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RE: Birch tree in Zadar

Irina Kozlicic Juraga, modified 5 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 21 Join Date: 10/5/12 Recent Posts
Hello from OS Zadarski otoci, Zadar, Croatia. We are observing birch tree in front of our school. Coordinates are: 44.1203392 / 15.2582958.
Bára Semeráková, modified 5 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 15 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
Dear Irina,
Thank you for posting the picture of the birch you observe with your students!
I just want to add a comment to the location of the tree - it seems that it is close to a tall building. Ideally, the tree should be located a bit away from buildings as these can have an impact on the onset of the phenology phases. GLOBE recommends to pick a tree in a distance from a building that is at least the same as the height of the building. For example if the building is 10m tall, then the tree we observe should be at least 10m away from the building. However, I can understand that in some places it is difficult to find a tree like this as there are many buildings and not so many trees around emoticon In that case, it is okey to observe the tree like your birch. The only thing you should record this when you start to submit data to GLOBE: When you create your "study site" in Data entry, please add a comment that the tree is close to a building. Then if someone else wants to use your data they will now the details of your location (=study site).
Good luck with your observations!
GLOBE Program Europe and Eurasia Regional Office
Irina Kozlicic Juraga, modified 5 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 21 Join Date: 10/5/12 Recent Posts
Dear Bara, tnx for your comment.
We have also two fig trees, but also in the middle of the houses. It's unfortunately inevitably when you live in Zadar.
Maybe we could switch to one of them? Both of our fig trees we are already observing for last 2 seasson (budburst, green up, green down) and already have their study sites with all instructions. They are Smokva_Ficus_3 and Smokva_Ficus_4.
By, Irina.


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