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U.S. Partners and Country Coordinators

The GLOBE Program works with U.S. Partners and international Country Coordinators to implement the program within their regions and local communities. These vital community members recruit schools for GLOBE and help train educators to promote science education and discovery, enhance science literacy and empower environmental stewardship.

U.S. Partners

If you are interested in becoming a U.S. GLOBE Partner, please visit the Become a GLOBE U.S. Partner page for more information and instructions on how to express your interest in partnering with GLOBE!

Country Coordinators 

Outside of the United States, GLOBE is implemented through bilateral agreements between the U.S. government and the governments of other nations.

After a nation becomes a GLOBE country, the program and its protocols can be implemented in that country's schools and communities under the guidance of a Country Coordinator. Regional Coordination Offices, located in the six GLOBE regions, support the Country Coordinators in their implementation of the program.

The government organization responsible for GLOBE in a country selects and appoints the Country Coordinator. Some countries have designated more than one person to manage GLOBE, either to support different geographic regions or different education levels.

If you live in a GLOBE Country and are interested in becoming a Country Coordinator, visit the Partners and Country Coordinators page to better understand the role and responsibilities.