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Lake Norconian

Tracy Ostrom, modified 4 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 10/8/12 Recent Posts
Hi Cody,

I am a GLOBE partner in California and have been invoved with GLOBE since 2011.  I work with GLOBE students and teachers in California where water quality is super important. I began my career by spending 13 years in environmental management and specifically looking at water quality.  

So I was very drawn to your resarch.  I believe you have taken the spirit of student reasrech to the next level with your work.  Your question is credible, measureable, and shows a throughtful concern about environmental factors affecting sustainable ecosystems. I believe you presented your data in a clear and organized manner.  I appreciate your nnote of a potentially flawed D.O. instrument.  I use the LaMotte D.O. titration kit withteh students and teachers I work with.  

I hope with your research you will continue to find a thriving evnironment.