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Associate Scientist with The GLOBE Program

Tania Dey (inactive), modified 3 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 12/3/11 Recent Posts
Hello from Boulder, CO! I'm an associate scientist with The GLOBE Program working in the Program Office (GPO). I'm an atmospheric scientist, with a background in climate. After I completed my Master's Degree in Atmospheric Science, I worked at NCAR exploring climate with respect to the energy budget and hydrologic cycle. In January of 2011, I was given the opportunity to use that knowledge to support The GLOBE Program's science interests on a part time basis, and realized quickly that using my skills with this program was where my true interests lay. I loved knowing that the work I was doing with The GLOBE Program would help groom the next generation of scientists worldwide.

Since I started full time in August of 2011, I have held many different responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is the day-to-day maintenance of the GLOBE International Scientist Network (GISN). Many of you may have received emails from me at one point or another, whether it be to follow-up about an inquiry into the network or to welcome you. Additionally, I manage the GLOBE Scientists' Blog, which is a blog dedicated to bringing topics of relevance to the community to hopefully inspire research from students and teachers. I also support the other members of the Science and Education team by providing input and suggestions to the variety of exciting projects within the office.

I'm excited to watch the network continue to grow, and hope that you too will find fulfillment in working with the wonderful students in the GLOBE community!