uruguay GLOBE v-School3,200
Utenos Adolfo Sapokos gimnazija3,600
Valpariso Elementary School3,800
Varee Chiangmai school3,300
Vassalboro Community School4,600
Verkmenntaskolinn a Akureyri4,300
Viira Comprehensive School4,800
Vincent Elementary School4,500
Vinjar skule4,100
Wailupe Valley School4,600
Wasco Elementary School3,400
Waverly Elementary Grade School4,600
Waverly-Shell Rock Junior High School4,900
Webster Elementary School3,600
Werner-Heisenberg Gymnasium4,800
Westall Secondary College3,900
West Chester B. Reed Henderson High School3,100
West Elementary School (USWYZ69T)4,500
West Suburban Christian Academy3,800
William D. Slider Middle School3,200
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School3,200
XIII Liceum in Bydgoszcz3,100
XIX Liceum Powstancow Warszawy4,400
XVII Liceum in Poznań4,400
Zakladni skola Mecholupy3,300
Zakladni skola T.G.Masaryka3,400
Zelyonoborskaya School Gymnasium3,900
ZS a gymnazium Vitkov4,700
ZS Albrechtice3,200
ZS a MS Malesov3,900
ZS G.A. Lindnera3,400
ZS Jilovska4,400
ZS Kolin IV Prokopa Velikeho4,900
ZS Stankova, Pardubice3,500


school Approximate Number of Measurements
13th and 21st Primary School of Keratsini6,800
1st Gymnasium of Xanthi8,700
31intermediate school At Altaif7,700
3rd Gymnasium of Sparti9,800
4Secondary School AT Riyadh5,000
5th Gymnasium of Faliro8,300
5th Gymnasium of Nikea6,100
60. Grundschule9,700
Abja Gymnasium9,900
Addanah Elementary School at Jubail9,400
Agua Caliente Park5,800
Ala Basic School6,400
Al-Bayroni Elementary School5,200
Albert Gallatin South Middle School6,100
Alexander Dawson School6,400
Al-Falah Secondary School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah7,000
Al-Khandaq Secondary School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah9,600
Al-Kifah Intermediate School at Al-Ahsa5,200
Al-Madenah Al-Monawarah School at Dammam7,000
Al-Mountazah Secondary School at Hail9,200
Al-Murabba School at Yanbu8,100
AL-Qaraawi secondary School at Jazan8,900
Al-Waleed Bin Abd Al-Malik Secondary School at Yanbu5,600
Angel Maria Herrera5,800
Anita Elementary School5,100
Anyksciai A. Baranauskas Basic School9,400
Anykščių Antano Vienuolio progimnazija6,800
Argentina Citizen Science8,400
Asma bint aomis basic school9,900
Atebubu Secondary School6,300
Atholton Elementary School5,400
Attached Junior High School, Nara Women's University6,200
Audubon Jr/Sr High School7,600
Avondale High School9,400
Bandu Saharatwittaya5,400
Bangkok Christian College5,600
Ban Suksamran School6,100
Barrington High School5,900
Batat Intermediate Girls School at Al-Makhwah8,800
Benito Juarez Primary School No. 85 in Warsaw8,900
Bertha-von Suttner Schule8,500
Bin Baz Secondary Scool At-Riyadh6,000
Birch Lane Elementary School8,800
Bowie High School9,400
Browning High School6,100
Burbank Middle School7,200
Burlington County Institute Of Technology8,600
Campbell Creek Science Center7,500
Carine Senior High School8,100
Carter County High School5,100
Cartersville Primary School5,000
Casey-Westfield High School5,100
CC Padre Manyanet8,100
CECyTEM Nicolás Romero6,300
CECyTEM Puruandiro8,000
CEG1 Djougou6,400
CEG1 Kandi9,700
CEG1 Pobe5,300
CEG1 Save8,700
CEG2 Djougou6,300
CEG 3 Parakou (Albarika)6,700
CEG Application8,100
CEG Bassila9,800
CEG Bellefoungou5,300
CEG Bembereke8,100
CEG Boukoumbe5,800
CEG Davie9,400
CEG Tanguieta9,500
Champlin Park High School5,300
Charles B. Murray Elementary School9,800
Chartiers-Houston Jr./Sr. High School5,500
Chiniak School7,100
Chiyo Junior High School5,000
Chon Bok Science High School6,400
Chonnam Science High School7,600
Clusius College5,600
Clusius College VBO-Groenschool Noord Kennemerland6,200
Cobb Middle School6,000
Colegio Asuncion Cuestablanca6,600
Colegio de la Mesopotamia6,400
Colegio Los Molinos5,800
Colegio San Marcos5,700
College of Earth, Ocean, Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) GLOBE v-School9,000
Collinwood Middle School5,700
Colombia Citizen Science5,500
Colorado State University5,400
Complex of Schools F. Dury in Chmielów5,900
Complex of Schools Gen. D.Chlapowskiego in Bolechowo9,900
Complex of Schools J. Kilinskiego in Krapkowice7,900
Co/ Royal College7,400
Daejon Science High School9,200
DE Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Gimnáziuma6,400
Dhammasirisuksa sattahip6,200
Dolgeville Elementary School7,100
Douglas MacArthur Elementary School5,200
Eastbrook Elementary School7,400
Easton Area High School5,600
Ecole Normale Instituteurs(ENI)5,100
