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Does the climate change affect the carbon production in plants?

Student(s):Students of Ekambaram Elumalai
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ekambaram elumalai
Contributors:Dana, Allie Crowell, Samantha Wheeler, Rose, Logan, Joshua, Ashley, Arthur, Jonathan, Lorenzo, Joey, Hunter, Zack, Steven, Autumn, Roberto, Lucas, Starla, Elizabeth
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Air Temperature, Surface Temperature, Clouds, (Protocol Deactivated)
Date Submitted:05/03/2013
Screen capture from presentation
Students at Mercer County Senior High School, KY conducted an investigation on the amount of carbon stored in plants by observing abiotic factors such as surface air temperature, cloud cover, cloud type, and moisture content in soil. They have concluded that the higher clouds in the sky have an impact on the other sources such as CO2, water, and sunlight over the plants and trees.


Hello Everyone! Thanks for your nice video and for your contributions to Earth Day!
I thought your video had a lot of good information and it would have been nice to see that in your report as well. Sounds like you guys did a lot of measurements and collected a lot of data on various aspects of the environment at your school. And i hope you had fun doing so emoticon Its what we scientists do every day (well almost) when we are investigating a particular research question. A lot of the plots of data tables etc. would have fit in very nicely in a report that would have more details than your video. A couple questions that i was wondering about:
1) When you say lower or higher clouds do you actually mean lower or higher in the atmosphere or just lower and high cloud cover? This can actually make a difference.
2) why did you measure soil moisture? were you trying to link this to temperature or cloud clover and why?
3) did you identify the species of trees or plants you measured? Since you were in an ecology class i just wonder if there is a connection between the weather/climate you measured and the actual types of trees that live there. and what could happen if the climate changes?
4) I would have liked to see a plot showing the cloud cover and the temperature
5) your title is a question. did you answer that question? what else would you need to do to fully answer it. Do you think your answer would be different if you lived in a different part of KY?
Anyhow keep up the good work and keep on investigating!
How did you calculate the amount of carbon stored in the plants? And did you take measurements of CO2 for this analysis?
Thanks for sharing your work on this project. You raise some interesting questions. As Dr. Brown de Colstoun states, it appears that you did a lot of data collection. I would have loved to see more of your data analysis, as well.

I am wondering, how did you arrive at your conclusion about cloud height and carbon storage? Was it from a direct comparison of these variables?