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2020 Student Research Symposium (SRS)

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The Mysterious Green Patch

Tracy Ostrom, modified 4 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 10/8/12 Recent Posts
Hello PVHS,

I am a GLOBE partner in northern California.  I have been involved with GLOBE as a teacher and now as a partner since 2011.  I have 13 years of expereince in working with engineers and geologists in the field of environmental management.  During this time I learned a lot about geology and its affect on soil quality and plant diversity.

So I was drawn to the title of your research and even more interested when I realized the geologic connections to your work. Transects are a great way to understand the "whole" by investigatting individal "parts".  I also realize this work can be tedious and present more questions as you investigate deeper and deeper.  What I appreciate about your research is that you actually did "dig deeper".  I think you did a great job at analyzing soil quality at varying depths in tandem with your transects. Whlie your NPK data between zones was fairly consistent, it was interesting to see the change in values after a rainfall.  I am wondering if you have any further thoughts on this change.

Work such as yours is importatnt for understanding of how our environment has changed over time and how we can protect it for the future.  Thank you for taking the time to ask the tough questions and with more time I beleive you can provide even greater insights to this mystery phenomenon.