EEM Nº 3 José Manuel Estrada6,000
Ehime Prefecture Experience-Based Learning Center for Ecology8,600
ekonomsko-birotehnička škola split7,000
Elayet feda basic school9,700
Elementary C Der Hana5,600
ELTE Trefort Ágoston Gyakorlóiskola7,400
Enterprise Elementary School5,700
EPP Aplahoue9,000
EPP Banikanni 1 B8,200
EPP Banikoara Groupe A6,000
EPP Gounli7,600
EPP Houegbo-Aliho6,700
EPP Kandi / A5,400
EPP Lokossa/C6,900
EPP Ouenlinda/B9,400
EPP Oukanme7,000
EPP Ourbouga6,900
EPP Tchoutchoubou6,800
EPP Thya7,200
ES1-142 "Manuel M. Ponce"5,300
Esc. De La Comunidad Raul Ybarra6,600
Escuela Henry Ford7,800
Esraa highschool6,100
Federal Government Girls' College, Akure6,000
Feng-Shan senior high school7,000
Field Station And Environmental Education Center5,800
Finland Citizen Science5,000
Forestdale School - Sandwich Public Schools7,900
Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium5,900
Fudan high school9,500
Galesburg - Augusta Intermediate School9,100
GBSS Downtown Bamenda9,200
Geodetska tehnicka skola5,200
Gesamtschule Stellingen5,400
Gibborei Israel6,900
Gimnazija Andrija Mohorovicic7,200
Gimnazija Antuna Gustava Matoša Zabok5,500
Gimnazija Dubrovnik8,500
Gimnazjum in Dłutów9,700
Gimnazjum Jana Pawła II in Kłobuck8,000
Gimnazjum ks. W. Rabczynskiego in Wasilków6,400
Gimnazjum No 142 R. Schumana in Warszawa8,100
Gimnazjum No 2 in Żywiec9,800
Gimnazjum Noblistow Polskich in Koźminek9,700
Girl Scouts Of Michigan Pines5,200
Government Bilingual Practicing High School5,200
Government Bilingual Secondary School (GBSS) Muea-Buea5,000
Greytown School8,000
Grund- und Gesamtschule Wustrau9,800
G/ Sangamiththa Balika Vidyalaya7,300
Guillen Middle School8,100
Gymnasio Aradippou6,500
Gymnasium an der Heinzenwies7,100
Gymnasium Leonhard9,700
Gymnasium of Tinos7,400
Gymnasium Yeroskipou9,500
Gymnazium A. Jiraska8,100
Gymnazium Hranice6,200
Gymnazium Moravska Trebova6,100
Gymnazium Slavicin7,100
Gymnazium Voderadska9,100
Hafsah bint sirin basic school5,600
Haima basic school9,100
Hango Hogstadium6,400
Hauptschule Heilsbronn8,400
Haverhill Elementary School8,600
Hermann Lietz-Schule Haubinda7,400
Hittin Intermediate School at Al-Bahah7,300
Horfish Elementary B School6,700
Hsin Tien Senior High School7,400
Huber Ridge Elementary6,000
IES Ágora5,900
IES Alonso Quijano (ESESCQKQ)8,900
IES Anselmo Lorenzo9,200
IES Canteras7,200
IES Carmen Conde7,400
IES Carmen Martín Gaite9,700
IES Celso Diaz5,400
IES Clavero Fernández de Córdoba8,400
IES Duque de Nájera5,600
IES Federico García Lorca5,800
IES Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente5,800
IES Francisco Tomas y Valiente8,300
IES Gran Tarajal5,400
IES Guadalerzas7,000
IES Gustavo Adolfo Becquer5,000
IES Hermanos Argensola7,800
IES Isaac Peral5,300
IES Jaime Ferrán9,500
IES Joan Miró9,100
IES Jose Luis Sampedro5,000
IES Julio Caro Baroja7,000
IES Julio Verne7,500
IES Julio Verne (ESESG4J3)7,400
IES La Matanza7,700
IES Las Salinas del Mar Menor5,000
IES Los Cristianos6,700
IES Los Enlaces5,000
IES Manuel Azaña6,900
IES Manuel de Montsuar6,000
IES Marques de Suanzes5,400
IES Picos de Urbion9,400
IES San Juan del Castillo5,200
IES Santiago Grisolía5,900
IES Sofia Casanova6,400
IES Yaiza7,700
IGS Franzsches Feld5,000
India GLOBE v-School5,700
Indiana School For The Deaf8,500
Indian Hills Elementary School5,800
INFINITY Science Center9,400
Instituto de Guanacaste9,300
Instituto Industrial "Luis A. Huergo" (A-117)7,600
Irene E. Feldkirchner School9,300
Islice secondary school5,400
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Fermi (ITIT3EFT)7,300
Jeesionrannan tp.6,700
Jefferson Central School6,500
Jefferson Road School8,800
Jemah basic school5,700
J.H. Brown School8,400
Jogeva Gymnasium8,000
Jones County School District 37-35,300
Joseph Haydn Gymnasium Dresden, Aussenstelle Niederpoyritz8,000
Józef Lompa Primary School in Woźniki8,700
Kaina Comprehensive School9,700
Kamikawa junior highscool8,200
Karamah Bin Ali Al-Ahmer Secondary School at Sabya6,100
Kauno sv. Pranciskaus school9,300
Kedouin Junior High7,400
Ketchikan High School7,300
Kettunen 4-H Conference Center6,000
King Khalid Secondary School at Al-Hofuf8,300
King's Highway Elementary School6,200
Kirovograd Collegium5,300
Kiteen lukio5,700
Kivioli Vene Kool7,400
Knights of Knowledge International School8,700
Kodiak High School8,300
Kongsg?rdmoen skole (6-12)7,000
Koninklijk Atheneum Tienen6,800
Kopernikus Gymnasium (DEDEAF9T)8,800
Ku/ Maliyadeva College7,400
