Student Research Reports
A Study of the Relationship Between Water Quality, Soil Quality affecting the propagation of Scylla serrata in the Kok Ok Mangrove Forest
Student(s):Ms Kochabua Sutjaritturakan
Ms. Kamonlak Sangkan
Ms. Sirilak Khuanwilai
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kwanjai Karnchanasrimek
Contributors:Ms. Kwanjai Karnjanasrimak
Ms. Saruda Chuaydu
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025
This study of the relationship between water quality, soil quality, and Scylla serrata reproduction in the Kok Ok Mangrove Forest, Hadsamran District, Trang Province, aims to: 1) compare water quality at different times in the Kok Ok Mangrove Forest, Hadsamran District, Trang Province; 2) compare soil quality at different times in the Kok Ok Mangrove Forest, Hadsamran District, Trang Province; 3) investigate the relationship between water quality and egg development in Scylla serrata in the Kok Ok Mangrove Forest, Hadsamran District, Trang Province; and 4) investigate the relationship between water quality and soil quality and egg development in Scylla serrate.The study was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 examined water quality in areas where Scylla serrata were raised for internal egg development in female crabs. Phase 2 examined water quality and soil quality during Scylla serrata reproduction in the external egg development stage. The study period was divided into two periods: Period 1, August-October 2024, and Period 2, November 2024-January 2025.The study found that water quality and soil quality affect Scylla serrata reproduction in the Kok Ok Mangrove Forest. During November 2024-January 2025, crabs were able to develop eggs better than during August-October 2024.