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Grey water purification using soil, algae and aloe vera

Organization(s):Althabti basic school
Student(s):Al-Safi bint Salem Al-Yazidiyya Maryam bint Nabil Al-Yazidiyya
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):yusra aldhawi
Contributors:Ibrahim Al-Hajji Ishaq Al-Jabri Laila Al-Marjabi Salma Almahrooqi
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, Standard Research Report
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Salinity, Water Transparency, Soil Particle Density
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/01/2025
Students purifying water using soil, algae and aloe Vera.
Grey water constitutes 50-80% of the total water used inside homes. In this research,we will use organic materials available in our local environment such as soil,algae and aloe vera to treat this water for use in irrigating crops,thus protecting the environment.The research was conducted in Ibra in the Sultanate of Oman to answer the questions: 1- How much are the chemical and microbial properties of grey water affected after purification with soil and algae? 2- How much are the microbial properties of grey water affected after adding aloevera juice? We compared the properties of two samples of gray water before and after passing through soil and algae by applying the water and soil protocol with regard to(acidity,salinity, transparency, dissolved oxygen in water)and examining the cohesion of the soil. We sent the two samples to Namaa Water Services Company to determine the concentrations of some chemical compound (nitrates-ammonia -dissolved salts-phosphorus)and suspended solids and fats. We also sent two samples of grey water before and after treatment with aloeVera juice (60ml/L)to the laboratory for testing of e-coli bacteria. The results indicated that the use of algae in treating gray water has a positive effect,as salinity decreased(from 2.75ppt to 1.5ppt)and pH(from 11 to 7)and its transparency and dissolved oxygen increased(from 2ppm to 4ppm).As for the chemical compounds, their concentration decreased(nitrates from6.79 to2.75)and(soluble salts from 2814mg/l to1428 mg/l)and(phosphorus from 2.1mg/l to 1.08mg/l)and suspended solids(from 220mg/l to 14mg/l)and fats(from 3.26mg/l to0.48mg/l).As for ammonia, it increased(from <0.1mg/l to 0.57mg/l)and did not affect the e-coli bacteria .Aloe Vera juice also reduced e-coli bacteria when added to grey water So researchers recommend: 1- Possibility of using soil,algae and aloe Vera in greywater treatment In line with the standard criteria for treated greywater. 2- Designing two networks for water drainage in homes, one for grey water and the other for black water.
