Student Research Reports
Phenological monitoring of fig in Preko and Zadar in the period from 2021 to 2023
Organization(s):OS Valentin Klarin
Student(s):Nino Vidov, Vito Vačić, Jakov Kolega,
Petra Brkljača, Una Ličina i Ana Lucia Lovrić
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):Jasminka Dubravica
Contributors:Irina Kozličić Juraga, OŠ Zdarski otoci
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Green-Up / Green-Down
Language(s):English, Croatian
Date Submitted:01/03/2025

Within this project, we decided to compare budding, leafing and leaf shedding of figs located in different locations. Namely, one fig tree is located on the island of Ugljan, in Preko near the school and is located in an olive grove. The other fig tree is located in Zadar, also near the school but surrounded by family houses and buildings.
We used the school's GLOBE data on budding and leafing of figs, leaf shedding, and average daily air temperature in the period from 1 March to 30 May and from 1 September to 30 November through three years – from 2021 to 2023.
Within this project, we were unable to prove the connection between air temperature and the beginnings of budding/dropping of fig leaves, and we assume that these phases are more influenced by other factors such as light and precipitation. Since the fig tree in Preko is located in an olive grove and is not surrounded by buildings, it receives more sunlight than the fig tree in Zadar, which is surrounded by buildings.
Ovim projektom smo odlučili usporediti pupanje, listanje i odbacivanje lista smokvi koje se nalaze na različitim lokacijama. Naime jedna smokva se nalazi na otoku Ugljanu, u Preku u blizini škole i smještena je u masliniku, a druga u Zadru, također u blizini škole, ali okružena obiteljskim kućama i zgradama.
Koristili smo školske GLOBE podatke o pupanju i listanju smokve, te odbacivanju lista, te srednje dnevne temperature zraka u periodu od 1.3. do 30.5. i od 1.9. do 30.11. kroz tri godine .