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Factors affecting the density of Cerithidea cingulata Samran Beach, Hat Samran District, Hat Samran Subdistrict, Trang Province

Student(s):Miss Kanlayanee Kongin Miss Satreerat Thapsupa Miss Oranuch Kaewpitak
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Jiraporn Sirirat
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Salinity, Water Temperature, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/06/2025
This research aimed to study the factors affecting the density of Cerithidea cingulata at Samran Beach, Hat Samran District, Trang Province during November 2024-January 2025 by setting the sampling points of Cerithidea cingulata in the mudflat area divided into 10 lines, each line 200 meters apart. The results of the study found that Cerithidea cingulata lives in sandy loam and loamy sand soils that are at the same level as the sediment surface until the depth does not exceed 15 centimeters. The average number of Cerithidea cingulata is 416 individuals/square meter in November 2024, with the highest number of 1,152 individuals/square meter. In January 2025, the highest number of 380 individuals/square meter was found. From the study of water quality in November It was found that the water source has a Temperature of 28.5 ◦C, salinity of 26.5 ppt, pH of 5, Dissolved Oxygen of 8.5 mg/l, Alkalinity of 130mg/l. In January, it was found that the water source has a Temperature of 31 ◦C, salinity of 28 ppt, pH of 6 2, Dissolved Oxygen of 4.0 mg/l, Alkalinity of 145mg/l. It was found that the increase in Temperature, salinity, Dissolved Oxygen and pH and the study of the quality of the soil sediment found that the first area survey (November) in the area with a high density of Cerithidea cingulata found that the soil temperature was 28.5 ◦C, the soil salinity was 4259 ppt, the soil pH was 7.70 and there was low organic matter in the soil. And the soil color is 7.5 YR 4/1. The second survey (January) in the area with a high density of Cerithidea cingulata found that the soil temperature was 29.5 ◦C, the soil salinity was 4179 ppt, the soil pH was 7.07, the soil organic matter was very low, and the soil color was 7.5 YR 3/1. The analysis of the relationship between the amount of Cerithidea cingulata was in the opposite direction to the water quality, consisting of temperature, acidity-alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, and the sediment quality, consisting of organic matter, pH, and salinity, was in the same direction as the water quality
