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RE: Research Project Best Practices

Sarah Tessendorf, modified 12 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 12/3/11 Recent Posts
Hi all,

In response to our "Research Methods" discussion on Monday morning, I wanted to start a discussion thread about best practices for research project reports. These best practices can also apply to other types of project presentations besides a report, such as a poster or oral presentation.

Please use this space to post your thoughts about examples of great elements of a research report or examples of things to avoid in a research report. Since we had a limited time on Monday, this would be a great place for you to add other examples that were not brought up in our group discussion, or continue discussion on a topic that was discussed. Also, please use this space to share issues that you encounter with your research project reports that you may want input from your fellow L2R teachers on.

I will also post the notes we took during our discussion on this site, and will reply to this thread when I have posted them and let you know exactly where that document is.


SARAH emoticon
Anne Guerriero, modified 12 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/18/12 Recent Posts
I love the Student Scaffold for Designing and Conducting Experiments that is linked in the Useful Links tab. It makes the process of determining everything from your research question to your hypothesis to your independent and dependent variables really clear for students. Fill the first 4 boxes with one color of sticky notes and the second 4boxes with a different color of sticky note then move sticky notes to subsequent boxes (it makes sense when you look at the scaffold). It helps to demonstrate the use of the scaffold with something concrete--paper airplanes are good. Once kids have used the scaffold the first time, they need little assistance for later uses.
Carol Coryea, modified 12 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 6 Join Date: 6/18/12 Recent Posts
Just a quick note to say how important options are for many students. Students often do much better on assigned work when offered options. I think this gives them more value and ownership in the project. Many students like the idea of a podcast, others a poster, others a PowerPoint. The standards can easily follow a rubric. As with engineering, there are more way to get to the same answer!