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Student(s):Andrea Batelić, Gita Glušić, Cristianna Licul, Erika Mileta, Nicoletta Milevoj, Patrik Vozila & Globe group
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):olivera tadić
Contributors:Cooperation was achieved with the Forestry Institute from Zagreb, the City of Labin, the department for spatial planning and environmental protection and the department for communal economy and property management. and the utility company 1.MAJ Labin.
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height), Land Cover Classification, Soil Characterization, Soil Particle Size Distribution, Soil pH
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Language(s):English, Croatian
Date Submitted:02/17/2024
The Pineta Forest Park surrounds the old town center of Labin, which is protected as a cultural asset and is part of the significant landscape "Labin-Rabac-Prklog". Pineta is dominated by black pine (63.95%), and age is estimated at more than 120 years. After twenty years, we decided to re-investigate the state of Pineta. Research questions: Is renovation necessary "URGENTLY"? Can Pineta continue to wear the epithet "THE NOBLE CLOAK OF THE OLD TOWN CORE OF LABIN"? The results show that the health condition of Pineta has been deteriorating over the years, today it is alarming with only 8% of healthy pines. The age of the forest has been confirmed to be more than 120 years. Since the composition of the forest, the properties of the soil and the influence of pollutants have not changed significantly, we conclude that the reason for the poor condition is the age of the forest, which has not been restoring. The answer to the first question is that Pineta needs to be renovated "URGENTLY". As the city of Labin announced the reconstruction, we will follow the activities and we hope that the answer also to the second question will be positive. It has been noted that human care was not enough considering the value of the forest, so we believe that this is the biggest reason for the decline of forest. We will inform about the activities through the school's website and local media so that the residents are informed and understand the importance of the restoration of this "pearl" of our city.
