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RE: Elementary Globe Binder with all activities & books

Matt Gilmore, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/19/13 Recent Posts

I found the original imagery on the Elementary Globe CD so I did a bit of work in Canvas Draw (a program like Adobe Illustrator).  Here is the result.

When printed, this would work for a 2 inch "view binder" which is big enough to include all 7 modules (both books and Activities).  You would print this on an 11x17 paper and then cut to insert in the binder cover.

  However, I am wondering if the author list needs to be updated here before I finalize this?  A lot more people were involved in the 2 new books.   Also, I noticed Dept. of State and NOAA logos were missing from the original.  Comments?
Jessica Taylor, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
Hi Matt!  I'm the NASA Official who sponsored the development of the Aerosols and Climate books.  I'll check in with some folks about logos and credit.  Thanks for taking initiative on this.
Jessica Taylor, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
For 'developed by' I'd suggest just saying the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. (no specific names)
For logos, I would use the same wording and logos that are on the bottom of the globe.gov page.
The GLOBE Program is Sponsored by NASA and Supported by: NSF, NOAA, and Dept of State
Hope that helps
Matt Gilmore, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/19/13 Recent Posts
Hi Jessica,  

I have finished the new draft, per your recommendations.
This will work with a 2" View Binder.  Just print the attached PDF file on 11x17" thick paper, then cut 2.25" off the left (for the spine) and cut the white space off the right.  What is left is an 11x11" cover and a 2.25x11" spine which can be inserted into the binder viewing window.  Such a binder is big enough to include all 7 Elem. Globe books and all of the Teacher Activities.

I have also attached the Canvas Draw file, in case anyone else at GLOBE needs to make final tweaks.

Finally, I have attached an updated Table of Contents for the binder.

Best regards,