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John D. Moore, modified 1 Year ago.
Padawan Posts: 27 Join Date: 12/15/11 Recent Posts
Welcome to the GOES-R Global Weather Watchers Project. The international GLOBE Community has an opportunity to collaborate through providing scientific observations and measurements, and metadata creating a record of severe and extreme weather events. Expanding the understanding of the importance of Earth Observing Satellites, and the products produced, are becoming increasing common place in our society and personal daily activities.  As we collaborate as a global community, we all can learn about local and regional impacts of severe and extreme weather, as well as other related issues such as drought, wildfires, water, land cover and health. As GLOBE scientists, teachers, and students interact with both colleagues and their communities, developing resilience plans will become more common place. Through participation in this project scientists, teachers, and students will be providing environmental intelligence that will add in future decision-making and responses to events and potential disasters.

Through this project participants will discover the roles that satellites play in monitoring the planet for an ever increasing range of variables that all lead to better decision-making and the health and safety of people and property. I hope you join us!
- John Moore