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Edit or update Site infpormation, data correction after sending

Ilona Krpcová, modified 10 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 15 Join Date: 2/6/12 Recent Posts
Hi all

teachers really need to have a possibility to correct data already sent to database by their students. And is the same with Site information - there is still "define, edit or update a information" link in Data Entry page, but they can only define a new one in fact. Why?

Some teachers have a dilemma now - let the students do the work and send data with eventual mistakes or send all data by themselves to be sure that it is OK.

It was possible (in old system) to replace erroneous data simply by sending data once more, correct this time, with the same time of measurement (day, hour, minute), and erroneous data was delete.

Teachers will really appreciate to have a chance fix the wrong data and update their sites info again.

Coud you give them the possibility change data again?

Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 10 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
A new data entry system is being designed, and due to the development of new Website science database that works with your new GLOBE website, and visualization, we would need extensive additional time and resources to redesign an intermediate system that allows data editing that uses the old data entry and the new Website.

Please be aware that the new Data Entry system is in testing and coming soon, and that we will providing information on features and some training resources to help you all make the transition. Once the new system is in place you will be able to edit your sites data from both the legacy system, as well as new sites you create.
Marcy Seavey, modified 10 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
Until then is it possible to make corrections/updates by contacting the helpdesk? Or is there any other option for them?

I worry about classrooms that are trying to use their GLOBE data for class projects right now - if the unit is 4 weeks long, they can't wait to correct a data error - they have to finish their projects.
Ilona Krpcová, modified 10 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 15 Join Date: 2/6/12 Recent Posts
Jon, thanks for an answer!
It is good information for us


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