Student Research Reports
Bablje ljeto
Organization(s):OS Valentin Klarin
Student(s):Klara Kolega, Sara Kombura , Leona Ušalj
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):Jasminka Dubravica
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Precipitation
Language(s):English, Croatian
Date Submitted:12/26/2023

Ovim projektom smo odlučili istražiti jeli u jesen 2022. g. temperatura zraka bila viša, a količina oborine manja u odnosu na višegodišnji prosjek ( 1991.- 2020.) Htjeli smo istražiti je li klimatološka jesen 2022. godine bila najtoplija i najsušnija u zadnjih godina. Također, htjeli smo istražiti pojam „bablje ljeto“ i može li se taj pojam koristiti za klimatološku jesen 2022. godine.
Naime, pojam „bablje ljeto“ -(Miholjsko ljeto, Martinjsko ljeto) je produženo razdoblje toplog i suhog vremena, koje se javlja nakon kalendarskog početka jeseni. U našim krajevima najčešće se podrazumijeva da ovo razdoblje može potrajati do oko sredine listopada. Bablje ljeto je u narodu poznato i kao "Miholjsko ljeto", prema blagdanu sv. Mihovila (29. rujna).
Koristili smo školske GLOBE podatke, a podatke za višegodišnji prosjek ( 1991.-2020.) i srednje mjesečne temperature te količinu oborine za 2022. godinu. Koristili smo od nama najbliže meteorološke postaje u Zadru, a dobili smo ih od Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda (DHMZ).
With this project, we decided to investigate whether in the fall of 2022 the air temperature was higher compared to the multi-year average ( 1991.- 2020.) and whether there was less precipitation compared to the multi-year average. We aimed to investigate whether the climatological autumn of 2022 was the warmest and driest in the last thirty years. We also aimed to investigate the term "bablje ljeto" and whether this term can be used for the climatological autumn of 2022.
Namely, the term „bablje ljeto“ (Miholjsko ljeto, Martinjsko ljeto) is an extended period of warm and dry weather, which occurs after the calendar beginning of autumn.In our region, it is usually understood that this period can last until around the middle of October. Bablje summer is also popularly known as "Miholjska summer", according to the holiday of St. Michael (September 29).
We used the school GLOBE data, and the data for the multi-year (1991.-2020.) average, i.e., mean monthly temperatures and precipitation for 2022 were obtainted from the nearest station of the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service ( DHMZ) in Zadar.