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RE: Free Solar Viewing Glasses & Event Ideas

Jessica Taylor, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 8 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
United States GLOBE Partners and Teachers - Do you need solar viewing glasses?  If you're hosting an Eclipse event, the answer is yes, you do need solar viewing glasses to safely look at the sun.  The NASA Langley GLOBE Partnerhship is excited to be able to send eclipse solar viewing glasses out to the GLOBE community.
To receive your glasses:
1. Post to this thread your event plans for the solar eclipse.
2. Provide us with your mailing address by completing this form: https://goo.gl/forms/7VGqfaO57t8RC2KP2.

Let's see how many ideas we get!
Lynn Powers, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 12/1/15 Recent Posts
I'll be in Mackay, Idaho for the eclipse.  I'm the Subject Matter Expert for the NASA official eclipse site. The town has three days of activities going on, such as a fun run, farmers market and crafts fair, music, etc.  During the eclipse we have some sun spotters, white light filtered telescopes, h-alpha filtered telescopes and a sun funnel.  The students will be helping with some of the science experiments that we'll be doing, including the GLOBE eclipse protocol looking at surface and air temps, and clouds.  Mackay is one of the sites for the Citizen CATE Experiment, I'm also the Idaho state coordinator for CATE.  We have a receiver for EclipseMob and will take pictures for the MegaMovie experiment.  There will be solar education and activities for the visitors, including how to participate in Globe At Night, which has an eclipse chart. We have a lot going on, but will have quite a few things to do to keep the students engaged and involved, creating a real connection to the event.   
Leigh-Ann Olsen, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 3/7/13 Recent Posts
We're in the process of trying to order a HOBO light and temperature sensor to monitor changes throughout the day. We have a crazy schedule that day, so I don't have too much time with each group of students, but I hope to get them taking a few temperature readings on their own, then analyzing the long-term data collected from the sensor during our next class.

They'll also be using safe ways to view the progress of the eclipse.
Michael Griffith, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 9/18/15 Recent Posts
Berks Nature will be hosting an eclipse party for the public and with the girl scouts. We are planning on around 100 people to be there. We will have a talk before hand and snacks throughout the party for people. We are in about the 70-80% path. 
Hilary Downes-Fortune, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 9/26/12 Recent Posts
I am planning to hold an eclipse viewing party at our school on the afternoon of the 21st. I like the idea of doing some datalogging for light and temperature using either Vernier probeware or Hoboware (I have both) even though we will only be at about 72% totality. Hey, 72% is better than 0% any day, right?!
Ann Smart, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
At Cabrini High School in New Orleans we are bringing all students into the school yard, using probes to collect data before, during and after the eclipse. We will test for temperature, light intensity, UVA and UVB. I am hoping to get our dance team to perform for us. Their name is the "Eclipse Dance Team", because our school mascot is the crescent moon.
Teresa J Kennedy, modified 5 Months ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 11/29/11 Recent Posts
I will be traveling to Nebraska to view the eclipse and sharing the experience with my students through my online class from there!
Pamela Rickard, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 1/3/13 Recent Posts
It will be our first day of school! What a better way to start than with some real science.
Students will be doing some NASA activities listed here:  https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/planning-your-eclipse-party
Pamela Rickard, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 1/3/13 Recent Posts
How do I stop getting all the responses to this thread. It is blowing up my phone and is distracting.
I've unsubscribed everywhere I can find but I'm still getting a bunch of emails.
Thank you!
Cathy Wissehr, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 1/12/13 Recent Posts
I teach science methods courses for pre-service teachers at the University of Arkansas.  since the eclipse will occur during my class time, I will be incorporating methods for teaching about the earth-Sun-moon relationship with viewing the eclipse.  I would like all my students to have a pair of eclipse glasses in order to view the eclipse. Thank you for making this possible.
Kevin Hershfield, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 10/21/14 Recent Posts
As school has not started here, our goal is to get as many people from the community at the museum to view the eclipse together! We will have a whole day’s worth of activities: pinhole camera, hands-on experiments, eclipse legends, planetarium shows, and a time capsule for the next eclipse in 2024.  Since we are not in the path of totality we hope to have a live video of the total eclipse, as part of our cloudy day contingency plan.  We are really looking forward to the day, it should be a great time for all! 
Greta Mitchell Williams, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 7/13/17 Recent Posts
Hi, I'm new to GLOBE so I was excited when I ran across this community.  Eclipse day is our first day back to school and we are in the northern Illinois area in the 80-90% band ... Our plans are developing with that in mind.  Early in the day science classes will have the opportunity to make simple viewers to use during the eclipse. We are going to have an Eclipse viewing event with opportunities for students to view the eclipse safely, to measure the temperature and light. Some may choose to draw their representation of the eclipse. We will be able to analyze collected data the next school day. 
Katharine M. Noonan, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 1/3/13 Recent Posts
School will open on August 21st! I have been working with student interns from various programs and high schools in Oakland CA in watershed activities this summer. I will be sure that they are aware of GLOBE Eclipse activities and encourage them to get the app and share with their teachers.  I will communicate with science teachers so they are prepared to talk to their students and help them view the eclipse indirectly in a safe manner. I will share the solar viewing glasses with teachers interested in doing an eclipse activity with their classes on opening day.