Kwangju Science High School8,000
La Colina Junior High School8,100
Lagedi Comprehensive School5,400
La Puente High School6,500
La Tuna6,300
Liceum of Lisichansk City7,900
Lilburn Elementary School5,200
Lincoln Fundamental School5,400
Lintumetsan Koulu8,900
Liou-Guei Senior High School8,700
Lise-Meitner Gesamtschule Koeln-Porz5,000
Louis Armstrong Middle School7,700
Lycee Ambositra6,100
Lycee Houffon7,600
Lycee Ifanadiana5,100
Lycee Jean Ralaimongo8,200
Lycee Jules Ferry8,300
Lycee Mahanoro7,000
Lycee Marovoay6,500
Lycee Mathieu Bouke7,300
Lycee Miandrivazo8,300
Lycee Notre Dame de Niger7,700
Lycee Philibert Tsiranan6,500
Lykeio Apostolou Varnava5,600
Lykeio Aradippou5,300
Lykeio Ayiou Neophytou6,900
Lyndhurst High School9,400
Machesney Elementary School6,500
Mahopac High School6,400
Major Edwards Elementary School6,300
Marcellus Community High School5,800
Marine Resources Development Foundation5,900
Marlow Middle School5,200
Masarykova stredni skola chemicka6,000
Mazeikiu distr. Zidiku Marijos Peckauskaites Gymnasium6,400
Maþeikiu "Gabijos" gimnazija8,500
Mekif Shaab Junior High School7,800
Mexico Citizen Science8,600
Middleport Elementary School8,000
Millview Elementary School7,000
Montanus Realschule5,800
Montverde Academy5,900
Nanzan Girls' Senior High School6,500
Narva Soldino Gymnaasium9,700
Netherlands Citizen Science5,100
Newberry Elementary7,200
New Miami Jr./Sr. High School5,800
New Taipei Municipal Jin-Shan High School8,900
Noble Middle School (USMEXQKN)6,500
Northern Lights5,700
Northland Pines9,900
North Mason High School7,500
Nosaka Junior High8,500
Oberstufe Gässeli Widnau5,600
Oberstufenschulhaus Rheineck7,500
Oberstufenzentrum Remisberg9,600
Oklahoma GLOBE v-School5,500
Onion Creek9,900
OS Barilovic5,800
OŠ "Gustav Krklec" Maruševec6,300
OS I.G. Kovacica6,600
OS Ivan Goran Kovacic9,300
OS Marjan6,700
Osnovna škola Rugvica5,900
OS Sesvetska Sela8,100
OS Sveti Matej6,700
Otago Girls High School5,000
Otis - Bison Middle School9,400
Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Girls College5,100
Ozel Toros Okullari5,100
Paedagogium Baden-Baden5,300
Palangos senoji gimnazija7,600
Palm Beach Day School5,000
Panama Citizen Science7,500
Panevezio gamtos mokykla7,400
Paralimni Lyceum7,300
Pattison Elementary School6,500
Philippi Middle School9,900
Philippines Citizen Science9,500
Piedmont Independent Learning High School5,000
Pieksamaen lukio6,900
Pierce Middle School (USMIBWWV)5,300
Plymouth Meeting Friends School6,700
Poland Citizen Science9,600
Polva School9,000
Pomorska skola8,200
Ponderosa Elementary School8,900
Portola High School9,900
Prefectural Ayabe HighSchool ,East Branch5,900
Preparatoria Oficial Num. 275,000
Primary School of Pagondas Samos8,100
Primary School of Pyles6,300
Primary School with Integrated Classes No. 1 in Bieruń7,000
Prince Sultan Educational Complex at Riyadh5,700
Prirodoslovna skola9,700
Projektschule Impuls8,600
Prytanée Militaire6,500
Public Primary School No 3 Boleslaw Chrobry6,000
Rahima Secondary scool5,300
Ramalan ala-aste5,600
Ramuli Elementary School7,400
Randene Elementary School6,800
Randolph Magnet School7,100
Rantakylan yhtenaiskoulu7,000
Rapina Common High School5,100
Reedley High School9,100
Revetal ungdomsskole6,500
Rich Junior High School / North Rich Elementary6,100
Richmond Elementary School9,700
River Valley Academy6,500
Riyadh Secondary School at Al-Zulfi5,500
Roosevelt Alternative School7,900
Roxbury Elementary School9,000
Royersford Elementary School5,100
Ryunan Junior High School5,700
Safford Engineering Technology Magnet Middle School5,500
Said bin nasser alkindi basic school7,000
Sakaehigashi junior high school5,600
sakhnin junior school alhalaan5,700
Salen Primary School6,500
San Antonio Elementary5,800
Sandy Spring Friends School5,100
San Pedro House8,300
Saqar Qurish School at Arar7,500
Saudi Arabia GLOBE v-School8,800
Sawda Um AlMumineen School (5-12)5,600
Schurwaldschule HRS9,900
Schwarzkopf Elementary School8,800
Seisen High School9,200
Senior Citizens Services Inc.5,300
Sheik Mohammed bin Abdulwahab Secondary School at Al-Ahsa9,100
Shelby Elementary School5,900
Shepherd Hill Regional High School8,800
Sixth Grade Academic Center6,700
Snacks Crossing Elementary School7,600
SOU Bogdanci8,300
SOU Josif Josifovski7,600
Sound to Sea - Trinity Center5,200
South Park High School8,200
Sowa high school9,200
SOZSU "Gjorche Petrov"9,700
Spain Citizen Science7,400
Srednja skola Duga Resa6,700
Srednja skola Isidora Krsnjavoga5,300
