
THE ENSO Phase III Community

Welcome to Phase III of the ENSO Student Research Campaign: "Water in Our Environment". You can share ideas, upload documents and post questions.

If you join this Community as a member, you will receive an email from other members who post to the forum, and your posts will be sent to everyone, so join us and start posting!

The group that was involved in the Global Water Quality Collaboration (GWQCG) will now be conducting their study on the GENESIS thread under the ENSO III Project. Please follow the link if you are interested in joining, participating or interested in following their work.

Message Boards

Probeware support

Robyn Gastineau, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 8/12/13 Recent Posts
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself to the group and let you know I'm available if you have any questions regarding the use of probeware for water quality studies. I taught high school science in the USA (Vancouver, WA) for 11 years and my students used Vernier probeware to study water quality near our school. Vernier then hired me to write their water quality book and I've worked for them ever since (20 years this summer!). Despite working outside the classroom, my heart is still with teachers and students and I want to help any way I can. I've been a huge fan of GLOBE for many years and have been to many annual conferences and will be going to my third GLE in a few weeks. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, and I hope to meet some of you in person in Kilarney!
Robert Connick, modified 6 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 55 Join Date: 6/18/12 Recent Posts
Hello Robyn. First, I would like to welcome you to our group and tell you what a priviledge it is to have someone like you on board. To say you will be an invaluable resource is an understatement. I taught grades 7 - 12 for forty years and we did a lot of water quality studies with both kits and probes. I am actually working with a teacher in New York who has a lot of probes with a lot of questions. I also have a bunch of questions regarding the use of the Vernier probes and my hope is to find out just how useful they might be for our international study. From my initial survey of the members of our group around the world, not many of them are presently using Vernier probes. I know two schools in our group, both in New York, that have probes and would like to use them. It would be interesting to see how many other groups have access to Vernier probes. Again, welcome and we look forward to working with you. Thanks. Bob Connick (GENESIS Project Manager) 
Christopher Newlan, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
Hi Robyn,  In addition to Robert Connick's NY groups we also use Vernier probes in our water quality studies in Stratford, CT.  We have been using them for temp, pH and conductivity but also have them for DO, Flow rate and a few others.  So glad to have your expertice with us.  
Robyn Gastineau, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 8/12/13 Recent Posts
Thanks, Bob. I look forward to working with you! Robyn
Robyn Gastineau, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 8/12/13 Recent Posts
Nice to meet you, Christopher! Let me know if I can help in any way. Robyn

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