Propose a New GLOBE Campaign or Intensive Observation Period (IOP)
Propose a New GLOBE Campaign or Intensive Observation Period (IOP)

Would you like to contribute to GLOBE science and encourage students to investigate their local environment?
GLOBE Campaigns and Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) stimulate community investigations into the local environment by providing a focus for GLOBE Student data collection. The measurements these students collect may provide scientists with research-quality measurements to use in their own studies of the environment. Students participating in campaigns and IOPs may partner with satellite missions, airborne missions and other field- or ground-based measurement activities. They may also focus on data collection and reporting to support environmental education, data analysis, science literacy, specific research questions and learning activities.
GLOBE Campaigns and IOPs are designed for students in GLOBE Schools. Campaigns and IOPs may occur at a country, regional or global scale. Individual GLOBE community members or a group of members must originate the research. Additionally, they must be developed in collaboration with at least one of the following groups:
- GLOBE Citizen Scientists
- GLOBE Educators
- GLOBE Partners
- GLOBE Country Coordinators
- GLOBE Regional Coordination Offices (RCOs)
- External Partners (for example, non-GLOBE educators, STEM professionals, or citizen scientists)
- The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) Campaign Team
Campaign and IOP Proposal Requirements
GLOBE Campaigns must meet the following requirements:
- Focus on science and education objectives that align with existing GLOBE protocols.
- Originate from the GLOBE community and be designed for GLOBE students.
- May be themed and aid in the creation of new educational products or activities that promote GLOBE student learning.
Tip: Campaigns usually span one month to three years, depending on the proposed idea and GIO approval.
Propose a GLOBE Campaign
- Country Campaign Proposal
- Review the Country Campaign proposal guidelines, and contact your GLOBE Country Coordinator.
- U.S. Only: Review the Country Campaign proposal guidelines, submit your Campaign Proposal to the U.S. Coordination Office.
- Regional Campaign Proposals
- Contact your GLOBE Regional Coordination Office.
- Global Campaign Proposals
Review the Global Campaign proposal guidelines and submit your Global Campaign proposal to the GIO Campaigns Team.
Note: Due to the bilateral agreements between GLOBE and its partner countries, the GIO can not set guidelines for regional or country campaigns outside of the U.S.
IOPs are focused periods of time where participants are encouraged to collect and enter data into the GLOBE database, contributing to a targeted data collection and education effort.
GLOBE IOPs must meet the following requirements:
- IOPs may be stand-alone initiatives or may be included as part of a GLOBE Campaign.
- IOPs may choose to include ground-based measurements that have the potential to be paired with satellite missions and airborne instruments.
Tip: IOPs typically last one week to one month and include data collection periods that may occur multiple times over a span of one to three years.
Propose a GLOBE IOP
- Country IOP Proposal
- Review the IOP proposal guidelines and contact your GLOBE Country Coordinator.
- U.S. Only: Review the IOP Proposal Guidelines and submit your IOP Proposal to the U.S. Coordination Office.
- Regional IOP Proposals
- Review the IOP proposal guidelines and contact your GLOBE Regional Coordination Office.
- Global IOP Proposals
- Review the IOP proposal guidelines, and submit your proposal to the GIO Campaigns Team.
Note: Data Challenges, which are a type of IOP, are internally sourced by the GIO.
A Statement of Interest and specific selection criteria are used to determine the feasibility of a campaign or IOP, its suitability for the program and the level of GIO support needed for its success. Once GLOBE Campaigns and IOPs are approved, they may be supported by the GIO.
Types of GIO support:
- GIO helps facilitate the success of GLOBE Campaigns and IOPs by providing assistance for these initiatives based on the resources available during the campaign's timeframe. These resources include factors like financial, technical and personnel support.
- Shared internal updates for tracking and reporting on campaign or IOP progress.
Requirements for GIO support:
- Updates about the campaign or IOP from the project's organizer.
- GIO may share these updates externally through GLOBE's social media accounts, within the GLOBE News Brief, or directly on the GLOBE website.
Note: If a campaign or IOP would like GIO support, the campaign or IOP must be approved by GIO. Resource availability may impact GIO’s ability to provide all of the communications outreach and technology support mentioned above.
Successful GLOBE Campaign and IOP proposals typically have the following elements:
- A "Science and Education" plan
- A "Communications" plan
- Involvement of GLOBE students, countries and protocols
- Encouraging collaboration and student participation in the International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)
Successful Campaign and IOP Examples
Check out the examples below for a reference on how to set up a successful GLOBE Campaign or IOP:
- GLOBE Campaign
Campaign and IOP Submission Process
Review the steps below to submit a successful GLOBE Campaign or IOP proposal (U.S. and global proposals only):

Step 1
Submit a Statement of Interest to GIO. This statement must include:
- An overview of the project
- Clear science and education objectives
- Demonstration of GLOBE protocol and data use
- GLOBE student, teacher and community involvement and engagement
Note: Statements of Interest can be emailed to the GIO Campaigns Team.
Step 2
After an initial conversation with GIO about the Statement of Interest, submit the GLOBE Campaign or IOP proposal following the guidelines mentioned above.
Step 3
After the proposal is submitted, GIO will review the submission and contact the campaign or IOP organizer within one week to confirm that it has received the proposal. Initial feedback will be communicated within one month from the submission date. Individual GLOBE Country Coordinators and RCOs will review regional and country proposals.
Note: Once initial feedback is communicated, GLOBE Campaign and IOP proposers will work with GIO to implement their approved projects. GIO's involvement in the project will be determined by current resource availability, project type and scope.