Srednja škola Lovre Montija5,600
Srednja skola Marka Marulica8,700
Srednja skola Matija Antun Reljkovic7,400
Srednja skola Pregrada5,600
Staatliche Berufsschule 15,700
Staatliche Realschule Burglengenfeld9,400
Staedt. Goethe-Gymnasium Bischofswerda9,900
St. Anthony School6,700
St. Edmund's School5,500
St. Francis Of Assisi9,100
Stibbington Centre6,400
Stone County Elementary School5,200
Stoneville Elementary School6,800
St Paul High School6,100
Stredni skola informatiky a sluzeb7,000
Suankularb Wittayalai Saraburee7,500
Switzerland Citizen Science6,200
Szkoła Podstawowa in Kotomierz5,400
Taipei Municipal Ming Lun High School9,100
Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Senior High School(GLID3I86)8,200
Tallinn Technical Secondary School7,900
Talsi Gimnasium7,400
Tendaha Secondary School at Asir7,600
Te Puru5,200
test_mobile school 16,400
Than Károly Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola5,400
The 18th Intermediate Girls School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah9,100
The19 Secondary School At jeddah5,500
The 2nd Secondary Girls School at Al-Jouf5,500
The 59th Intermediate Girls School at Riyadh5,700
The 9 th Secondary School at Madinah -5,200
The Andrzej Strug 5th High School with bilingual classes in Gliwice7,400
The Antilles School5,500
The Complex of Forest Schools in Ruciane Nida7,700
The Morton Arboretum Youth Education Dept.6,300
The Phelps School5,700
Tornimae Comprehensive School6,900
Ukmerges Antano Smetonos5,100
UNAM E.N.P. 8 "Miguel E. Schulz"9,000
University Of Toledo9,600
Utsumi elementary school8,300
Uwajima Fisheries High School6,900
Valga Vene Gymnaasium7,600
Varendonck College5,600
Varga Katalin Gimnázium, Varga Katalin Secondary School5,500
Victory K8 School For The Gifted And Talented7,200
Virkby Gymnasium7,100
Von-Galen-Realschule Warendorf7,700
Wat Pongkonsow school6,900
Werner Heisenberg Schule9,800
Young naturalists station of Velyka Pusarivka Sumy region5,300
Zakladni Skola (CZCZAHJA)9,300
Zakladni Skola (CZCZGDYU)9,100
Zakladni skola Kresomyslova7,200
Zakladni skola Svitavy8,400
Zakladni skola Velke Opatovice6,200
ZS a MS Andelska Hora8,400
ZS a MS Bernartice9,600
ZS Borovskeho Karvina6,500
ZS Delnicka6,800
ZS Manesova Otrokovice7,700
ZS Novy Hradek6,100

Updated: Feb. 17, 2025


school Approximate Number of Measurements
10 Secondary Girls school At altaif13,800
116Secondary School At Riyadh20,700
Abd-Elmajeed Bin Abd-Alaziz Secondary School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah41,600
Abdullah Bin Salam Secandary School at Al-Ahsa41,100
Abu baker alsedik basic school13,400
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq Intermediate School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah20,600
Ahmad Sameh16,900
Akmenes gimnazija49,900
ALahad secondary school AT Jazan14,800
Al-Ahsa Secondary School at Jubail20,800
Al-Anjal Intermediate School at Al-Ahsa13,900
AL Faisal Secondary School at Riyadh11,200
Al-Fath Secondary School at Abha28,400
Al Fisaliah Gifted School at Jeddah12,100
Algoiba Secondary Girls School at Al-Hufof13,600
Al-Hussein Bin Ali Secondary School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah19,200
ALkameesh 5Intermedia school at ALhessa46,600
Al-Khaleej Secondary School at Dammam21,300
Al-Khoubah Intermediate and Secondary School at Jazan18,600
Alkifah Intermediate Girls School at Al-Hufof21,000
Al-Lagiah Intermediate and Secondary Girls School at Jazan22,300
Al Mabouj Intrmediate &Secondary Girls School10,900
Al-Masaudi Intermediate School at Jeddah33,200
Al-Ofous Secondary School at Al-Bahah29,400
Al Qadesiah Intermediate School at Tabuk10,100
Alqaqa Intermediate Scool At Sabya19,200
Al-Shogairi Intermediate and Secondary Girls School at Sabya16,700
Apeitio Gymanasio Agrou12,900
Arizona - Sonora Desert Museum35,200
As-Siddiq Secondary School at Khamis Mushait12,600
Attached Fukuyama Junior High School, Hiroshima University15,100
AT-Tahawy High School at Al-Hofuf39,000
Australia Citizen Science16,200
Berufskolleg Institut Dr. Flad26,700
Boleslaw Prus Primary School No. 1 in Gora38,600
Bowling Green State University (USOHP793)13,600
Brazil Citizen Science19,900
Brazil Secondary School40,300
Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule Bregenz48,400
CAG Ceske Budejovice16,100
Camp d´Aprenentatge de la Vall de Boí25,400
Canada Citizen Science27,900
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Complex of Elementary School in Jadachy35,100
