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'Add multiple users' dialogue doesn't work

Matthijs Begheyn, modified 10 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 49 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
When you push the button 'Add multiple users', you will only get an empty box. I tried in Chrome and Firefox. Pitty, because this functionality saves a lot of time ;-)
David Overoye, modified 10 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Hi Matthijs..couple of us took a look, and so far are unable to recreate this issue. I've tried it in chrome and firefox with my account and by impersonating your account, and it seems like its working fine...Would you mine trying one more time - i've seen occasionally something happen when a connection times out, perhaps the site was slow responding, or the connection to your browser was slow.
If it still isn't going, let me know which versions of browser you have..and we can try those specific versions as well..
thanks -
Inese Liepina, modified 10 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 7 Join Date: 2/13/12 Recent Posts
David Overoye:
I've tried it in chrome and firefox with my account and by impersonating your account, and it seems like its working fine...

By the way, David, could you remind me please how to impersonate user? I like to see some problems which school has but could not see them. I remember there was such possibility as Impersonating , but could not see this option now. Where can I find it?
David Overoye, modified 10 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Right now, only the helpdesk and portal administrators are "allowed" to see that feature. However, it seems we've heard from a couple of country coordinators that it would be very useful(?) to have that ability. If so, we can look to determine why it was originally decided to not allow it, and possibly get that rule changed. I'm guessing others would like it as well..
Matthijs Begheyn, modified 9 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 49 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
Hi Dave,
Today I tried it again in Chrome and Firefox and I just get an empty box ;-(
Any idea if I can change a setting or something to fix this?
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Just tried it - impersonating you in both chrome and firefox with no issues.

Here's a video to show what you should see...not sure why it would come up blank for you..unless you need to give it a little more time to load?

Adding Multiple Users (.mp4 ~5Memoticon


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