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Benefits of Joining GLOBE

GLOBE offers its participants an extensive collection of resources, including measurement protocols and trainings, workshops, and webinars. For educators, GLOBE also provides teaching and learning materials aligned to the scientific protocols. Participants not only have the ability to submit their observational data to the extensive GLOBE database, but they can also use data from the database for their own research.

GLOBE also supports a network of STEM professionals who work or study in a STEM field related to Earth systems science. This network offers professional learning and networking opportunities and connects STEM professionals to GLOBE students and educators for educational and STEM research purposes.

Participating in GLOBE requires few resources. With a smart phone or tablet, you can use the GLOBE Observer app to record data about clouds, mosquito habitats, trees, land cover, and eclipses. Some GLOBE protocols rely on quick observations and recordings using only a camera and the human eye; others require relatively low-cost, commonplace instruments to observe environmental variables such as humidity, surface temperature, pH, nitrates, and soil moisture.

Learn more about how to get started on our Do GLOBE page. Join GLOBE and contribute to over 30 years of scientific research and learning!

A group of people stand together while looking at brochures.
Explore Earth System Science
The Earth is a complex and ever-changing system with many elements that depend on and react to each other. The environment’s complicated structure makes it difficult to figure out how all these pieces fit together. By participating in The GLOBE Program’s activities, community members learn how to identify these various components and discover how the world is connected. 

GLOBE achieves this by providing a framework for studying the effects of global weather patterns and other large-scale phenomena on local environments. By exploring these relationships, GLOBE members’ research helps draw a direct connection with these intricate Earth systems and their own communities. In forming these connections, The GLOBE Program instills in students a sense of appreciation for the environment and a deeper desire to become an environmental steward. 

Three students work on a science experiment together at a table.
Promote Science Education
Many students do not have easy access to high-quality science education materials. GLOBE aims to help these students by making worldwide scientific literacy a fundamental part of the program.                     

GLOBE offers a wide range of educational materials, including learning activities, lesson plans, science protocols, global and regional measurement campaigns and other materials to help teachers advance Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in their classrooms.  

A large number of GLOBE Community members pose for a picture.
Join an International Community
The GLOBE Program brings together people from over 125 countries, serving as a platform for worldwide STEM cooperation and collaboration. Members of the GLOBE community share their scientific discoveries, establish transnational connections and advance a common mission, developing their understanding of the natural world and how they fit in it.