CECyTEM Nezahualcoyotl l13,800
CEG1 Lokossa25,600
CEG1 Natitingou22,700
CEG1 Savalou16,200
CEG Adjohoun15,500
CEG Avrankou13,900
CEG Djassin10,200
CEG Sakété13,000
Charleston Elementary School35,800
Chia-Yi Girls senior high school14,600
Colegio de Estudios Cientificos y Tecnologicos, Plantel Ecatepec16,100
Complex of Engineering and Environmental Protection Schools in Gdańsk16,200
Complex of Schools C.K. Norwida in Częstochowa23,000
Complex of Schools (Comprehensive School Technical School) in Nysa36,200
Complex of Schools in Jaroslaw33,800
Complex of Schools in Jasionka10,400
Complex of Schools No. 4 in Rzeszów29,000
Complex of Schools No. 73 L Ruy Barbosa High School11,600
Crescent Elk School22,500
Crestwood High School12,700
Croatia Citizen Science12,300
Croatia GLOBE v-School37,900
CSL' Horizon10,600
Cuero High School49,300
Cumberland County T.E.C.10,500
Cupeyville School11,200
Dan-Feng Senior High School12,500
Dara Academy19,200
Darmstadt Elementary School11,500
Deák Ferenc Gimnázium30,400
District Secondary School Complex in Serock15,000
Dundaga Secondary School16,800
Ecopolis Center Junior Eco Club18,700
Ekonomska i trgovačka škola Dubrovnik13,400
Elementary School and Liceum Educational Company EDUKACJA10,900
Elementary School No 247 in Warszawa26,200
Elementary School No 32 in Józefów14,300
Emerson School (USMEM7QQ)18,000
Eniao Lykeio Kykkou A10,400
Enon kirkonkylan ala-aste21,700
Eötvös József Gimnázium, Szakképzõ Iskola és Kollégium12,100
EPP Akpakpa - Centre/A10,200
EPP Bellefoungou/A14,500
EPP Bethanie10,500
EPP Cococodji/A10,600
EPP Davie-A13,200
EPP Didongbogo10,500
EPP Finagnon/B14,200
EPP Gome10,300
EPP Ketou/C11,800
EPP Kpatohoue13,700
EPP Kpomasse Centre/A17,400
EPP Mandina/A15,700
EPP Monoto/A17,000
EPP Urb Centre /D17,900
Ernst-Barlach Gymnasium Unna11,400
Esc. Sec. Dna. Núm. 315 "José Vasconcelos"24,600
Escuela de Ensenanza Media 7 "Nicolas Copernico"25,100
Escuela Primaria Particular Incorporada N°1345 Nuestra Señora del Carmen43,400
Escuela Provincial No. 38 Presidente Raúl Ricardo Alfonsín, a GLOBE school in Esperanza, Antarctica16,300
Escuela Rural de Niebla24,400
Europagymnasium Walther Rathenau Bitterfeld32,200
Faifa Intermediate and Secondary School at Sabya17,500
Fairview Elementary School10,500
Farasan Intrmediate Girls School19,100
Fatemaah Bnt Mohmaad Intermediate school At ALhessa28,800
Fengyuan Senior High School10,600
Ferson Creek Elementary School18,300
Florida State University Department of Meteorology13,800
Foerderzentrum Erding33,400
France Citizen Science11,700
Frank D. Spaziano Elementary School12,600
Fryeburg Academy10,900
Ft. Lowell Elementary School25,100
GBHS Ndop25,000
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (staatl. Regelschule)10,800
Germany Citizen Science13,300
Gifted Secondary School At Jeddah15,900
Gimnazija Nova Gradiska15,600
Gimnazium in Pakoslaw25,000
Gimnazium No 10 T. Kosciuszki in Rzeszów30,300
Gimnazium por. J.Czumy in Celestynów17,900
Gimnazjum Cz.Milosza in Łęczyca13,800
Gladstone High School10,900
GLOBE Implementation Office GLOBE v-School10,900
Goethe Schule37,500
Gold Trail School22,300
Gordan College31,700
Govt. Girls High School (GLIDE8NS)15,400
Greece GLOBE v-School20,300
Gunma Prefectural Institute of Pubric Health and Enviornmental15,500
Gymnasio Linopetras11,000
Gymnasium Baeumlihof29,200
Gymnasium Grossenhain22,600
Gymnasium Nova Paka19,600
Gymnasium Parsberg14,300
Gymnazium Ceska Trebova18,200
Gymnazium (CZCZ9N4J)12,600
Gymnazium Dacice19,200
Gymnazium GLOBE s.r.o.14,300
Gymnazium Kadan48,900
Gymnazium Karvina11,500
Hahira Middle School18,700
Haripur Primary School31,900
Hawazin Secondary School at Taif24,700
Hays High School17,900
Hedwig-Bollhagen-Gymnasium Velten23,500
Hittin Intermediate School at Najran16,800
Hoke County High School13,400
Hollolan Ylaaste16,400
Holmes Middle School18,100
Hotelijersko - turisticka i ugostiteljska skola20,000
Houjia Junior High School17,600
Huntingdon Area Middle School11,500
Huntington High School (USWVBCAM)13,000
IES Alexandre Deulofeu13,100
IES Alonso Berruguete29,500
IES A Pinguela38,100
IES Aravalle13,100
IES Bergidum Flavium23,900
IES Cardenal López de Mendoza10,100
IES Cardenal Pardo Tavera18,900
IES Escultor Daniel22,400
IES Esteban Manuel de Villegas39,900
IES Gredos16,500
IES Juana de Pimentel22,800
IES Juan Carlos I37,300
IES Lorenzo Hervas y Panduro19,100
IES Los Albares14,500
IES Los Sauces14,000
IES Margarita de Fuenmayor40,800
IES O Ribeiro37,100
