

Make your own podcast!

Often it seems there’s software that sounds like it will be some amazing new tool or bring some amazing new capabilities.  However, once you try it out, it’s easy to be less impressed. The tools either don’t deliver on what they promise, or just aren’t as cool as you might have thought.

Every once in a while however there’s something that comes out that really does kind of blow me away. Google’s experimental tool “NotebookLM” is one of those tools. 

Check it out at

You can upload one or more documents and then it will interpret all you upload and generate a ~10 minute podcast on whatever it was that you just uploaded.  It also has a nice little Q&A capability – but really the gem is the podcast.  

The documents you upload can be just about anything – I’ve know people who have uploaded very technical documents, their resume, class notes, AI generated meeting notes etc.  Just upload, wait a couple minutes,  and bam… your favorite NotebookLM podcasters are doing a “deep dive” on your document(s).

Out of curiosity, I wondered what it would do with GLOBE Protocol documents, so I uploaded the protocol documents for Clouds, and another for Soil Bulk Density.  I honestly learned something by listening to these podcasts which as I said are about 10 minutes long and do a great job talking about the protocol and why you might care.

Of course this is all AI generated, so there are errors popping up here and there – it may not be perfect – so it’s always good to have the original source nearby…but really – pretty impressive.

You too can try it out with your google account.  Let me know what you think…

Oh, and see what you think of these podcasts. They were generated by uploading the GLOBE protocol document only!  Should we do more?

Clouds "Deep Dive" podcast

Soil Bulk Density "Deep Dive" podcast

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