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RE: Sites not belonging to school available to enter data

Marcy Seavey, modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
I was just adding two sites that my teachers are going to submit data from this summer and trying to move them up to "My Procedures" for my school organization IAS Ed. Programs. However, really wonky things began happening as soon as I started moving sites to/out of the "My Procedures" by clicking on the + and - buttons. First, after clicking off just 1 data entry type for 1 of the 3 sites I already had in "My procedures" all 3 sites and all data entry options in "my procedures" disappeared and only one site (the one I had clicked off) remained in the available procedures list.

I chose to ignore that and add the firs new site. After successfully entering the new site and going back to "My procedures" the other 2 sites which had been available at the start were back visible in that area. I clicked all of the - buttons on the protocols for those sites and THEN sites that do not belong to my school organization began showing up!!!! Here is a screen shot.
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
Marcy, Thanks so much for all the hard work on reporting.

I will report this into the bug system, and update you all once we have some additional information. Please make sure to let me know your OS version and Browser Version as well as sometimes these type of issues are Browser/OS specific.
Marcy Seavey, modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
Yeap! Sorry so slow, I was camping last week.

Computer System Info:

Windows 7 Enterprise Edition
Service Pack 1
i5 650 @ 3.20Ghz
6Gig RAM 5.74 available

Browser Info:

Firefox 20.0.1
Add-ons include:
Java Console active 6.0.35 (it might have been updated since those screen shots - that is handled remotely for us)
I also have Firebug installed but disabled - it might have been on when this happened.

I have Chrome (Version 28.0.1500.71 m) and IE 9 installed as well and could *try* to duplicate what I was doing with those if you want.
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
Thanks, Please try it with your other browsers to see if it still is occurring.
Marcy Seavey, modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
Hi Jon was in on my same computer but logged in as 'my student' in updated chrome browser and did not experience any problem. I've also been in as myself using same browser/computer and had no problem. Today I am on Toshiba thrive android using default browser. I added another of my new sites and after that new site successfully accepted the page reloaded and none of the sites on my list belong to me. This time they appear to all be sites in Europe. One is Dieburg-Gersprenz hydrology site. Another is Z (atmosphere climate). Sorry I can't take a screen shot from here.

Things in common between the to times this happened:
Happened after defining a new atmosphere site.
I had also clicked sites up/down during the same
Logged in as myself (teacher, trainer, and partner roles)

I can't remember now if this was the case the first time but this time:
All my own sites are gone.
All the sites I now see look like they might belong to a single school.

Last time I didn't try to enter data on one of the sites that isn't mine. This time it seemed like I should at least see if it wil LET me. So I clicked on water vapor data entry for one of the sitres. The next page that loads is the water vapor data entry but the site selected is my top atmo. Site and the drop down list of sites on this page is all my sites and no others. So that is good.

Jon, I'm AT training this week, but I will try to keep tabs on this forum.
Marcy Seavey, modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
Pulled up my Android info. It is Android 4 browser on Android I have one more site to add but don't have the GPS lat/long yet. Will try another computer when I do that to see what happens.
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
Is this still an issue?
Marcy Seavey, modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
Yes, replicated the problem this morning. It is not the same sites that replace my own each time. Clicking refresh temporarily corrects the issue.
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
This has been escalated to Bug ID 1543.
Kevin Czajkowski, modified 11 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 5 Join Date: 1/9/12 Recent Posts
I've had weird stuff like this happen too but just ignored it. I have not had any repeatable problems.


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