IES Ramos del Manzano16,300
IES San Juan Bautista de la Concepcion10,400
IES Vela Zanetti17,800
IES Zorrilla26,600
III Liceum A. Mickiewicza and Gimnazjum No. 47 in Bydgoszcz13,600
Illinois City Elementary School10,800
Imam Ozaey Intermediate School at Buraydah12,400
Indian River School17,700
Innoko River School26,400
Instituto Isaac Peral29,800
Integrovana stredni Skola18,900
Irbid Pioneer Centre11,300
Irena Sendler Primary School in Toszek18,600
I.S. 12512,100
IS Hermannsburg24,100
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore (già Tecnico Industriale) Ferraris-Brunelleschi32,300
Italy Citizen Science18,500
James Madison Elementary School12,300
Jamestown Elementary School (USVAW2QV)11,100
Janka Leskovara15,000
Jansen Avenue Elementary School10,600
Jefferson Middle School (USNC3RSV)22,900
Joatha intermediate Girls School at Al-hessa19,400
John Middleton School Elementary School17,600
Jonavos Raimundo Samuleviciaus progymnasium14,300
Jordet skole23,000
Juuan Lukio/Poikolan Koulu26,800
Kaapa Comprehensive School22,900
Kaohsiung Municipal Cianjin Junior High School40,600
Kaohsiung Youchang Junior High School36,200
Kent Prairie Elementary School12,500
King Fahad Secondary School at Najran19,200
King Saud Educational Complex at Riyadh30,900
Kingsburg High School44,200
Kinnarin koulu15,500
Kirdkao Observatory10,200
Kizu Town Recycring Education Station17,800
Kohler Public Schools19,600
Konigliches Athenaum Eupen44,800
Kossuth Lajos Gimnazium34,500
Kyoto Kaiyou High-school12,600
La Joya Middle School14,600
Lake Cable Elementary School11,900
Lakeview Elementary School10,400
Laurin koulu10,400
Liceo Scientifico Majorana10,200
Liceum No 9, sw. Krolowej Jadwigi in Rzeszów37,400
Liceum W. Pola in Czersk10,800
Livanu Secondary School Nr. 110,100
Lourdes Public Charter School19,500
Lowrey Elementary School35,100
Lycee Behanzin19,000
Lycee Blaise Diagne11,700
Lycee Jean Laborde14,400
Lycee Mamadou M'Bodj de Sebenikuo (LMBS)19,000
Lycee Seydina Limamoulaye18,800
Lycee Technique Industriel Et Commercial14,100
Lykeio Agiou Georgiou12,200
Lykeio Kokkinochorion Photi Pitta13,800
Lykeio Strovolou10,200
Main Street Intermediate School10,300
Many Farms High School16,100
Marana High School41,700
Margaret G. Barksdale Elementary School17,400
Marlborough Boys College11,100
Max Planck-Schule23,800
Medicinska skola u Rijeci11,600
Mid Valley Secondary Center46,800
Miina Harma Grammar School11,300
Milton Country Park14,400
Mississippi Height Middle School19,000
Miyagi Junior High School18,100
Monroe Elementary School17,300
Moreau Elementary School18,200
Most Pure Heart Of Mary36,500
Mua'addi Secondary School for Boys10,300
Museo de Historia Natural de la Ciudad de Mexico13,100
Myllyharjun lukio24,200
National Chang-Hua Senior High School26,500
National Kinmen Senior High School25,000
National Lo-Tung Senior High School18,800
National Magong High School14,600
Neve Shalom11,300
New Zealand Citizen Science18,700
NMEC De Ossenbeemd11,900
Nolan Middle School14,200
North Dandalup Primary12,700
Northley Middle School10,800
Northville Central School12,000
Okemos High School17,900
OOU Goce Delcev14,300
Opunake High School24,700
Orcas Island High School10,300
OS Antun i Stjepan Radic13,800
OS Bedekovcina44,700
OS Belica46,200
OS Cetingrad47,000
OS Djurmanec13,600
OS Draganici48,600
OS Dragojle Jarnevic32,800
OS Dragutin Tadijanovic38,600
OŠ Đurmanec18,400
OS Eugena Kumicica48,900
OŠ Ivana Filipovića, Osijek22,300
OS Ivana Gorana Kovacica12,400
OS Ivane Brlic Mazuranic22,200
OS Ivan Mazuranic13,800
OS Josipa Kozarca13,600
O.S. Jurja Habdelica17,200
OS kraljice Jelene27,000
OS Ljubo Babic38,800
OS "Ljudevit Gaj" Krapina27,400
OS Maria Martinolica26,500
OS Marija Bistrica21,900
OS Marije Juric Zagorke25,400
OS Matija Antun Relkovic21,200
OS Milan Brozovic12,600
OS Murterski Skoji25,700
OS Nedelisce34,000
OS Nikole Tesla25,400
Osnovna skola grofa Janka Draskovica11,200
OŠ Petar Zrinski, Čabar48,000
OS Privlaka19,700
OS Rikard Katalinic Jeretov36,600
OŠ Šime Budinića23,700
OS Sokolovac19,700
OS Tisno19,700
OS Titusa Brezovackog11,200
OS Veli Vrh19,000
OS Vladimira Nazora (HRHRYU6G)23,600
OS Vladimir Nazor Virovitica42,600
OS Vocin23,000
OU “Dimitar Miladinov”16,400
Paide Hammerbeck Basic School27,700
Palangos Baltijos vidurine mokykla38,100
Palisades Charter High School12,300
Palupera Primary School36,000
Panchayat High School16,900
Pasvalio Levens pagrindine mokykla21,800
PEACE Schools Network30,800
Pesquisador Independente26,400
