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Deactivated GLOBE Protocols

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In 2020, the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) worked with the Science Working Group to gather feedback from the GLOBE community about GLOBE's protocols. The Science Working Group then developed evaluation criteria to identify protocols for potential deactivation. The factors considered in this process include low data submissions, instrumentation issues, the overall use of the protocol and ease of implementation in classroom settings. The criteria selected directly relate to GLOBE's goals in science and education, the protocol's implementation in a learning environment and its possible societal impacts.

Protocol Deactivation Process

Once a protocol is deactivated, data for that protocol cannot be entered into the database; however, historical submitted data and materials will still be available for download. The GLOBE Program will not provide updated resources for a deactivated protocol. All data visualizations and tools supporting data retrieval for the protocol will be removed. 

Before a protocol is deactivated, existing measurement data will be archived and available as a data file for download. Teaching and learning materials associated with the deactivated protocol will still be available as well. If a deactivated protocol is later determined to be in the best interest of GLOBE's mission, some or all of the protocol may be reactivated.

Deactivated Protocols

Explore the deactivated protocol resources and historical data submissions below: 



