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Formal Educators

Formal educators are crucial to The GLOBE Program’s mission. They are the bridge between GLOBE and the students it serves. Educators use GLOBE’s international network of educators, scientists, and students to enhance learning in their classrooms. This network enables students to engage with the greater GLOBE community and foster a worldwide understanding of Earth science and the environment.


A GLOBE educator and two students stand outside. The educator holds a notepad and a scientific instrument.

How Teachers / Formal Educators Use GLOBE

There are over 38,000 GLOBE schools in over 125 countries around the world and all of them have at least one GLOBE-trained teacher. It would not be possible to have GLOBE implemented in formal educational settings without teachers who have the knowledge and skills necessary to lead protocols and activities. Their training also ensures that the measurements submitted to GLOBE's database are reliable enough to be used by other schools and researchers around the world.

GLOBE teachers consistently report that their students become more engaged in science through GLOBE’s resources. These resources help teachers and formal educators teach their students the scientific method, engage them in experiential science-research methods and allow opportunities for presentation of their research through events like Student Research Symposia and the International Virtual Science Symposia (IVSS). In addition to the GLOBE community’s data and network of members, teachers have access to a wealth of supportive, age-appropriate educational resources designed for K-12 settings. They also have opportunities to participate in periodic special measurement campaigns and other Earth science events. 


The GLOBE Program also presents valuable opportunities for educators to connect with other science educators outside of their school. For example, the GLOBE Annual Meeting allows teachers to network with other education and science professionals from around the world. During the Annual Meeting, GLOBE members can attend seminars from leading professionals as well as their own colleagues that are designed to help them further their own professional development.

GLOBE Teacher/Formal Educator Highlights

Croatian School Celebrates Participation In The GLOBE Program
Joining The GLOBE Program in 1998, Secondary School Mate Blažine Labin is one of the oldest GLOBE Schools involved in the program. GLOBE teacher Mira Hrvatin has been energetically involved with The GLOBE Program since the school joined and has been instrumental in helping organize student participation in the International Virtual Science Sympoium, GLOBE Learning Expeditions and other GLOBE activities.

Learn more about Mira Hrvatin's particpation in GLOBE.
GLOBE Teacher Mentors Native American GLOBE Students
GLOBE teacher Raynor is a mentor to 18-year-old Shylo, and 15-year-old Caydence. Together, they study air quality within the Mescalero Apache Reservation, a small Native American community in a remote area of New Mexico. The hearts of the girls belong to the reservation, but Raynor is encouraging their minds to venture beyond it.

Learn more about Raynor and how he serves as a GLOBE mentor.
Do you have a GLOBE Teacher/Formal Educator success story you want to share? Learn how to submit a GLOBE Teacher/Formal Educator highlight (Star story).
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