Pine Elementary/Junior High School10,200
Primarschule Neufeld49,900
Primarschule Trittenbach31,900
Primary School No. 2 of John Paul II in Wieliszew31,900
Primary School no. 35018,900
Primary School No. 3 in Józefów11,500
Primary School of Poznanskie Koziolki No 8826,600
Prince Faisal Bin Fahad Intermediate School at Jeddah12,400
Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Trang32,100
Prince Sultan Educational Complex at Buraydah11,500
Prince Sultan Educational Complex at Jeddah22,300
Prince Sultan Intermediate School at Al-Zulfi28,900
PSP No. 12 in Stalowa Wola10,800
Public Hikijidai Junior High School30,500
Public Primary School of Energetykow No 5 in Stalowa Wola33,200
Pueblo High Magnet School13,000
Purkynovo gymnazium Straznice16,100
Quaker Valley Middle School12,800
Rakke School41,500
Rakvere Reaalkool18,300
Raseiniu raj. Vidukles S. Staneviciaus vidurine mokykla13,400
Realschule Cuxhaven11,000
Revadevi Sovaniya Sikhashram17,400
Reynolds Jr Sr High School38,900
Ripton Elementary School18,400
Rogne skole30,900
Rongu Secondary School42,200
Rossmoor Elementary School23,800
Rotorua Girls High School13,800
Rowad AL-Omaraa secondery Scool At Riyadh21,800
Rural Hall Elementary School11,400
Saarepeedi Comprehensive School10,200
Salman Al-Farisy Intermediate School at Arar18,500
Sankalp Senior Secondary Day Boarding High School26,400
Sarala High School13,200
Saudi Arabia Boys Schools GLOBE v-School10,900
Saukville Elementary School17,300
Schola - Humanitas13,000
Schule Sulzbach14,000
Science Club Huechulafquen (After School)25,600
SciStarter Citizen Scientists, LLC GLOBE v-School19,600
Secondary School of Laranjeiras21,000
Sekundarschule Reigoldswil11,800
Sekundarschule Uzwil36,300
Serpentine Primary School10,800
Shafi'i Educational Complex at Rejal Alma'a12,400
Shahda Intermediate and Secondary School at Sabya25,100
Shawnigan Lake School25,400
Shumate Middle School19,500
Siauliu r. Kursenu lauryno Ivinskio Gimnazija11,200
Sigdal ungdomsskole (13-16)22,200
Silesian Technical Scientific Schools in Katowice26,400
Sillamae Kannuka Gymnasium28,600
Skola Za Medicinske Sestre Vrapce22,400
Slowacki Primary School in Sułów28,500
Smart Learning secondary School at Riyadh17,700
Somogyi TISZK Baross Gábor Középiskola és Szakiskola11,000
SOU Gimnazija Dr Ibrahim Temo14,400
SOU "Goce Delchev"32,000
SOU "Orde Chopela"16,400
South Shore Regional School District10,500
SPS Karvina22,800
Srednja škola Braća Radić38,300
Srednja škola Čakovec16,100
Srednja skola Delnice20,000
Srednja skola Obrovac11,800
Staatliche Realschule10,700
Staedtisches Gymnasium Grotenbach38,300
Staedtisches Gymnasium Wermelskirchen10,900
Stanislaw Dambski Primary School in Rudna Wielka45,300
State University of New York at Fredonia21,100
St. George Girls' High School26,500
St. John Vianney School12,000
St. Joseph School (USWIPZYD)12,700
St. Lem Complex of Schools No. 2, Secondary School No. 5 in Koszalin36,700
Stredni lesnicka skola16,200
Stredni Odborne Uciliste Lesnicke a Rybarsk / SOUL a R/10,400
Suanmon School16,000
Suure-Jaani Gymnasium22,100
SVC Domecek16,100
Taaksi Basic School31,600
Tadeusz Kościuszko Primary School No. 2 in Łęczna13,100
Taipei Municipal Zhong-zheng Senior High School14,700
Tallinn Secondary Science School44,700
Tartu Kristjan Jaak Petersoni Gümnaasium15,800
Teba Secondary School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah10,500
Tenno-minami Junior High School16,300
Thailand Citizen Science46,500
The 128 Intermediate Gifted Girls School at Jeddah15,600
The 16th Intermediate Girls School at Tabuk39,200
The 1st Secondary Girls School at Al-Gonfutha29,600
The 1st Secondary Girls School at Dhahran43,200
The 1st Secondary Girls School at Sabya36,000
The 25th Secondary Girls School at Dammam24,200
The 2nd Secondary Girls School at Al-Mubarraz36,400
The 2nd Secondary Girls School at Jazan26,300
The 2nd Secondary Girls School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah18,600
The 2nd Secondary Girls School at Tabuk37,200
The 3rd Intermediate Girls School at Dhahran28,800
The 3rd Secondary Girls School at Bish21,600
The 45th Secondary Girls School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah26,000
The 4th Secondary Girls School at Sabya11,000
The 50th Secondary Girls School at Jeddah28,000
The 5th Secondary Girls School at Taif25,000
The 61st Secondary Girls School at Jeddah13,900
The 97th Secondary Girls School at Jeddah23,100
The School of Nature, Environment14,900
