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eclipse’s impact on solar energy generation

Greg P. Smestad, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 5 Join Date: 7/28/17 Recent Posts
Greetings solar eclipse community,

Join the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory for a Facebook event recorded 4:00 p.m. ET [August
15th, 2017], where researchers discuss how their U.S. DOE SunShot-funded
work is helping to manage the effects of the eclipse.

Go to:





From the U.S. DOE SunShot Team (see their website) - August 21, 2017
marks the first total solar eclipse in nearly a century that spans the
entire United States. In that century, our country’s electric grid has
undergone drastic changes with the addition of large amount of solar
generation capacity, some of which is expected to go offline during
the eclipse. So how will the eclipse affect electricity generation?
We’ve created a Solar Eclipse 2017 webpage that serves as your
information hub as the event approaches. It contains information about
the predictions of the eclipse’s impact on solar energy generation,
how utilities are expected to manage their supply and demand, as well
as a range of resources from NASA.

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