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Global Warming Science Project

Student(s):Nathaniel Hall, Tasha Leggett, Leslie Wise
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kari Clark
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Surface Temperature
Date Submitted:05/01/2013
Screen capture from presentation


This a comment on the Global Warming Science Project but Nate and Tasha. Thanks for contributing to GLOBE and for getting outside and doing some science! (looked a little windy! emoticon
Based on your document i have relatively little to go on but here are somethings to think about.
1) It would be nice to show your data and what they show (in a graph or table for example)
2) It would be good to show your procedures (i.e did you measure at the same time each day? how many measurements did you make? what time of year? etc... just some basic info. on what you did.
3) why did you do it? what were you hoping to find? why measure grass and asphalt? those types of questions
4) what is the significance of your conclusion that temperatures are lower than average? think about this a little are they lower than previous months? years? and why?
5) you need to be careful that measurements made from year to year can vary quite a bit and only by looking at the long term can we say if the area is warming or not. Perhaps have a look at the data from some stations near by for the last ten years?
6) One little trick question for you to think about emoticon it was windy when you made the video. do you think it would make a difference in temperature if it was windy or not? cloudy or not?
Keep up the good work!
Although you did not write an Abstract, the title of your project "Global Warming" suggests that you hypothesis was that temperatures are increasing globally.
You may have also checked the GLOBE data on surface temperatures in your area or nearby places and then use that data along with your recorded data to analyze them to find out if they prove your hypothesis right or not, and then come to a conclusion.
Very good information but I would like to see what your river/lake looks like that you are talking about.
I agree with Eric - it looked windy there! The main question I want to highlight is about your temperatures collected versus looking at climatic data. How might what you be collecting fit in with climate data? How are your daily measurements different than climate data?

I look forward to seeing your answers!