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Spring Campaigne 2025 - Green up

Nina Godec Meško, modified 6 Days ago.
Padawan Posts: 6 Join Date: 2/28/23 Recent Posts
Hello from Primary school - OŠ Mladika, City - Ptuj, Slovenia!

My name is Nina Godec Meško and all my students (21), 5. b grade in OŠ Mladika Ptuj, continue to observe a lime tree (lat. Tilia platyphyllos).

This is the location of the tree:
Name: Lime
Latitude: 46.416234
Longitude: 15.874438
Elevaton: 232m
Tree height: 6.20m

About our tree:  Our tree is young, 13 years old. It stands between two other trees. Our linden tree has a richly grown crown, smooth bark and fairly soft wood. The leaves are broadly ovate, finely toothed along the edge, downy, equally green on both sides.

Special features: The linden tree - lime is the traditional national tree of Slovenia and a very popular ornamental tree, which is also used by beekeepers to its advantage, as the flowers are extremely honey-bearing ("linden honey"). Tea and other beverages are also prepared from the flowers, and the wood is used in carpentry and sculpture.

25th March 2025 all the buds on our tree are still closed.
The air temperature is 17°C. ​​​​​​​The soil is dry.

​​​​​​​Greetings from Ptuj - the oldest city in Slovenia!


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