Campaigns and Projects
FAQ: Campaigns and Projects
A GLOBE campaign, or Student Research Campaign, is a data collection initiative that involves multiple countries and can last from just a month to as long as several years. Campaigns include at least one GLOBE protocol, and there are usually two to three global campaigns per year.
GLOBE hosts many types of data collection events, including:
- Global campaigns;
- Regional campaigns;
- Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs); and
- Data Challenges
Note: The current GLOBE Campaign proposal process is under review. For more information or questions, please send an email to
Regional campaigns are independently managed by GLOBE regional and country coordinators across the various GLOBE regions and are not closely supervised by the GLOBE Implementation Office. As such, these types of initiatives can occur more frequently than our global campaigns. However, keep in mind that proposals for regional campaigns still need to be submitted to the GIO campaign liaison for approval as well as data and information tracking.
Note: To submit a proposal for a GLOBE regional campaign or event, please contact your GLOBE regional or country coordinator.
Successful GLOBE campaigns and projects usually involve the following:
- A detailed description of the proposed campaign/project, including:
- Preparation plan
- Type of data collections
- Proposed timeline
- Target audience
- Types of participants
- Clear objectives for science/education and communications, including:
- Identifying the purpose of the investigation
- Determining how the data collection methodologies will provide evidence to support the study
- At least three GLOBE schools and one GLOBE country involved
- At least two existing GLOBE protocols
Collaboration among participants, leading to student participants documenting their research for the GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposia (IVSS).
The GLOBE campaign process is currently under review. When the new process is finalized, a notification will be sent out to the community.