Student Research Reports
Comparison of water quality in natural ponds at Wichienmatu School before and after using wastewater treatment boats
Student(s):Ms. Nisachon Wannaborwon
Ms. Poonyisa Jitaree
Ms. Nichakan Somkliang
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kwanjai Karnchanasrimek
Contributors:Kwanjai Karnjanasrimek
Mr.Yutthapong chanasuk
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025

Home electrical appliances are installed with a program to control their operation through an application.Air conditioners can control heating and cooling temperatures within the home through application.The application can command you to turn the lights on and off.In the current situation, environmental problems are a major global problem. The wastewater problem is one of the major problems, because freshwater sources are limited and those that are available have the problem of rotting water. Wicheinmatu School is one of the schools with 7 natural ponds within the school, which also have the problem of wastewater. Therefore, the research team has an idea to treat wastewater in the ponds with the following objectives: 1) To create and develop a wastewater treatment boat for use in treating wastewater in the school's water source; 2) To compare the water quality in the natural pond of Wichienmatu School before and after using the wastewater treatment boat. In the production of the wastewater treatment boat, the hull is made by a 3D printer with PLA+ fiber sheets and 10x8-inch propellers, powered by wind power and controlled by a remote control (RC). The mechanism for releasing synthetic microorganisms is demonstrated by the method of spraying mist controlled by a remote control (RC). The release of synthetic microorganisms is used in water treatment in terms of transparency, oxygen content in the water and adjustment of acidity and alkalinity. Cellulose sheets mixed with biochar are used to collect small sediments in the water.