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How soon can we see results (for a science fair)?

John Harlin, modified 10 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 6 Join Date: 4/18/14 Recent Posts
We have a high school science fair coming up in March. Will there be any feedback to data that we collect or any data from the satellite that we can use to build a presentation for the fair?

John Harlin
Brian Andrew Campbell, modified 10 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 18 Join Date: 11/20/12 Recent Posts

The SMAP satellite soil moisture data will not be avaible for 6-9 months after launch. The SMAP spacecraft was launched 3 days ago (January 31, 2015). The spacecrat instruments must go through many tests before data become available to the public.

But, if you collect data and enter it into the GLOBE system, we will have SMAP scientists provide some fedback on the data.

There will be timely spacecraft information updates regularly at the NAS SMAP web site at http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov


John Harlin:
We have a high school science fair coming up in March. Will there be any feedback to data that we collect or any data from the satellite that we can use to build a presentation for the fair?

John Harlin