United Kingdom Citizen Science22,200
Universidad Tecnologica de Nezahualcoyotl13,900
University Of Texas At El Paso21,900
University of Texas at Tyler Campus20,000
Vestvaagoey videregaaende skole20,300
V. gimnazija Vladimir Nazor23,500
Viitaniemen koulu11,800
Viljandi Gymnasium32,700
Vilniaus Fabijoniskes school17,200
Volksschule Petersaurach38,500
Voore Comprehensive School16,600
Vormsi Basic School10,100
VOS a SS Trebic15,400
Walker Memorial Academy15,900
Waterloo Presbyterian12,000
West Elementary School (USOHMN3R)17,600
Whitefish High School32,700
Whitehall High School11,800
Wladyslaw Jagiello Primary School in Stare Skoszewy31,600
Worthen C of E Primary School10,300
WP/Minu/D. S. Senanayake Central College13,500
Wu-Ling Senior High School42,200
XV. gimnazija32,700
XXVI Liceum K. K. Baczynskiego17,700
Yanuch A13,400
Zakladni skola Dubnany, prispevkova organizace18,200
Zakladni skola Mohelnice16,500
Zakladni Skola Opavska48,500
Zakladni skola Vsetín, Rokytnice 43624,500
ZS Brumov Bylnice42,800
ZS Dacice14,700
ZS Golcuv Jenikov11,600
ZS Liskovec14,600
ZS Na Dlouhém lánu14,600
ZS Pomezi27,800
ZS Trebic,ul.Kpt.Jarose 83639,600
ZS Vrane nad Vltavou43,300

Updated: Feb. 17, 2025


school Approximate Number of Measurements
143 Secondery School At Riyadh52,700
2 Intermediate School Abu Arish At Jazan56,600
4. Zakladni Skola - Ekolog. Praktikum64,300
Al-Farouq Intermediate School at Jeddah76,100
Al-Habeel Secondary School For Girls At Al-gunfodah68,800
Al-Hayathem Intermediate and Secondary Girls School at Al-Kharj50,600
Al-Matan Intermediate and Secondary Girls School at Sabya64,600
Alpena Elementary/Middle School56,300
Anyksciai distr. Troskunai K. Inciura Gymnasium60,400
As-Siddiq Secondary School at Rejal Alma'a59,800
Bocskai Istvan Gimnazium, Szakkepz? Iskola es Kollegium67,900
Brazil GLOBE v-School51,900
Colorado STEM Academy87,800
Complex of Secondary Schools no 1 Jana Pawła II in Przysucha54,800
Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Schule (Staatliche Regelschule)52,600
Dome International Schools at Riyadh94,300
Ekonomsko-birotehnicka i trgovacka skola Zadar62,400
Elementary School No. 10 in Tarnobrzeg50,900
Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlan55,500
Gimnazija Karlovac56,700
Gimnazija Matija Mesic73,400
Gimnazija Petra Preradovica77,800
Gymnasium Ohmoor92,300
Gymnazium Dr. A. Hrdlicky53,900
Hamzah Bin Abdulmutalib Secondary School at Jeddah66,400
Hwacheon High School92,900
IES Eusebio Barreto79,500
II Gimnazija Zagreb55,400
III. osnovna skola Varazdin54,800
II. osnovna skola Cakovec58,600
India Citizen Science60,000
Island View Elementary School60,400
Ivano-Frankivsk City Environmental Station56,000
Karcagi Nagykun Református Gimnázium, Egészségügyi Szakközépisk.86,400
Kilingi-Nomme Gymnasium93,800
Kintampo Secondary School93,600
Liceo Scientifico N. da Recco Sede stacc. Rapallo55,300
Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium61,800
Makkah Al-Mukarramah Secondary School at Makkah Al-Mukarramah82,700
Medicinska Skola Varazdin76,900
Muhu Comprehensive School61,000
Nawan Secondary Girls School at Al-Makhwah62,800
OS Antuna Mihanovica64,800
OS Antuna Mihanovica (HRHRBBIT)79,500
OS Djuro Pilar70,200
OS Dubovac96,600
OS Hugo Badalic74,000
OS I.G. Kovacic68,000
OS Ivana Kukuljevica53,600
OS Josip Pupacic69,500
OS Konjscina66,800
OS Ksavera Sandora Gjalskog53,300
OŠ Mahično54,500
OS Mate Lovraka71,300
OS Matija Gubec92,100
OS prof. Franje Viktora Signjara79,300
OS Valentin Klarin78,300
OS Zadarski otoci62,500
Palokan Ylakoulu52,900
Pasvalys P. Vileisis Gymnasium57,100
Prirodoslovna i graficka skola71,600
Srednja skola Prelog92,200
Srednja skola Vela Luka50,700
Stredni prumyslova skola Otrokovice72,100
Szent Orsolya Romai Katolikus Alt. Iskola, Gimn. es Kollegium92,200
Tabor Academy71,400
Tehnicka skola Daruvar80,400
The 199th Intermediate Girls School at Riyadh73,100
The 1st Al-Mthulif Secondary Girls School at Al-Gonfutha52,500
The 20th Secondary Girls School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah96,900
The 25th Secondary Girls School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah74,400
The 9th Secondary Girls School at Al-Kharj50,600
Tyri Common High School/Türi Põhikool68,700
United States of America GLOBE v-School54,300
Zakladni skola Josefa Bublika, Banov50,600
Zemynos pro-gimnazium61,300
Zenska opca gimnazija Druzbe sestara milosrdnica s pravom javn.53,800
ZS Bystrice nad Pernstejnem82,900

Updated: Feb. 17, 2025