Student Research Reports
A Study on the Physical and Chemical Factors Affecting the Growth of Ferns between Wichianmatu School Palm plantation and Rubber plantation, Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Trang Province
Student(s):Mister Punnawit Keotphiban
Miss Tiwaporn Kongkaew
Miss Sukanya Rattanapa
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Jiraporn Sirirat
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Soil Fertility, Soil Moisture - SMAP Block Pattern, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025

This project aims to study the diversity and factors affecting the growth of ferns in the palm plantation area of Wichianmatu School, which is located 20 meters above sea level, and in the rubber plantation area of Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Trang Province, which is located 24 meters above sea level. Samples were collected between December 11 - 25, 2024, and both physical and chemical comparisons were made. The study examined the structure and characteristics of the soil. In the palm plantation area of Wichianmatu School, three types of ferns were found growing on the ground: Black-stemmed fern in Loamy sand, Tamarind-leaf fern in Loamy sand, Silt clay loam, Sand, and King cobra fern in Silt clay loam, Sand. On the trees, seven species of ferns were identified: Black-stemmed fern, Peacock fern, Squirrel fern, Shoelace fern, Bird’s nest fern, and Skeleton Fork Fern. In total, ten families of ferns were found both on the ground and on trees. In the rubber plantation area of Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Trang Province, two species of ferns were found on the ground, representing two families: Black-stemmed fern in Silt clay loam, Clay loam, and Peacock fern in Silt clay loam, Silty clay.
The study results from the palm plantation at Wichianmatu School in Khok Lo Subdistrict, Mueang District, Trang Province show an average light intensity of 419.2 LUX, an average temperature of 28.42°C, average soil moisture of 23%, pH of 5.4, and average mineral content in the soil (N, P, K) of 1, 0.8, and 5.4 mg/L, respectively. In the rubber plantation area of Ban Khuan, Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Mueang District, Trang Province, the average light intensity was 351.66 LUX, average temperature was 26.05°C, average soil moisture was 18%, pH was 6, and average mineral content in the soil (N, P, K) was 0.167,0, and 0.167 mg/L. The study found that the palm plantation area at Wichianmatu School had higher light intensity, temperature, and nutrient content (N, P, K) than the rubber plantation area at Ban Khuan, which positively affected the growth of ferns both on the ground and on trees.