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GLOBE Account Types

GLOBE Account Types

Create an account button​​​​​New GLOBE members can signup for an account that best meets their needs depending on their desired level of interaction with GLOBE and user type.

Citizen Scientists are encouraged to create a GLOBE Observer account and begin recording measurements for Clouds, Land Cover, Mosquito Habitat Mapper, Trees or Eclipse.

Teachers/Educators are encouraged to start with a GLOBE Observer account or take advantage of the resources associated by requesting a GLOBE Educator account. Look at the table below to see what GLOBE Educators can do.

​​​​​​​Students (13+) should find out from their teacher which account type (GLOBE Observer or Student Account) they should use.  Student Accounts are created by their teacher.
Students under 13 will need to have their teacher create a Student Account for them.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The table below outlines the key differences between the different account types.  In general the GLOBE Observer account is quicker and easier to setup, but limits your ability to do all of GLOBE’s protocols and take advantage of all of GLOBE’s collaboration and teacher / educator support capabilities.

​​​​​​​When you create your account, choose the option that’s best for you - educators can change from a GLOBE Observer to a GLOBE Educator account at a later time if desired.


Which Account is Right for You

Things You Can Do:

Public User

No account

GLOBE Observer Account

Requires email verification

GLOBE Educator Account

Requires user approval and formal protocol training *

GLOBE Student Account

Created by Teachers / Educators

Use GLOBE's Data Visualization System X X X X
Download GLOBE Science / Protocol Data X X X X
Access and Download Student Research Reports X X X X
Access GLOBE's Protocol / Education Resources X X X X
Perform Data Entry for the 4 GLOBE Observer Protocols   X X X
Submit Student Reports   X X X
Create a GLOBE Team   X X  
See Your Observations   X X X
Have Your Own Page on GLOBE to Track Your Students Measurements     X  
Create Student Accounts for Your Students     X  
Have Your Organization Appear on the GLOBE website     X  
Submit Data for all of GLOBE's Protocols   X
(requires eTraining)
Collaborate with Other Members on the GLOBE Website     X  

* Formal protocol training is not required in the U.S. for a GLOBE Educator Account.  However, formal training is required for full GLOBE Educator capabilities.

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