GLOBE Publications

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Since 1993, GLOBE has worked to share its impact and scientific studies with the general public. To ensure each publication's quality of research, relevance to the field and journal appropriateness, every article GLOBE publishes is subjected to the peer-review process. During this process, various scholars from the most relevant field are solicited to review and provide feedback on the publication's academic rigor. Peer review is an important step in the scientific process and bolsters an article's reliability to the scientific community at large.

GLOBE's first article explored the idea of the program and was published before GLOBE officially began. Since then, GLOBE data has been used in many scholarly works, including theses, dissertations and peer-reviewed papers. Exploring how these scientists have used GLOBE data in their research can provide you with important background information for classroom projects, as well as inspire you with ideas on how to use GLOBE's databases in your own work. 

Learn more about GLOBE publications using data from The GLOBE Program's App, GLOBE Observer.

Explore GLOBE Publications

To browse the collection of GLOBE publications, you can use the publication navigation tool below. You can explore the published articles by GLOBE Protocol, Earth Sphere, Publication Type, Language and GLOBE Region. 

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Search Results

1155 Results for

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  • Earth SySTEM: Investigating Earth from Space

    Earth SySTEM: Investigating Earth from Space


    Moore, J., Dorofy, P. Jabot, M. Bouaynaya, N. Nazari, R. Hagerty, B.

    Publication Date:


  • Engaging All Learners in an Authentic STEM Investigation with GLOBE

    Engaging All Learners in an Authentic STEM Investigation with GLOBE


    Harte, T.

  • Leveraging GLOBE Resources to Implement Middle Grades Science and Mathematics Standards

    Leveraging GLOBE Resources to Implement Middle Grades Science and Mathematics Standards


    McAllister, D.

  • Teacher Researcher Day Session: An Immersive Science Experience for Middle School Science

    Teacher Researcher Day Session: An Immersive Science Experience for Middle School Science


    Jabot, M., Lauer, A. Ferneza, P.

  • Teacher Researcher Day Session: GLOBE “Placed” Within Community

    Teacher Researcher Day Session: GLOBE “Placed” Within Community


    Jabot, M.

  • Teacher Researcher Day Session: The Use of Makerspace to Develop Environmental Understanding

    Teacher Researcher Day Session: The Use of Makerspace to Develop Environmental Understanding


    Jabot, M.

  • Holistic STEM: A Community of Sharing Ground Cloud Observations and Comparing with NASA Satellite Data

    Holistic STEM: A Community of Sharing Ground Cloud Observations and Comparing with NASA Satellite Data


    Harte, T., Colon-Robles, M. Joyner, E.

  • Aerial Exploration of Environmental Study Sites, Using Kites, Cameras, and Other Sensors

    Aerial Exploration of Environmental Study Sites, Using Kites, Cameras, and Other Sensors


    Bydlowski, D., Henry, P.

    Publication Date:


  • Elementary Storybooks and Hands-On Activities

    Elementary Storybooks and Hands-On Activities


    Hatheway, B., Gardiner, L. Harte, T.

  • Students Working as Scientists Through GLOBE Mission EARTH

    Students Working as Scientists Through GLOBE Mission EARTH


    Czajkowski, K., Struble, J. Padgett, D. Taylor, J.