Student Research Reports
Aerosols Affect on Global Warming
Organization(s):United States of America GLOBE v-School
Country:United States of America
Student(s):Chris Culler and Gates Begeman
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
Contributors:Betsy Andrew and Gloria Kreischer Gajewicz
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Aerosols, Air Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025

Our project is focused on a modern issue, global warming, and we wanted to look into how aerosols can affect global warming. Our initial hypothesis was that if more aerosols are present in the atmosphere, then the atmosphere will cool down because aerosols reflect sunlight back which will cool down the atmosphere. Initially we were collecting our data ourselves by hand but the data was disappointing so we decided to research our data, and found a dataset taken by a nephelometer. In the end we found a general trend that as there was more aerosol scattering the temperature was cooler, and concluded that aerosols do help to cool the Earth rather than heat it up.