Student Research Reports
“Analyzing Air Quality in Two Different Location in the Same Village”
Organization(s):Gozo College, Rabat Primary School
Student(s):Adam Mifsud; Alvaro Carabott; Amy Spiteri; Benjamin Grech; Christian Vella; Elodie Zammit Agius; Evan Zammit; Evie Sant Mercieca; Forgiveness Nayina; Gabriel Gatt; Geordie Vella; George Buhagiar; George Camilleri; Gigi Agius; Jace Joseph Schembri; Kristina Marie Sacco; Leah Sant Mercieca; Lisa Kisling; Luke Sultana; Mattias Meilak; Miguel Meilak; Mohammed Ennaji; Nathaniel Pace; Nicolia Masini Kolev; Nikalai Galea; Nora Xerri; Rafael Grech; Sofia Grech; Soleil Grech; Therese Attard; Timothy Pace; Wayne Camilleri; Yamin Alqasem; Xhoel Koraqe; Zac Said
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):J. Jesse Mercieca
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Relative Humidity
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Date Submitted:02/25/2025
During our scholastic years of 2022-2023, we performed an Air Quality Campaign (GLOBE, GLOBE Teacher Guide, 2024) while occupying Vajringa Street in Victoria, Gozo. Our school has recently moved into a new location – Fortunto Mizzi Street – staying within the same village of Victoria, Gozo. We decided to check the air quality of the new local, which included taking atmospheric readings. Below you can see the old school location and the new school location.