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RE: Add folders and files to Partner organization page?

Kama Thieler, modified 11 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/14/12 Recent Posts
Our partnership recently held a training, and I would like to upload some resources and photos for the teachers (or any user) to access through our Partner organization page. How do I create folders and upload files on the "Resources" tab? It appears to only accept text. Would it be possible to add a "Documents" tab to the partner organization pages? The format looks much more straightforward for uploading documents.

Thank you!
David Overoye, modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Double checking..I believe there was an option in the editor to upload documents directly to the server - but it may have been removed. In the mean time, here are two options...

1) If you are on your partner's page, or your Public Page, go to the control panel. You will see a Document Library option listed on the left side which you can use to upload documents that are "just yours". If you are on the Woods Hole page, and you click the control panel, and Document Library and it will put the documents into the Woods Hole Document Library, or if you are on your public page, it will upload the documents to your Public Page Document Library (either will work). Upload what you want. Then - go to the Resources tab and click the little pencil icon to get to the editor. Write the text you want to make "clickable" (ie Click here to see the workshop agenda). Select the text and click the link button (the one with the small chain). There is an option to "Browse the Server". You can Browse the Server and find the documents you've just uploaded. (Either in the document repository associated with your name, or the one associated with Woods Hole).

Just did a sample for you on the Woods Hole "school" resource page. Uploaded a .pdf to the Woods Hole Document Library. Went to your resources page, and clicked the edit icon(the little pencil). Wrote some text, selected the text and clicked the "link" icon. Chose "Browse the server" and found the document I uploaded and selected it. Now when the user clicks the link, they get the .pdf

You also probably saw the Image Gallery - which you can use to upload images of the events as well.

2) If the documents might be useful for others, and they are related to a specific protocol or investigation area, you could upload them into the document repository associated with the particular investigation area. For example - if you go to the atmosphere's community and the document library - you'll see a folder for "Group Documents". You should be able to create a folder in there and add your documents. It would be best if you can organize them into a folder that is specific for the protocol for example.

By putting them into the group area, others can see them more easily.

You could then go to your partner resource area and use the link tool to link directly to the documents you've uploaded.
Kama Thieler, modified 11 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/14/12 Recent Posts
Thanks, David. I uploaded my images on the WHOI "school" site, and was able to post a copy of the agenda on the Resources page. There is redundancy with the school and partner organization pages, and I need to decide where I will post various resources. Any guidance from you or other Partners?
The school site has the advantage, for now, with the Image Gallery. I saw the area to upload images to the WHOI Partner control panel, but I don't know how to view them on the Partner page.

I will try Option #2 in the future if I have resources for the greater Hydrology community.


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