I will be traveling to Oregon to view the eclipse. I plan to share the experience of a viewing a total solar eclipse via social media connections.
Christine Strickland, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 6/22/15 Recent Posts
I plan to take my track of 5th graders out that day to view the full eclipse. I am not sure of our schedule yet since we haven't started back. But no matter, we are going to watch this once in a lifetime event!
I heard about it first when we went to the Troy University Montgomery planetarium. I have been hooked ever since. I am a bit nerdy and this is right up my alley. I can't wait to share this excitement with our track (3 homerooms). I would love to have viewer glasses so the kids could actually look at the eclipse rather than the pinhole viewers. 
Travis Andersen, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 12/3/11 Recent Posts
I will be hosting an event near Stapleton NE and focusing on doing temperature measurements during the period.
Jennifer Bourgeault, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
I will be working with teachers at Coe-Brown Northwood Academy in NH to organize a viewing event on their very first day of school. We will be collecting eclipse measurements and viewing it with the Science Club after school to kick off their year. The events will be posted to the school website and all will be welcome.
Mabel Rivera, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 9/6/13 Recent Posts
This year I am moving to a new school, and the principal is very excited about us hosting an event. We plan to use the NASTA plans, and work in classroom buddies to conduct activities. We won't have enough glasses ffor every kid, but we cna use them in small groups to conduct experiments and observations. Currently we are developing the plans, and I look forward to incorporating new ideas into the event plans. 
Keith Rowe Harris, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 5/22/13 Recent Posts
I am in Little Rock, Arkansas.  As a state Science Instructional Specialist, I will be visiting middle schools prior to the event to prepare students, teachers, and administrators for the eclipse, by providing information and resources, including proper viewing protocols and lesson ideas for the teachers.  Instructions for building a pinhole or box projector will be provided and how to properly and safely use during the eclipse. Each school will be collecting weather data (temperature, wind, humidity), GPS location information, and observe and/or photograph/video the event.  Schools will share their data/observations by uploading to a portal we provide for the event.
Kristin Robertson Oliveri, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 5/3/16 Recent Posts
I am located in Louisiana. I plan to participate in the nationwide science experiment to collect cloud and air temperature data and report it via our phone apps. I encourage other educators to try it. I've recently discovered the cloud app this summer and LOVE it! It is easy to use. I plan to incorporate it into my science class as an ongoing means of collecting data. I will do this with my science classes. We are also planning a school wide viewing of the event! 

Download the GLOBE Observer app and register to become a citizen scientist. (After you log in, the app explains how to make eclipse observations.) 
Kristin Robertson Oliveri, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 5/3/16 Recent Posts
Does anyone know where a school can get solar viewing glasses? I would like to order them ASAP so that we can get them in time. Thanks!
Nikki Hines, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 7/20/16 Recent Posts
I amso excited to be sharing this event with my fourth graders! We will be starting a unit that discusses temperatures throughout the day and the difference in temperatures in the sun and shade along with the temperature of different dirts and soils. We will be measuring the temperatures of all the different soils in all the different locations during the eclipse.  I also plan to have a lesson on the different ways to safely view an eclipse and make some of these to use. Our students are going to be super excited to be able to use glasses and view the eclipse all the way through. Thank you for this wonderful tool! 
Donna Juarez, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 1/12/13 Recent Posts
I teach 6th grade at Central High School.  I am super excited for my students to have the opportunity to witness the solar eclipse.  No doubt this will be a memorable event for them.  We plan to work with the high school Earth Science class to gather data during the eclipse.  I teach at a Title I school and most of my students won't be able to purchase solar eclipse glasses for viewing this incredible event.  
Roller Angel, modified 3 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 11/30/12 Recent Posts
Pamela Rickard:
How do I stop getting all the responses to this thread. It is blowing up my phone and is distracting.
I've unsubscribed everywhere I can find but I'm still getting a bunch of emails.
Thank you!

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Angela Rizzi, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 6 Join Date: 7/7/14 Recent Posts
It is also my first day of school. My students have an early dismissal, so this will be an after school activity. I can share my ideas with you if you are interested. Also, if you are collecting any data that day, I would love to share. We are in Virginia and also in a similar partial band to your school.