Student Research Reports
A Study on the Diversity of Bryophytes in Wichienmatu School, Mueang District, Trang Province
Student(s):Ms. Mananya Chumsakul
Ms. Stefan Panitporn
Ms. Thanchanok sangsieng
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Thamonwan Bunchuay
Contributors:Miss. Oraphin Noonoom
Miss. Naeriya Tonkrongchan
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Soil Moisture - SMAP Block Pattern, Soil Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025
The study of the environmental factors affecting the diversity of bryophytes in Wichienmatu School, Mueang District, Trang Province, aimed to examine how the environment influences the diversity of bryophytes within the school. The study found that the factors affecting bryophytes in Wichienmatu School, Mueang District, Trang Province, are weather conditions and humidity levels in each area. The bryophytes found within the school were classified as follows : On bricks, the average humidity was 2.83, and the average temperature was 30°C, with 3 species of bryophytes. On soil, the average humidity was 5.50, and the average temperature was 29.66°C, with 7 species of bryophytes.On rocks, the average humidity was 1.67, and the average temperature was 30.33°C, with 1 species of bryophyte. On trees, the average humidity was 3.17, and the average temperature was 30°C, with 6 species of bryophytes. On plant pots, the average humidity was 1, and the average temperature was 30.33°C, with 1 species of bryophyte.Thus, the diversity of bryophytes is influenced by environmental factors such as sunlight exposure and humidity levels in each area. Areas with higher humidity and suitable weather conditions, such as trees, tend to have a higher diversity of bryophytes. When checking other areas with similar characteristics, bryophytes of the same or similar species were found. The study concluded that humidity and temperature significantly impact the growth of bryophytes, and areas with similar characteristics tend to support similar species of bryophytes, with bryophyte
densityincreasing in such areas. This study identified factors that influence the growth and species diversity of bryophytes.