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Influence of Religious Temple Environments on Mosquito Species Abundance and key Breeding sites: A Comparative Study of Thai and Chinese Temples in Trang,Thailand

Organization(s):Samsenwittayalai School
Student(s):Chananchida Chaowangkhong, Sasicha Sakalaporn, Natthakritta Channoom, Narada Tina, Sitthikorn Chokanapitug, Danaya Chidsuan, Rapatrada Junnu, Techinee Limsakul, Finley Suwandy, Nawin Supawagoon, Pongsaphak Rongphakdee, Tunyathep Naweeruengrat, Panchanok Chanajittrasakul, Jidapha Tomuan, Pongsakorn Anusorntawin, Nathachai Chanprasopchai
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kornkamon Kumnerdkarn
Contributors:Assoc.Prof.Dr.Krisanadej Jaorensutasinee, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mullica Jaroensutasinee, Miss Aishath Hussain Fayaz, Mr. Jerwin Maano, Miss Archaree Phaiboon, Miss Suchada Sattamun, Mr. Pawish Porwornchaiyakorn, Mr. Nuttanit Karnwitee and Center of Excellence for Ecoinformatics, School of Science, Walailak University
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:02/28/2025
Students of the team with their educators in the Mathematics and Computing in Nature Camp
Mosquito species abundance and key breeding sites are influenced by human activities, including religious practices and maintenance behaviors. This study focuses on: (1) comparing mosquito species abundance and key breeding sites in Thai and Chinese temples in Trang, Thailand, and (2) exploring the impact of mosquito control and mitigation practices on mosquito abundance and key breeding sites within these temple settings.Through field observations, the research identifies common mosquito breeding sites, such as water basins, ponds, and ritual offering areas, and examines how maintenance routines influence mosquito populations. By investigating the relationship between temple environments and mosquito proliferation, this study provides insights into how religious and cultural practices contribute to vector breeding. The findings highlight potential public health risks and offer recommendations for culturally sensitive mosquito control strategies while preserving the religious significance of temple environments.
