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A research study entitled Investigating the impact of Alum (KAI(SO4)2.12H20) in reducing the temperature of hot water and reducing waste in water and electricity

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Raneem KHALED Jerebi Rahiq alhatheq Rafa ajeeby
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Safia Mohammed
Contributors:Raneem KHALED Jerebi Rahiq alhatheq Rafa ajeeby
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS)
Protocols:Surface Temperature, Water Vapor, Land Cover Classification, Earth As a System, Alkalinity, pH, Water Temperature, Water Transparency, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:01/29/2024
The idea of research in the farm owned by(MUHAMMAD JERIBI)in (Saudi Arabia, Jazan, Sabya)commenced where it was noted that some small ponds were formed and two ponds of them were characterized by cold water when watering the farm, although the water for irrigation is very hot temperature(40-50). How can this water be cold,even when pouring it is very hot,and how to take advantage of the property of reducing the temperature of hot water in homes to reduce the waste of water and electricity, and it is also noticeable that farm workers use alum for health purposes,they are grinding and then use it in the treatment of sheep in the farm to stop bleeding injuries caused by animal nails or wounds. In this research, we started the search journey first from the farm to find out the cause of the coldness of the water.Is the water has a different source or is there a substance(Alum)found in these ponds is the cause of cold water? By search and conducting experiments on water(solubility,pH ,temperature)the use of GLOBE data sets and specifying the location of the places where the experiments were conducted to verify the validity of the results,we concluded that the alum is responsible for lowering the temperature and we found that the rate of drop in temperature is 13 degrees and is very suitable for solving the problem of hot water during Summer in homes when used in personal hygiene and thus stop wasting in water and electricity.
