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Message Boards

more options for sharing documents

Marcy Seavey, modified 12 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
I am uploading some documents that I use in my workshops to my partner page. One of the options is:

to make the document public
to make the document only visible to members of the organization
to make the document visible only to the person submitting it

I would like the option to make documents visible to only certain user groups.

We don't want to share draft powerpoints, worksheets, etc with educators and students because once they download such things we can not correct errors, etc. But I would really like to be able to share drafts of such things with:

other partners
other trainers
master trainers
GLOBE staff

For example, I created a powerpoint dichotomous key to the climate types used in the new climate foundations activities. After workshop participants tested it, I edited it a bunch to improve it, but it still needs to be used a couple more times before it would be 'good to go'. I'd really like to be able to share it specifically with partners/trainers and get some feedback and then submit it to GLOBE for the general public. I think a lot of partners generate a lot of similar things that all should get some sort of review.
David Overoye, modified 12 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Marcy - just saw this...are you familiar with the partner's community? This is for partners and Country Coordinators only - a place you can share those documents for others to see and provide input.
I know there was some discussion about using a Trainers community as well to post documents that trainers can review and help each other with. Not sure if that came to be yet - but it would be another good option.
Gary Randolph, modified 12 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 8 Join Date: 12/3/11 Recent Posts
Hi Marcy,
The Trainer community has been developed. The resources from the Master Trainer Meeting are in a sub-folder with viewing "permissions" to members of the community (e.g. one must be logged in to see/access them).
That may be what you're looking for. Let me know if we can assist in setting that up.


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