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GOES- 16/17 VIrtual Science Fair

John D. Moore, modified 2 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 27 Join Date: 12/15/11 Recent Posts
Contact Margaret Mooney, at margaret.mooney@ssec.wisc.edu.
or go online at: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/education/goesr/vsf

"NEW! We've STREAMLINED the spring 2020 virtual science fair so students can participate and submit individual projects from their own home. You still need data from GOES-16 or GOES-17 to investigate weather and natural hazards. AND there will still be three winning teams OR individuals: middle school, high school and grades 13/14 (community college or university).

Students from the winning teams will receive $25 gift cards AND official GOES-T launch viewing invitations to KSC (but no travel support). Their teachers will garner launch invites (no travel support) and conference travel support to attend and present at the 2021 American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting in New Orleans!"