
THE ENSO Phase III Community

Welcome to Phase III of the ENSO Student Research Campaign: "Water in Our Environment". You can share ideas, upload documents and post questions.

If you join this Community as a member, you will receive an email from other members who post to the forum, and your posts will be sent to everyone, so join us and start posting!

The group that was involved in the Global Water Quality Collaboration (GWQCG) will now be conducting their study on the GENESIS thread under the ENSO III Project. Please follow the link if you are interested in joining, participating or interested in following their work.

Message Boards

RE: Potential Collaboration activities for 2017-2018 school year

Dorian Wood Janney, modified 7 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 46 Join Date: 7/13/12 Recent Posts
During the first webinar on Oct. 3rd, we talked about how GLOBE students, teachers, and scientiists can collaborate during this school year. We also talked about how the ENSO team can assist with these collaborative projects. Here were some ideas that were suggested below:

  • Find schools in different climatic zones and compare impact of water on living organisms or – same country or other countries
  • Drinkable water- how does it taste, quality, from bottles or from sink?
  • How does the water in your area impact living organisms- nitrates from soil into bay, blooms of SAV,
  • Submit research projects for VSS
  • Link live with schools- we will assist with that
  • Templates from us
  • Jeff raises salmon, Laura Kubiak interested in this- they shared email addresses during webinar 1
  • SODA webinars
  • Recordings of webinars
  • Using Zoom when they present, Google folder for accessing things
  • Permission slips 
Are there any ways that you might be interested in collaboring with other schools to learn about water this year? What can we do to facilitate your collaboration?
Jeff Bouwman, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 8 Join Date: 1/15/15 Recent Posts
GLOBE Friends,
Here is a link to our live Lake Sturgeon webcam - Shumate Middle School - Lake Sturgeon LIVE.  We test our salmon and sturgeon tanks frequently as our fish require clean water.  We will begin our Salmon Project on Monday, November 13, 2017. Enjoy!  
Jeff Bouwman 

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