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Message Boards

Collaboration Group Europe and Eurasia

Bára Semeráková, modified 11 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 24 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
Hi, we were thinking about starting a collaboration group for our region, where we can discuss, share docs etc. It would make communication much easier for CCs, scientists, teachers and RHDO from Europe and Eurasia. Under this group we would like to have shared space for regional projects and campaigns. I think it is better to have it all on the main website than create a separate interface for each GLOBE project. Can you start a group like this?
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 12 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
Great Idea! Have you looked at We can add discussion groups, and document sharing tabs in there if that would work. Let me talk to the rest of the managers here and see what we think we can add to help you out. Please let me know of any other items you might want on this collaboration group.
Bára Semeráková, modified 11 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 24 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
Ok, just to explain: The idea of collaboration group came up with the Aerosol Campaign/Project we are starting in Europe. First, we were thinking about the group for this campaign, then we (Regional Office) and Board of Governors agreed that it would be even better to have common space for all the members of our region to support mutual communication. And of course, our goal is to attract more CCs and teachers to use make them active users.
If it is possible to create such a virtual space directly at, it would be great.

FYI, we have - that is basically top-down communication channel, where we post news etc. So far plays the same role, means doubling... So, what we are missing is "live" space where active CCs and teachers can meet, discuss and share even without us, the regional office.
We definitely need discussion forum, sharing space (documents, pictures, videos...) that would be easily accessible for the logged in members plus visible for the people who might not be signed in yet. Members of the group should see who are the other members and access them easily, invite others to participate.

Then there is one more question: if, instead of collaboration group, we have all this features on, what are the options to build "subgroups"? Let´s say there is a group of people involved with Aerosol Project. Where they can have separate space? Within collaboration groups as Or under the somehow? How it will be linked together? Browsing the "Collaboration groups", how I will get to know that there is active group on Aerosols under the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia? I can´t imagine how it would work, but I am sure you can :-)
Bára Semeráková, modified 11 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 24 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
Is there any progress on the requested collaboration group or discussion forum for Europe and Eurasia? Thanks


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